Washington, D.C. 20549



Investment Company Act file number 811-22391

Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)

Nuveen Investments
333 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)

Mark L. Winget
Nuveen Investments
333 West Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60606
(Name and address of agent for service)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (312) 917-7700

Date of fiscal year end: March 31

Date of reporting period: September 30, 2020

Form N-CSR is to be used by management investment companies to file reports with the Commission not later than 10 days after the transmission to stockholders of any report that is required to be transmitted to stockholders under Rule 30e-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.30e-1). The Commission may use the information provided on Form N-CSR in its regulatory, disclosure review, inspection, and policymaking roles.

A registrant is required to disclose the information specified by Form N-CSR, and the Commission will make this information public. A registrant is not required to respond to the collection of information contained in Form N-CSR unless the Form displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (“OMB”) control number. Please direct comments concerning the accuracy of the information collection burden estimate and any suggestions for reducing the burden to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. The OMB has reviewed this collection of information under the clearance requirements of 44 U.S.C. ss. 3507.



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Table of Contents

Chair’s Letter

to Shareholders

Dear Shareholders,
The COVID-19 crisis is taking an unprecedented toll on our health, societies, economies and financial markets. Our thoughts are with you during this time of significant disruption caused by the disease and its economic fallout.
A renewed increase in COVID-19 cases in multiple areas, including an outbreak affecting President Trump and White House staffers and contacts, showed that controlling the spread of the novel coronavirus remains an ongoing public health concern as economies reopen and social activities resume. In the meantime, medical knowledge is improving and some areas have been able to implement much narrower restrictions when infection clusters have recurred. This, along with government stimulus, has helped an economic recovery gain traction, with a significant recovery in jobs, consumer spending, manufacturing and other indicators from their weakest levels. Additionally, progress toward a vaccine and treatments has been promising, while the timeline is unknown. Markets have recently taken an optimistic view, but the course of the virus and policy goals of the presumptive Biden administration – and their implications for the U.S. economic recovery – will continue to shape sentiment.
While we do not want to understate the dampening effect on the global economy, it is important to differentiate short-term interruptions from the longer-lasting implications to the economy. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, some areas of the global economy were showing signs of improvement after trade tensions had weighed on economic activity for much of 2019. More recently, countries that have reopened have seen marked improvement in some near-term economic indicators.
Central banks and governments around the world have announced economic stimulus measures and pledged to continue doing what it takes to support their economies. In the U.S., the Federal Reserve has cut its benchmark interest rate to near zero and introduced similar programs that helped revive the U.S. economy after the 2008 financial crisis. The U.S. Government has approved three relief packages, including a $2 trillion-dollar package directly supporting businesses and individuals. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, called the CARES Act, has provided direct payments and expanded unemployment benefits to individuals, loans and grants to small businesses, loans and other money to large corporations and funding for hospitals, public health, education and state and local governments. Additional stimulus measures are expected after the election, even if control of Congress remains divided. In the European Union, the European Central Bank recently increased the size of its Pandemic Emergency Purchase Program, known as PEPP, to $1.6 trillion from $882 billion and extended its duration to June 2021.
In the meantime, patience and a long-term perspective are key for investors. When market fluctuations are the leading headlines day after day, it’s tempting to “do something.” However, your long-term goals can’t be met with short-term thinking. We encourage you to talk to your financial professional, who can review your time horizon, risk tolerance and investment goals. On behalf of the other members of the Nuveen Fund Board, we look forward to continuing to earn your trust in the months and years ahead.

Terence J. Toth
Chair of the Board
November 20, 2020

Portfolio Manager’s Comments
Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund (NBB)
The Fund features portfolio management by Nuveen Asset Management, LLC (NAM), an affiliate of Nuveen, LLC, the Funds’ investment adviser. Portfolio manager Daniel J. Close, CFA, discusses key investment strategies and the six-month performance of the Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund (NBB). Dan has managed NBB since its inception in April 2010.
An Update on COVID-19 Coronavirus and its Impact on the Securities Markets
Slowing COVID-19 coronavirus infection rates around the world encouraged authorities to loosen restrictions on business and social activity in recent months. While economic indicators have improved considerably from the depths of the shutdown, some regions, including the U.S. and Europe, have seen an uptick in infection rates after reopening, which prompted tightening coronavirus restrictions in some areas. Additionally, certain government programs supporting businesses and workers are expiring with little clarity on extensions or replacement options. Amid these challenges, the pace of recovery appeared to be moderating and short-term market volatility has picked up again.
The initial market response was severe, but the responses from central banks and governments to ease the strain on financial systems, businesses and individuals, as well as positive vaccine news, have helped markets bounce back from the depths of the crisis. Although the detection of the virus in China was made public in December 2019, markets did not start to fully acknowledge the risks and potential economic impact until the latter portion of February 2020, when outbreaks outside of China were first reported. Global stock markets sold off severely, with the S&P 500® index reaching a bear market (a 20% drop from the previous high) within three weeks, the fastest bear market decline in history. Even certain parts of the bond market suffered; below investment grade municipal and corporate bonds generally dropped the furthest, mostly out of concerns for the continued financial stability of lower quality issuers. Demand for safe-haven assets, along with mounting recession fears, drove the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note to 0.5% in March 2020, an all-time low. Additionally, oil prices collapsed to an 18-year low on supply glut concerns, as shutdowns across the global economy sharply reduced oil demand, although oil prices have recovered to well above those lows.
While most markets have recovered most of their losses, volatility will likely remain elevated until the health crisis itself is under control (via fewer new cases, lower infection rates and/or verified treatments or vaccines). There are still many unknowns and new information is incoming daily, compounding the difficulty of modeling outcomes for epidemiologists and economists alike.

This material is not intended to be a recommendation or investment advice, does not constitute a solicitation to buy, sell or hold a security or an investment strategy and is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. The information provided does not take into account the specific objectives or circumstances of any particular investor, or suggest any specific course of action. Investment decisions should be made based on an investor’s objectives and circumstances and in consultation with his or her advisors.
Certain statements in this report are forward-looking statements. Discussions of specific investments are for illustration only and are not intended as recommendations of individual investments. The forward-looking statements and other views expressed herein are those of the portfolio manager as of the date of this report. Actual future results or occurrences may differ significantly from those anticipated in any forward-looking statements, and the views expressed herein are subject to change at any time, due to numerous market and other factors. The Fund disclaims any obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or views expressed herein.
For financial reporting purposes, the ratings disclosed are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group (S&P), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) or Fitch, Inc. (Fitch). This treatment of split-rated securities may differ from that used for other purposes, such as for Fund investment policies. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings, while BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below investment grade ratings. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies.
Bond insurance guarantees only the payment of principal and interest on the bond when due, and not the value of the bonds themselves, which will fluctuate with the bond market and the financial success of the issuer and the insurer. Insurance relates specifically to the bonds in the portfolio and not to the share prices of a Fund. No representation is made as to the insurers’ ability to meet their commitments.
Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for further definition of the terms used within this section.


Portfolio Manager’s Comments (continued)
Nuveen, LLC and our portfolio management teams are monitoring the situation carefully and continuously refining our views and approaches to managing the Funds to best pursue investment objectives while mitigating risks through all market environments.
What key strategies were used to manage NBB during the six-month reporting period ended September 30, 2020?
The Fund’s primary investment objective is to provide current income through investments in taxable municipal securities. The Fund’s secondary investment objective is to seek enhanced portfolio value and total return. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of taxable municipal securities, which make up approximately 80% of its managed assets. Under normal circumstances, the Fund may invest 20% of its managed assets in securities other than taxable municipal securities including tax-exempt municipal securities, U.S. Treasury and other U.S. government agency securities. At least 80% of the Fund’s managed assets will be invested in securities that are investment grade quality at the time of purchase, as rated by at least one independent rating agency or judged to be of comparable quality by NAM. In addition, the Fund will use an integrated leverage and hedging strategy so that the Fund has the potential to enhance income and risk-adjusted total return over time. The Fund may employ leverage instruments such as bank borrowings, including loans from certain financial institutions, and portfolio investments that have the economic effect of leverage, including investments in inverse floating rate securities.
During the six-month reporting period, the municipal market continued to recover from the liquidity-driven sell-off in March 2020 (prior to the beginning of this reporting period). As the economic shock caused by coronavirus containment measures was becoming apparent in March 2020, financial markets including U.S. municipal bonds responded dramatically. Interest rate volatility spiked, municipal bond prices severely dislocated from Treasury bond prices and municipal credit spreads widened to levels significantly above the long-term average. Quick intervention from the government and Federal Reserve (Fed) brought stability to the municipal market, supporting a rebound in the high grade segments of the municipal bond market. Lower rated, higher yielding municipal bonds, however, were slower to rebound, as these credits are more typically found in sectors more affected by the coronavirus, including transportation, lodging, convention centers, hospitals, senior living facilities and higher education.
Despite the elevated volatility in March and April 2020, interest rates ended the six-month reporting period down slightly from the beginning of the reporting period. A sharper fall in short-term rates, driven by the Fed moving its benchmark target rate to zero, steepened the yield curve. Demand for municipal bonds began to recover, with investor inflows resuming a positive trend after the March-April 2020 sell-off, including in high yield municipal bonds. Issuance also approached more normal levels by the end of the reporting period. Supply-demand conditions have therefore remained favorable for municipal bonds, helping credit spreads to narrow from the widest levels seen during the pandemic-induced volatility.
We continued to invest according to the Fund’s expanded mandate (following the elimination of the contingent term), which provides the flexibility to seek higher yielding bonds. While these bonds may offer less liquidity, the Fund’s perpetual strategy affords us the time horizon to see credit situations develop. Additionally, given the smaller volume of buyers in the taxable municipal market compared to the tax exempt market, our deep credit analysis can take advantage of overlooked areas of the market to source attractively undervalued credit stories. Issuance in the taxable municipal market has accelerated over the past year as municipal issuers, which are prohibited from issuing new tax-exempt bonds to pre-refund existing tax-exempt bonds, have taken advantage of the low interest rate environment and the strong demand for yield to issue taxable municipal debt.
We were active buyers in this reporting period. Municipal bond prices were significantly dislocated from fundamentals, especially among lower rated, higher yielding bonds, which provided an attractive entry point for investments that we believe can enhance the Fund’s income distribution capability, portfolio value and total return over time. We bought bonds in five car rental facilities (Hawaii, Ohio, Portland, Texas), Seagirt Marine Terminal - Maryland Port Administration, a Baltimore parking garage, a tax increment district for Graceland (Tennessee), a private higher education credit (Seton Hall), a Georgia public utility (Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia) and two dedicated tax bonds for convention centers in Washington state and Wisconsin. All of these bonds had been very out of favor at the time of purchase, but our research indicated they have the ability to weather the temporary disruption. We funded

the new buys with the proceeds from called and maturing bonds and from selectively selling higher grade, lower yielding paper. As the Fund reaches its 10-year mark this year, callable structures are starting to mature, providing ample cash to reinvest.
How did the Fund perform over the six-month reporting period ended September 30, 2020?
The table in the Fund’s Performance Overview and Holding Summaries section of this report provides the Fund’s total returns for the six-month, one-year, five-year and ten-year periods ended September 30, 2020.
The Fund’s total returns are compared with the performance of the corresponding market indexes. For the six-month reporting period ended September 30, 2020, the total returns on common share net asset value (NAV) for NBB outperformed the return for the Bloomberg Barclays Taxable Municipal Long Bond Index.
Individual credit selection added the most value to relative performance in this reporting period. The best performing positions were mainly long duration, high credit quality bonds, especially those we held over the full reporting period. The weakest performers were concentrated in bonds that rely on mass gatherings of people to generate revenue, including holdings in hotels, car rental facilities at airports and public mass transit systems.
As part of its approach to investing, the Fund uses an integrated leverage and hedging strategy in an effort to enhance current income and total return, while working to maintain a level of interest rate risk similar to that of the Bloomberg Barclays Taxable Municipal Long Bond Index. As part of this integrated strategy, NBB used inverse floating rate securities, also known as inverse floaters or tender option bonds (TOBs) and reverse repurchase agreements (known as reverse repos) as leverage to potentially magnify performance. During this reporting period, the Fund used interest rate swaps to reduce their leverage-adjusted durations to a level close to that of the Bloomberg Barclays Taxable Municipal Long Bond Index. In addition, the Fund entered into staggered interest rate swaps to partially fix the interest cost of leverage. During this reporting period, the inverse floaters and interest rate swaps performed as expected. Due to the path of interest rates and credit spread contraction during this reporting period, the use of inverse floaters contributed positively to performance while the duration-shortening swaps detracted, as expected. Leverage is discussed in more detail later in this report. The Fund also managed the duration of its portfolio by shorting interest rate futures contracts, which had a negative impact on performance during the reporting period.
We use these strategies to help manage the portfolio’s duration and enhance income, along with the allocation of bonds by effective duration. In this reporting period, our duration positioning contributed a small gain to relative performance. An underweight to 6- to 8-year effective durations was helpful. However, the positive impact was mostly offset by an overweight to the zero to 2-year effective durations, which were the weakest performing segment, and an underweight to 12 years and longer effective durations, which were outperformers.
The Fund’s positioning was unfavorable on a credit quality basis. An underweight to AA rated credits detracted, as the AA segment outperformed in this reporting period. Overweight allocations to A and BBB rated bonds also hampered relative performance. These mid and lower investment grade bonds lagged the market overall.
Sector allocations were an overall positive contributor to relative performance. Allocations to state and local general obligation bonds detracted, but the outperformance of our overweights to electric utilities and water and sewer bonds more than compensated.
Fund Leverage
One important factor impacting the returns of the Fund’s common shares relative to its comparative benchmark was the Fund’s use of leverage through reverse repurchase agreements and investments in inverse floating rate securities, which represent leveraged investments in underlying bonds. The Fund used leverage because our research has shown that, over time, leveraging provides opportunities for additional income. The opportunity arises when short-term rates that a Fund pays on its leveraging instruments are lower than the interest the Fund earns on its portfolio of long-term bonds that it has bought with the proceeds of that leverage. This has been particularly true in the recent market environment where short-term rates have been low by historical standards.
However, use of leverage can expose Fund common shares to additional price volatility. When the Fund uses leverage, the Fund’s common shares will experience a greater increase in their net asset value if the municipal bonds acquired through the use of leverage increase in value, but will also experience a correspondingly larger decline in their net asset value if the bonds acquired through leverage decline in value, which will make the shares’ net asset value more volatile, and total return performance more variable, over time.
In addition, common share income in levered funds will typically decrease in comparison to unlevered funds when short-term interest rates increase and increase when short-term interest rates decrease. In recent quarters, fund leverage expenses have generally tracked the overall movement of short-term tax-exempt interest rates. While fund leverage expenses are somewhat higher than their all-time lows, leverage nevertheless continues to provide the opportunity for incremental common share income, particularly over longer-term periods.
NBB’s use of leverage had a positive impact on total return performance during this reporting period. 
As of September 30, 2020, the Fund’s percentages of leverage are as shown in the accompanying table. 
Effective Leverage* 
Regulatory Leverage* 
Effective leverage is a Fund’s effective economic leverage, and includes both regulatory leverage and the leverage effects of reverse repurchase agreements, certain derivatives and other investments in a Fund’s portfolio that increase the Fund’s investment exposure. Currently, the leverage effects of Tender Option Bond (TOB) inverse floater holdings are included in effective leverage values, in addition to any regulatory leverage. Regulatory leverage consists of preferred shares issued or borrowings of a Fund. Both of these are part of a Fund’s capital structure. A Fund, however, may from time to time borrow on a typically transient basis in connection with its day-to-day operations, primarily in connection with the need to settle portfolio trades. Such incidental borrowings are excluded from the calculation of a Fund’s effective leverage ratio. Regulatory leverage is subject to asset coverage limits set forth in the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Reverse Repurchase Agreements
As noted previously, the Fund utilized reverse repurchase agreements, in which the Fund sells to a counterparty a security that it holds with a contemporaneous agreement to repurchase the same security at an agreed upon price and date. The Fund’s transactions in reverse repurchase agreements are as shown in the accompanying table. Sales reflect on-going leverage management activity that seeks to maintain the Fund’s leverage ratio within a specified internal operating range.
Subsequent to the Close of 
 Current Reporting Period 
the Reporting Period 
Balance as of 
Balance as of 
Average Balance 
Balance as of 
April 1, 2020 
September 30, 2020 
November 25, 2020 
Refer to Notes to Financial Statements, Note 8 - Fund Leverage, Reverse Repurchase Agreements and Note 10 – Subsequent Events,
Reverse Repurchase Agreements for further details.

Common Share Information
The following information regarding the Fund’s distributions is current as of September 30, 2020. The Fund’s distribution levels may vary over time based on the Fund’s investment activity and portfolio investment value changes.
During the current reporting period, the Fund’s distributions to common shareholders were as shown in the accompanying table.
Per Common 
Monthly Distributions (Ex-Dividend Date) 
Share Amounts 
April 2020 
September 2020 
Total Distributions from Net Investment Income 
Market Yield* 
* Market Yield is based on the Fund’s current annualized monthly distribution divided by the Fund’s current market price as of the end of the reporting period. 
The Fund seeks to pay regular monthly dividends out of its net investment income at a rate that reflects its past and projected net income performance. To permit the Fund to maintain a more stable monthly dividend, the Fund may pay dividends at a rate that may be more or less than the amount of net income actually earned by the Fund during the period. Distributions to common shareholders are determined on a tax basis, which may differ from amounts recorded in the accounting records. In instances where the monthly dividend exceeds the earned net investment income, the Fund would report a negative undistributed net ordinary income. Refer to Note 6 – Income Tax Information for additional information regarding the amounts of undistributed net ordinary income and undistributed net long-term capital gains and the character of the actual distributions paid by the Fund during the period.
All monthly dividends paid by the Fund during the current reporting period were paid from net investment income. If a portion of the Fund’s monthly distributions is sourced or comprised of elements other than net investment income, including capital gains and/or a return of capital, shareholders will be notified of those sources. For financial reporting purposes, the per share amounts of the Fund’s distributions for the reporting period are presented in this report’s Financial Highlights. For income tax purposes, distribution information for the Fund as of its most recent tax year end is presented in Note 6 – Income Tax Information within the Notes to Financial Statements of this report.
The Nuveen Closed-End Funds’ monthly and quarterly periodic distributions to shareholders are posted on www.nuveen.com and can be found on Nuveen’s enhanced closed-end fund resource page, which is at https://www.nuveen.com/resource-center-closed-end-funds, along with other Nuveen closed-end fund product updates. To ensure timely access to the latest information, shareholders may use a subscribe function, which can be activated at this web page (https://www.nuveen.com/subscriptions).
During August 2020, the Fund’s Board of Trustees reauthorized an open-market share repurchase program, allowing the Fund to repurchase an aggregate of up to approximately 10% of its outstanding shares.
As of September 30, 2020, and since the inception of the Fund’s repurchase program, the Fund has cumulatively repurchased and retired its outstanding common shares as shown in the accompanying table.
Common shares cumulatively repurchased and retired 
Common shares authorized for repurchase 
During the current reporting period, the Fund did not repurchase any of its outstanding common shares. 
As of September 30, 2020, and during the current reporting period, the Fund’s common share prices were trading at a premium/-(discount) to its common share NAV as shown in the accompanying table.
Common share NAV 
Common share price 
Premium/(Discount) to NAV 
6-month average premium/(discount) to NAV 


Risk Considerations
Fund shares are not guaranteed or endorsed by any bank or other insured depository institution, and are not federally insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund (NBB)
Investing in closed-end funds involves risk; principal loss is possible. There is no guarantee the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved. Closed-end fund shares may frequently trade at a discount or premium to their net asset value. Debt or fixed income securities such as those held by the Fund, are subject to market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, derivatives risk, liquidity risk, and income risk. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall. Lower credit debt securities may be more likely to fail to make timely interest or principal payments. The Fund’s investments in Build America Bonds, which were discontinued in 2010, subject the Fund to tax risk, liquidity risk, and may negatively affect the Fund’s performance. Leverage increases return volatility and magnifies the Fund’s potential return and its risks; there is no guarantee a fund’s leverage strategy will be successful. These and other risk considerations such as inverse floater risk, and tax risk are described in more detail on the Fund’s web page at www.nuveen.com/NBB.

Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund
Performance Overview and Holding Summaries as of September 30, 2020

Refer to the Glossary of Terms Used in this Report for further definition of the terms used within this section. 

Average Annual Total Returns as of September 30, 2020 
Average Annual 
NBB at Common Share NAV 
NBB at Common Share Price 
Bloomberg Barclays Taxable Municipal Long Bond Index 
Past performance is not predictive of future results. Current performance may be higher or lower than the data shown. Returns do not reflect the deduction of taxes that shareholders may have to pay on Fund distributions or upon the sale of Fund shares. Returns at NAV are net of Fund expenses, and assume reinvestment of distributions. Comparative index return information is provided for the Fund’s shares at NAV only. Indexes are not available for direct investment.


Performance Overview and Holding Summaries as of 
September 30, 2020 (continued) 
This data relates to the securities held in the Fund’s portfolio of investments as of the end of the reporting period. It should not be construed as a measure of performance for the Fund itself. Holdings are subject to change. 

For financial reporting purposes, the ratings disclosed are the highest rating given by one of the following national rating agencies: Standard & Poor’s Group, Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. or Fitch, Inc. This treatment of split-rated securities may differ from that used for other purposes, such as for Fund investment policies. Credit ratings are subject to change. AAA, AA, A and BBB are investment grade ratings; BB, B, CCC, CC, C and D are below-investment grade ratings. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by these national rating agencies. 
Fund Allocation 
(% of net assets) 
Long-Term Municipal Bonds 
Other Assets Less Liabilities 

Net Assets Plus Floating Rate Obligations 
& Reverse Repurchase Agreements 
Floating Rate Obligations 
Reverse Repurchase Agreements 
Net Assets 

Portfolio Credit Quality 
(% of total investment exposure) 
BB or Lower 
Portfolio Composition 
(% of total investments) 
Tax Obligation/Limited 
Tax Obligation/General 
Water and Sewer 
Health Care 
States and Territories 
(% of total municipal bonds) 
New York 
New Jersey 
1 See Portfolio of Investments for details on “other” States and Territories.

Shareholder Meeting Report
The annual meeting of shareholders was held on August 5, 2020 for NBB. The meeting was held virtually due to public health concerns regarding the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic; at this meeting the shareholders were asked to elect Board members.
Approval of the Board Members was reached as follows: 
John K. Nelson 
Terence J. Toth 
Robert L. Young 


Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund
Portfolio of Investments
September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
LONG-TERM INVESTMENTS – 136.0% (100.0% of Total Investments) 
MUNICIPAL BONDS – 136.0% (100.0% of Total Investments) 
Arizona – 1.2% (0.9% of Total Investments) 
$ 2,000 
Arizona Industrial Development Authority, Arizona, Education Facility Revenue Bonds, 
11/20 at 102.00 
$ 1,966,500 
Basis Schools, Inc Projects, Series 2018A, 6.000%, 7/01/33, 144A 
Mesa, Arizona, Utility System Revenue Bonds, Series 2010, 6.100%, 7/01/34 
11/20 at 100.00 
Northern Arizona University, System Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2020A, 3.462%, 
No Opt. Call 
6/01/44 – BAM Insured 
Total Arizona 
California – 32.1% (23.6% of Total Investments) 
ABAG Finance Authority for Non-Profit Corporations, California, Special Tax Bonds, 
Community Facilities District 2004-1 Seismic Safety Improvements 690 & 942 Market Street 
Project, Taxable Refunding: 
5.100%, 9/01/28 
No Opt. Call 
5.500%, 9/01/38 
9/28 at 100.00 
Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Refunding Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
Subordinate Lien Series 2004B, 0.000%, 10/01/31 – AMBAC Insured 
Bay Area Toll Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, San Francisco Bay Area Toll Bridge, 
No Opt. Call 
Subordinate Lien, Build America Federally Taxable Bond Series 2010S-1, 6.793%, 4/01/30 
California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank, Revenue Bonds, J David 
10/29 at 100.00 
Gladstone Institutes Project, Taxable Series 2019, 4.658%, 10/01/59 
California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank, Revenue Bonds, University of 
No Opt. Call 
California San Francisco Neurosciences Building, Build America Taxable Bond Series 2010B, 
6.486%, 5/15/49 
California State Public Works Board, Lease Revenue Bonds, Various Capital Projects, 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Taxable Bond Series 2009G-2, 8.361%, 10/01/34 (4) 
California State University, Systemwide Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bond Series 
No Opt. Call 
2010B, 6.484%, 11/01/41 (4) 
California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose Build America Taxable Bond 
11/20 at 100.00 
Series 2010, 7.950%, 3/01/36 
California State, General Obligation Bonds, Various Purpose, Build America Taxable Bond 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2010, 7.600%, 11/01/40 (4) 
California Statewide Communities Development Authority, California, Revenue Bonds, Loma 
No Opt. Call 
Linda University Medical Center, Series 2014B, 6.000%, 12/01/24 
Los Angeles Community College District, California, General Obligation Bonds, Build 
America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010: 
6.600%, 8/01/42 (4) 
No Opt. Call 
6.600%, 8/01/42 (UB) (4) 
No Opt. Call 
Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles County, California, General 
No Opt. Call 
Obligation Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XG002, 22.161%, 8/01/49, 144A (IF) (4) 
Los Angeles County Public Works Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, 
Multiple Capital Projects I, Build America Taxable Bond Series 2010B: 
7.488%, 8/01/33 
No Opt. Call 
7.618%, 8/01/40 (4) 
No Opt. Call 
Los Angeles Department of Airports, California, Revenue Bonds, Los Angeles International 
No Opt. Call 
Airport, Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2009C, 6.582%, 5/15/39 (4) 
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, California, Power System Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Federally Taxable – Direct Payment – Build America Bonds, Series 2010A, 5.716%, 7/01/39 

Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
California (continued) 
$ 1,785 
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, California, Power System Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
$ 3,054,581 
Federally Taxable – Direct Payment – Build America Bonds, Series 2010D, 6.574%, 7/01/45 
Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, California, Water System Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XFT906, 20.645%, 7/01/50, 144A (IF) (4) 
Sacramento Public Financing Authority, California, Lease Revenue Bonds, Golden 1 Center, 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2015, 5.637%, 4/01/50 (4) 
San Diego County Regional Transportation Commission, California, Sales Tax Revenue 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds Series 2010A, 5.911%, 4/01/48 (4) 
San Francisco City and County Public Utilities Commission, California, Water Revenue 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Taxable Build America Bond Series 2010G, 6.950%, 11/01/50 
San Francisco City and County Redevelopment Financing Authority, California, Tax 
No Opt. Call 
Allocation Revenue Bonds, San Francisco Redevelopment Projects, Taxable Series 2009E, 
8.406%, 8/01/39 
San Francisco City and County, California, Certificates of Participation, 525 Golden 
Gate Avenue, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission Office Project, Tender Option 
Bond 2016-XFT901: 
20.356%, 11/01/41, 144A (IF) (4) 
No Opt. Call 
28.276%, 11/01/41, 144A (IF) (4) 
No Opt. Call 
University of California Regents, Medical Center Pooled Revenue Bonds, Taxable Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Bond Series 2010H, 6.548%, 5/15/48 (4) 
University of California, General Revenue Bonds, Limited Project, Build America Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
Bond Series 2010F, 5.946%, 5/15/45 
Vernon, California, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Series 2008A, 8.590%, 7/01/38 
No Opt. Call 
Total California 
Colorado – 2.1% (1.5% of Total Investments) 
Colorado Bridge Enterprise, Revenue Bonds, Federally Taxable Build America Series 2010A, 
No Opt. Call 
6.078%, 12/01/40 (4) 
Denver School District 1, Colorado, General Obligation Bonds, Build America Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Series 2009C, 5.664%, 12/01/33 (4) 
Regional Transportation District, Colorado, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Fastracks Project, 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Series 2010B, 5.844%, 11/01/50 
Total Colorado 
Georgia – 7.3% (5.4% of Total Investments) 
Cobb-Marietta Coliseum and Exhibit Hall Authority, Georgia, Revenue Bonds, Cobb County 
1/26 at 100.00 
Coliseum Project, Taxable Series 2015, 4.500%, 1/01/47 
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Project M Bonds, Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Bonds Series 2010A, 6.655%, 4/01/57 
Georgia Municipal Electric Authority, Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Project P Bonds, 
Refunding Taxable Build America Bonds Series 2010A: 
7.055%, 4/01/57 – AGM Insured 
No Opt. Call 
7.055%, 4/01/57 
No Opt. Call 
Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia, Plant Vogtle Units 3 & 4 Project J Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Build America Bonds Series 2010A, 6.637%, 4/01/57 
Total Georgia 
Hawaii – 0.8% (0.6% of Total Investments) 
Hawaii State, Airports System Customer Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 
7/29 at 100.00 
2019A, 2.970%, 7/01/39 
Illinois – 10.5% (7.7% of Total Investments) 
Chicago Board of Education, Illinois, General Obligation Bonds, Dedicated Revenues, 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2010C, 6.319%, 11/01/29 – BAM Insured 


Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund
Portfolio of Investments (continued)
September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
Illinois (continued) 
$ 8,080 
Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Sales Tax Receipts Revenue Bonds, Federally Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
$ 11,081,962 
Build America Bonds, Series 2010B, 6.200%, 12/01/40 (4) 
Chicago Transit Authority, Illinois, Sales Tax Receipts Revenue Bonds, Taxable Refunding 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2020B, 3.912%, 12/01/40 
Chicago, Illinois, General Airport Revenue Bonds, O’Hare International Airport, Third 
No Opt. Call 
Lien, Taxable Build America Bond Series 2010B, 6.395%, 1/01/40 
Chicago, Illinois, Wastewater Transmission Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bond 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2010B, 6.900%, 1/01/40 
Chicago, Illinois, Water Revenue Bonds, Taxable Second Lien Series 2010B, 6.742%, 11/01/40 
No Opt. Call 
Illinois International Port District, Revenue Bonds, Taxable Refunding Series 2020, 
1/26 at 101.00 
5.000%, 1/01/35, 144A 
Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010-5, 
No Opt. Call 
7.350%, 7/01/35 
Illinois State, General Obligation Bonds, Taxable Build America Bonds, Series 2010-3, 
No Opt. Call 
6.725%, 4/01/35 
Illinois Toll Highway Authority, Toll Highway Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2009A, 6.184%, 1/01/34 (4) 
Illinois Toll Highway Authority, Toll Highway Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Senior Lien Series 2009B, 5.851%, 12/01/34 
Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency, Power Project Revenue Bonds, Prairie State 
No Opt. Call 
Project, Build America Bond Series 2009C, 6.859%, 1/01/39 
Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency, Power Project Revenue Bonds, Prairie State 
No Opt. Call 
Project, Build America Taxable Bond Series 2010A, 7.820%, 1/01/40 
Total Illinois 
Indiana – 1.4% (1.0% of Total Investments) 
Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Build America Bonds, Series 
No Opt. Call 
2010A-2, 6.004%, 1/15/40 (4) 
Indianapolis Local Public Improvement Bond Bank, Indiana, Build America Taxable Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2010B-2, 6.116%, 1/15/40 (4) 
Total Indiana 
Kentucky – 1.4% (1.0% of Total Investments) 
Kentucky Municipal Power Agency, Power System Revenue Bonds, Prairie State Project, 
10/20 at 100.00 
Build America Bond Series 2010B, 6.490%, 9/01/37 – AGM Insured 
Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District, Kentucky, Sewer and 
No Opt. Call 
Drainage System Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds Series 2010A, 6.250%, 5/15/43 
Total Kentucky 
Maryland – 1.4% (1.0% of Total Investments) 
Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Economic Development Revenue Bonds, Terminal 
No Opt. Call 
Project, Refunding Series 2017B, 4.550%, 6/01/35 
Maryland Economic Development Corporation, Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds Baltimore 
City Project, Senior Parking Facilities Revenue, Series 2018B: 
4.790%, 6/01/38 
6/28 at 100.00 
5.050%, 6/01/43 
6/28 at 100.00 
5.320%, 6/01/51 
6/28 at 100.00 
Total Maryland 

Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
Massachusetts – 2.1% (1.6% of Total Investments) 
$ 4,000 
Massachusetts, Transportation Fund Revenue Bonds, Accelerated Bridge Program, Tender 
No Opt. Call 
$ 12,948,800 
Option Bond Trust 2016-XFT907, 16.473%, 6/01/40, 144A (IF) (4) 
Michigan – 1.2% (0.9% of Total Investments) 
Michigan Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Revenue 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Taxable Turbo Series 2006A, 7.309%, 6/01/34 
Mississippi – 0.5% (0.3% of Total Investments) 
Mississippi State, General Obligation Bonds, Build America Taxable Bond Series 2010F, 
No Opt. Call 
5.245%, 11/01/34 
New Jersey – 4.3% (3.2% of Total Investments) 
New Jersey Educational Facilities Authority, Revenue Bonds, Seton Hall University, 
7/30 at 100.00 
Taxable Series 2020D, 3.958%, 7/01/48 – AGM Insured 
New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2009F, 
No Opt. Call 
7.414%, 1/01/40 
New Jersey Turnpike Authority, Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010A, 
No Opt. Call 
7.102%, 1/01/41 (4) 
Rutgers State University, New Jersey, Revenue Bonds, Taxable Build America Bond Series 
No Opt. Call 
2010H, 5.665%, 5/01/40 
South Jersey Transportation Authority, New Jersey, Transportation System Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Bond Series 2009A-5, 7.000%, 11/01/38 
Total New Jersey 
New York – 21.2% (15.6% of Total Investments) 
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, Revenue Bonds, Montefiore Obligated Group, 
Taxable Series 2018B: 
5.096%, 8/01/34 
No Opt. Call 
4.946%, 8/01/48 – AGM Insured 
8/28 at 100.00 
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010D, 5.600%, 3/15/40 (UB) 
Dormitory Authority of the State of New York, State Personal Income Tax Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XFT903, 15.806%, 3/15/40, 144A (IF) (4) 
Long Island Power Authority, New York, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Build America 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Bond Series 2010B, 5.850%, 5/01/41 (4) 
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Dedicated Tax Fund Bonds, Build America 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Bonds, Series 2010C, 7.336%, 11/15/39 
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010B-1, 6.548%, 11/15/31 
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Federally 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Build America Bonds, Series 2010E, 6.814%, 11/15/40 
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York, Transportation Revenue Bonds, Federally 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Issuer Subsidy Build America Bonds, Series 2010A, 6.668%, 11/15/39 
New York City Industrial Development Agency, New York, Installment Purchase and Lease 
Revenue Bonds, Queens Baseball Stadium Project, Series 2006: 
6.027%, 1/01/46 – AMBAC Insured 
No Opt. Call 
6.027%, 1/01/46 – AGM Insured 
No Opt. Call 
New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewer System 
No Opt. Call 
Revenue Bonds, Second Generation Resolution, Build America Taxable Bonds, Fiscal 2011 
Series AA, 5.440%, 6/15/43 
New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewer System 
Revenue Bonds, Second Generation Resolution, Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010DD: 
5.952%, 6/15/42 (UB) 
No Opt. Call 
5.952%, 6/15/42 
No Opt. Call 


Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund
Portfolio of Investments (continued)
September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
New York (continued) 
$ 3,595 
New York City Municipal Water Finance Authority, New York, Water and Sewer System 
No Opt. Call 
$ 14,415,482 
Revenue Bonds, Second Generation Resolution, Taxable Tender Option Bonds 
Trust 2016-XFT908, 17.035%, 6/15/44, 144A (IF) 
New York City Transitional Finance Authority, New York, Building Aid Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Fiscal 2011 Taxable Build America Bond Series 2010S-1B, 6.828%, 7/15/40 (4) 
New York City Transitional Finance Authority, New York, Future Tax Secured Bonds, Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010G-1, 5.467%, 5/01/40 
New York City, New York, General Obligation Bonds, Federally Taxable Build America 
12/20 at 100.00 
Bonds, Series 2010-F1, 6.646%, 12/01/31 
Westchester County Health Care Corporation, New York, Senior Lien Revenue Bonds, Series 
No Opt. Call 
2010-C1, 8.572%, 11/01/40 – AGM Insured 
Total New York 
Ohio – 6.2% (4.6% of Total Investments) 
American Municipal Power Inc, Ohio, Combined Hydroelectric Projects Revenue Bonds, Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Bond Series 2010B, 7.834%, 2/15/41 
American Municipal Power Inc, Ohio, Meldahl Hydroelectric Projects Revenue Bonds, Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Bond Series 2010B, 7.499%, 2/15/50 
American Municipal Power Ohio Inc, Prairie State Energy Campus Project Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Bond Series 2009C, 6.053%, 2/15/43 (4) 
Columbus Regional Airport Authority, Ohio, Customer Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, 
Taxable Series 2019: 
4.059%, 12/15/39 
12/29 at 100.00 
4.199%, 12/15/48 
12/29 at 100.00 
Port of Greater Cincinnati Development Authority, Ohio, Special Obligation Tax Increment 
1/26 at 100.00 
Financing Revenue Bonds, Cooperative Township Public Parking Project, Kenwood Collection 
Redevelopment, Refunding, 6.600%, 1/01/39 
Toledo Lucas County Port Authority, Ohio, Revenue Bonds, StoryPoint Waterville Project, 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Series 2016A-2, 8.500%, 1/15/22, 144A 
Total Ohio 
Oklahoma – 3.5% (2.6% of Total Investments) 
Oklahoma Development Finance Authority, Health System Revenue Bonds, OU Medicine 
No Opt. Call 
Project, Taxable Series 2018D, 5.450%, 8/15/28 
Oregon – 0.6% (0.5% of Total Investments) 
Port of Portland, Oregon, Portland International Airport Customer Facility Charge 
Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2019: 
4.067%, 7/01/39 
7/29 at 100.00 
4.237%, 7/01/49 
7/29 at 100.00 
Total Oregon 
Pennsylvania – 1.5% (1.1% of Total Investments) 
Commonwealth Financing Authority, Pennsylvania, State Appropriation Lease Bonds, Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Taxable Bonds, Series 2009D, 6.218%, 6/01/39 
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2009A, 6.105%, 12/01/39 
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Turnpike Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2010B, 5.511%, 12/01/45 
Total Pennsylvania 

Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
South Carolina – 3.9% (2.8% of Total Investments) 
South Carolina Public Service Authority, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Santee Cooper, 
Federally Taxable Build America Series 2010C: 
$ 1,000 
6.454%, 1/01/50 
No Opt. Call 
$ 1,606,130 
6.454%, 1/01/50 – AGM Insured 
No Opt. Call 
6.454%, 1/01/50 (UB) 
No Opt. Call 
South Carolina Public Service Authority, Electric System Revenue Bonds, Santee Cooper, 
No Opt. Call 
Federally Taxable Build America Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XFT909, 19.600%, 
1/01/50, 144A (IF) 
South Carolina Public Service Authority, Santee Cooper Revenue Obligations, Refunding 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2013C, 5.784%, 12/01/41 – AGM Insured 
Total South Carolina 
Tennessee – 4.4% (3.2% of Total Investments) 
Jackson, Tennessee, Hospital Revenue Bonds, Jackson-Madison County General Hospital 
No Opt. Call 
Project, Series 2018B, 5.308%, 4/01/48 
Memphis/Shelby County Economic Development Growth Engine Industrial Development Board, 
Tennessee, Tax Increment Revenue Bonds, Graceland Project, Senior Taxable Series 2017B: 
5.200%, 7/01/37 
7/27 at 100.00 
5.450%, 7/01/45 
7/27 at 100.00 
Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Convention Center Authority, 
No Opt. Call 
Tennessee, Tourism Tax Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 2010A-2, 
7.431%, 7/01/43 (4) 
Metropolitan Government Nashville & Davidson County Convention Center Authority, 
No Opt. Call 
Tennessee, Tourism Tax Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, Subordinate Lien Series 
2010B, 6.731%, 7/01/43 
Metropolitan Government of Nashville-Davidson County Health and Educational Facilities 
1/21 at 100.00 
Board, Tennessee, Revenue Bonds, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Taxable Series 2020D, 
2.656%, 7/01/46 (Mandatory Put 7/01/21) (1-Month LIBOR reference rate + 2.500% spread) (5) 
Total Tennessee 
Texas – 13.9% (10.2% of Total Investments) 
Austin, Texas, Rental Car Special Facility Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2013: 
5.460%, 11/15/32 
11/22 at 100.00 
5.750%, 11/15/42 (4) 
11/22 at 100.00 
Dallas Area Rapid Transit, Texas, Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Build America Taxable Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Series 2009B, 5.999%, 12/01/44 
Dallas Convention Center Hotel Development Corporation, Texas, Hotel Revenue Bonds, 
No Opt. Call 
Build America Taxable Bonds, Series 09B, 7.088%, 1/01/42 (4) 
Fort Worth, Tarrant, Denton, Parker, Johnson, and Wise Counties, Texas, Special Tax 
9/24 at 100.00 
Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2017B, 4.238%, 3/01/47 
Grand Parkway Transportation Corporation, Texas, System Toll Revenue Bonds, Taxable 
4/30 at 100.00 
Refunding Subordinate Lien Series 2020B Tela Supported, 3.236%, 10/01/52 
North Texas Tollway Authority, System Revenue Bonds, Taxable Build America Bond Series 
No Opt. Call 
2009B, 6.718%, 1/01/49 (4) 
San Antonio, Texas, Customer Facility Charge Revenue Bonds, Rental Car Special 
7/25 at 100.00 
Facilities Project, Series 2015, 5.671%, 7/01/35 
San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas System Revenue Bonds, Junior Lien, Build America 
No Opt. Call 
Taxable Bond Series 2010A, 5.808%, 2/01/41 
San Antonio, Texas, Electric and Gas System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012, 4.427%, 2/01/42 
No Opt. Call 
Total Texas 

Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund
Portfolio of Investments (continued)
September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Optional Call 
Amount (000) 
Description (1) 
Provisions (2) 
Ratings (3) 
Utah – 1.2% (0.9% of Total Investments) 
$ 8,500 
Salt Lake County, Utah, Convention Hotel Revenue Bonds, Taxable Series 2019, 5.750%, 
10/29 at 100.00 
$ 7,713,410 
10/01/47, 144A 
Virginia – 6.4% (4.7% of Total Investments) 
Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority, Virginia, Dulles Toll Road Revenue Bonds, 
Dulles Metrorail & Capital improvement Projects, Second Senior Lien, Build America Bond 
Series 2009D: 
7.462%, 10/01/46 – AGM Insured 
No Opt. Call 
7.462%, 10/01/46 
No Opt. Call 
Tobacco Settlement Financing Corporation of Virginia, Tobacco Settlement Asset Backed 
6/25 at 100.00 
Bonds, Refunding Senior Lien Series 2007A, 6.706%, 6/01/46 
Virginia Small Business Finance Authority, Tourism Development Financing Program Revenue 
4/28 at 117.16 
Bonds, Downtown Norfolk and Virginia Beach Oceanfront Hotel Projects, Series 2018B, 12.000%, 
4/01/48, 144A 
Total Virginia 
Washington – 5.6% (4.1% of Total Investments) 
Seattle, Washington, Municipal Light and Power Revenue Bonds, Federally Taxable Build 
No Opt. Call 
America Bonds, Tender Option Bond Trust 2016-XFT905, 24.471%, 2/01/40, 144A (IF) (4) 
Washington State Convention Center Public Facilities District, Lodging Tax Revenue 
No Opt. Call 
Bonds, Build America Taxable Bond Series 2010B, 6.790%, 7/01/40 (4) 
Total Washington 
West Virginia – 0.9% (0.7% of Total Investments) 
Tobacco Settlement Finance Authority, West Virginia, Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed 
6/25 at 100.00 
Bonds, Taxable Turbo Series 2007A, 7.467%, 6/01/47 
Wisconsin – 0.4% (0.3% of Total Investments) 
Wisconsin Center District, Dedicated Tax Revenue Bonds, Supported by State Moral 
12/30 at 100.00 
Obligation Taxable Senior Series 2020A, 4.473%, 12/15/47 – AGM Insured 
$ 576,769 
Total Long-Term Investments (cost $614,378,368) 
Floating Rate Obligations – (6.0)% 
Reverse Repurchase Agreements – (34.6)% (6) 
Other Assets Less Liabilities – 4.6% (7) 
Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares – 100% 
$ 615,014,324 
Investments in Derivatives 
Futures Contracts 

Number of 
U.S. Treasury Ultra Bond 

All percentages shown in the Portfolio of Investments are based on net assets applicable to common shares unless otherwise noted. 
Optional Call Provisions: Dates (month and year) and prices of the earliest optional call or redemption. There may be other call provisions at varying prices at later dates. 
Certain mortgage-backed securities may be subject to periodic principal paydowns. 
For financial reporting purposes, the ratings disclosed are the highest of Standard & Poor’s Group (“Standard & Poor’s”), Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (“Moody’s”) or 
Fitch, Inc. (“Fitch”) rating. This treatment of split-rated securities may differ from that used for other purposes, such as for Fund investment policies. Ratings below BBB 
by Standard & Poor’s, Baa by Moody’s or BBB by Fitch are considered to be below investment grade. Holdings designated N/R are not rated by any of these national 
rating agencies. 
Investment, or portion of investment, has been pledged to collateralize the net payment obligations for inverse floating rate transactions and/or reverse repurchase 
agreements. As of the end of the reporting period, investments with a value of $244,856,321 have been pledged as collateral for reverse repurchase agreements. 
Variable rate security. The rate shown is the coupon as of the end of the reporting period. 
Reverse Repurchase Agreements as a percentage of Total Investments is 25.4%. 
Other assets less liabilities includes the unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of certain over-the counter (“OTC”) derivatives as presented on the Statement of Assets and 
Liabilities, when applicable. The unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of OTC cleared and exchange-traded derivatives is recognized as part of cash collateral at brokers 
and/or the receivable or payable for variation margin as presented on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, when applicable. 
Investment is exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. These investments may only be resold in transactions exempt from 
registration, which are normally those transactions with qualified institutional buyers. 
Inverse floating rate security issued by a tender option bond (“TOB”) trust, the interest rate on which varies inversely with the Securities Industry Financial Markets Association 
(SIFMA) short-term rate, which resets weekly, or a similar short-term rate, and is reduced by the expenses related to the TOB trust. 
London Inter-Bank Offered Rate 
Underlying bond of an inverse floating rate trust reflected as a financing transaction. See Notes to Financial Statements, Note 4 – Portfolio Securities and Investments in 
Derivatives for more information. 
See accompanying notes to financial statements. 

Statement of Assets and Liabilities
September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Long-term investments, at value (cost $614,378,368) 
Cash collateral at broker for investments in futures contracts(1) 
Receivable for: 
Investments sold 
Variation margin on futures contracts 
Other assets 
Total assets 
Cash overdraft 
Reverse repurchase agreements 
Floating rate obligations 
Payable for: 
Accrued expenses: 
Management fees 
Trustees fees 
Total liabilities 
Net assets applicable to common shares 
Common shares outstanding 
Net asset value (“NAV”) per common share outstanding 
Net assets applicable to common shares consist of: 
Common shares, $0.01 par value per share 
Total distributable earnings 
Net assets applicable to common shares 
Authorized common shares 
(1) Cash pledged to collateralize the net payment obligations for investments in derivatives. 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.
Statement of Operations
Six Months Ended September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Investment Income 
Management fees 
Interest expense 
Custodian fees 
Trustees fees 
Professional fees 
Shareholder reporting expenses 
Shareholder servicing agent fees 
Stock exchange listing fees 
Investor relations expenses 
Total expenses 
Net investment income (loss) 
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) 
Net realized gain (loss) from: 
Futures contracts 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of: 
Futures contracts 
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss) 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shares from operations 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Six Months
Net investment income (loss) 
Net realized gain (loss) from: 
Futures contracts 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of: 
Futures contracts 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shares from operations 
Distributions to Common Shareholders 
Return of capital 
Decrease in net assets applicable to common shares from distributions to common shareholders 
Capital Share Transactions 
Net proceeds from common shares issued to shareholders due to reinvestment of distributions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shares from capital share transactions 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shares 
Net assets applicable to common shares at the beginning of period 
Net assets applicable to common shares at the end of period 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Statement of Cash Flows
Six Months Ended September 30, 2020 (Unaudited)
Cash Flows from Operating Activities: 
Net Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shares from Operations 
Adjustments to reconcile the net increase (decrease) in net assets applicable to common shares from 
operations to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: 
Purchases of investments 
Proceeds from sales and maturities of investments 
Premiums received (paid) for interest rate swaps 
Amortization (Accretion) of premium and discounts, net 
(Increase) Decrease in: 
Receivable for interest 
Receivable for investments sold 
Receivable for variation margin on future contracts 
Receivable for variation margin on swap contracts 
Other assets 
Increase (Decrease) in: 
Payable for interest 
Payable for investments purchased – regular settlement 
Accrued management fees 
Accrued Trustees fees 
Accrued other expenses 
Net realized (gain) loss from investments 
Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of Investments 
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 
Cash Flow from Financing Activities: 
Proceeds from reverse repurchase agreements 
Repayments of repurchase agreements 
Increase (Decrease) in cash overdraft 
Cash distributions paid to common shareholders 
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 
Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Collateral at Brokers 
Cash and cash collateral at brokers at the beginning of period 
Cash and cash collateral at brokers at the end of the period 
Supplemental Disclosures of Cash Flow Information 
Cash paid for interest (excluding leverage costs) 
Non-cash financing activities not included herein consists of reinvestments of common share distributions 
See accompanying notes to financial statements.
Financial Highlights (Unaudited)
Selected data for a common share outstanding throughout each period: 

Less Distributions 
Investment Operations 
to Common Shareholders 
Common Share 
 Net Realized 
Return of 
 Gain (Loss) 
Year Ended 3/31: 
$ 2.55 
$ 3.13 
$ — 
$ — 
Borrowings at 
the End of Period 
Per $1,000 
Year Ended 3/31: 
$ — 
$ — 

Common Share Supplemental Data/ 
Ratios Applicable to Common Shares 
Common Share 
Total Returns 
Ratios to Average Net Assets(c) 
Based on 
Based on 
Assets (000) 
Income (Loss) 

(a)                 Per share Net Investment Income (Loss) is calculated using the average daily shares method.

(b)                 Total Return Based on Common Share NAV is the combination of changes in common share NAV, reinvested dividend income at NAV and reinvested capital gains distributions at NAV, if any. The last dividend declared in the period, which is typically paid on the first business day of the following month, is assumed to be reinvested at the ending NAV. The actual reinvest price for the last dividend declared in the period may often be based on the Fund’s market price (and not its NAV), and therefore may be different from the price used in the calculation. Total returns are not annualized.

Total Return Based on Common Share Price is the combination of changes in the market price per share and the effect of reinvested dividend income and reinvested capital gains distributions, if any, at the average price paid per share at the time of reinvestment. The last dividend declared in the period, which is typically paid on the first business day of the following month, is assumed to be reinvested at the ending market price. The actual reinvestment for the last dividend declared in the period may take place over several days, and in some instances may not be based on the market price, so the actual reinvestment price may be different from the price used in the calculation. Total returns are not annualized.

(c)                 •  Net Investment Income (Loss) ratios reflect income earned and expenses incurred on assets attributable to borrowings and/or reverse repurchase agreements (as described in Note 8 – Fund Leverage), where applicable.

                     • The expense ratios reflect, among other things, all interest expense and other costs related to borrowings and/or reverse repurchase agreements (as described in Note 8 – Fund Leverage) and/or the interest expense deemed to have been paid by the Fund on the floating rate certificates issued by the special purpose trusts for the self-deposited inverse floaters held by the Fund (as described in Note 4 – Portfolio Securities and Investments in Derivatives, Inverse Floating Rate Securities), where applicable, as follows:

Year Ended 3/31: 
Portfolio Turnover Rate is calculated based on the lesser of long-term purchases or sales (as disclosed in Note 4 – Portfolio Securities and Investments in Derivatives, Investment Transactions) divided by the average long-term market value during the period.

For the six months ended September 30, 2020.

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

Notes to
Financial Statements (Unaudited)
1. General Information

Fund Information
The fund covered in this report and its corresponding New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) symbol is Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund (NBB) (the “Fund”). The Fund is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”), as amended, as a diversified, closed-end management investment company. The Fund was organized as a Massachusetts business trust on December 4, 2009.
The end of the reporting period for the Fund is September 30, 2020, and the period covered by these Notes to Financial Statements is the six months ended September 30, 2020 (the “current fiscal period”).
Investment Adviser and Sub-Adviser
The Fund’s investment adviser is Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC (the “Adviser”), a subsidiary of Nuveen, LLC (“Nuveen”). Nuveen is the investment management arm of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA). The Adviser has overall responsibility for management of the Fund, oversees the management of the Fund’s portfolio, manages the Fund’s business affairs and provides certain clerical, bookkeeping and other administrative services, and, if necessary, asset allocation decisions. The Adviser has entered into a sub-advisory agreement with Nuveen Asset Management, LLC (the “Sub-Adviser”), a subsidiary of the Adviser, under which the Sub-Adviser manages the investment portfolio of the Fund.
Other Matters
The outbreak of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) and subsequent global pandemic began significantly impacting the U.S. and global financial markets and economies during the calendar quarter ended March 31, 2020. The worldwide spread of COVID-19 has created significant uncertainty in the global economy. The duration and extent of COVID-19 over the long-term cannot be reasonably estimated at this time. The ultimate impact of COVID-19 and the extent to which COVID-19 impacts the Funds’ normal course of business, results of operations, investments, and cash flows will depend on future developments, which are highly uncertain and difficult to predict. Management continues to monitor and evaluate this situation.
2. Significant Accounting Policies
The accompanying financial statements were prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“U.S. GAAP”), which may require the use of estimates made by management and the evaluation of subsequent events. Actual results may differ from those estimates. The Fund is an investment company and follows the accounting guidance in the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification 946, Financial Services—Investment Companies. The net asset value (“NAV”) for financial reporting purposes may differ from the NAV for processing security and common share transactions. The NAV for financial reporting purposes includes security and common share transactions through the date of the report. Total return is computed based on the NAV used for processing security and common share transactions. The following is a summary of the significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Fund.
The Fund pays no compensation directly to those of its trustees who are affiliated with the Adviser or to its officers, all of whom receive remuneration for their services to the Fund from the Adviser or its affiliates. The Fund’s Board of Trustees (“the Board”) has adopted a deferred compensation plan for independent trustees that enables trustees to elect to defer receipt of all or a portion of the annual compensation they are entitled to receive from certain Nuveen-advised funds. Under the plan, deferred amounts are treated as though equal dollar amounts had been invested in shares of select Nuveen-advised funds.
Distributions to Common Shareholders
Distributions to common shareholders are recorded on the ex-dividend date. The amount, character and timing of distributions are determined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ from U.S. GAAP.
Under the Fund’s organizational documents, its officers and trustees are indemnified against certain liabilities arising out of the performance of their duties to the Fund. In addition, in the normal course of business, the Fund enters into contracts that provide general indemnifications to other parties. The Fund’s maximum exposure under these arrangements is unknown as this would involve future claims that may be made against the Fund that have not yet occurred. However, the Fund has not had prior claims or losses pursuant to these contracts and expects the risk of loss to be remote.
Investments and Investment Income
Securities transactions are accounted for as of the trade date for financial reporting purposes. Realized gains and losses on securities transactions are based upon the specific identification method. Investment income is comprised of interest income, which is recorded on an accrual basis and includes the accretion of discounts and the amortization of premiums for financial reporting purposes. Investment income also reflects payment-in-kind (“PIK”) interest and paydown gains and losses, if any. PIK interest represents income received in the form of securities in lieu of cash.
Netting Agreements
In the ordinary course of business, the Fund may enter into transactions subject to enforceable International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) master agreements or other similar arrangements (“netting agreements”). Generally, the right to offset in netting agreements allows the Fund to offset certain securities and derivatives with a specific counterparty, when applicable, as well as any collateral received or delivered to that counterparty based on the terms of the agreements. Generally, the Fund manages its cash collateral and securities collateral on a counterparty basis.
The Fund’s investments subject to netting agreements as of the end of the reporting period, if any, are further described in Note 4 – Portfolio Securities and Investments in Derivatives.
New Accounting Pronouncements and Rule Issuances
Reference Rate Reform
In March 2020, FASB issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform: Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting. The main objective of the new guidance is to provide relief to companies that will be impacted by the expected change in benchmark interest rates at the end of 2021, when participating banks will no longer be required to submit London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) quotes by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The new guidance allows companies to, provided the only change to existing contracts are a change to an approved benchmark interest rate, account for modifications as a continuance of the existing contract without additional analysis. For new and existing contracts, the Funds may elect to apply the optional expedients as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. Management has not yet elected to apply the optional expedients, but is currently assessing the impact of the ASU’s adoption to the Funds’ financial statements and various filings.
3. Investment Valuation and Fair Value Measurements
The Fund’s investments in securities are recorded at their estimated fair value utilizing valuation methods approved by the Board. Fair value is defined as the price that would be received upon selling an investment or transferring a liability in an orderly transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market for the investment. U.S. GAAP establishes the three-tier hierarchy which is used to maximize the use of observable market data and minimize the use of unobservable inputs and to establish classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Observable inputs are based on market data obtained from sources independent of the reporting entity. Unobservable inputs reflect management’s assumptions about the assumptions market participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. Unobservable inputs are based on the best information available in the circumstances. The following is a summary of the three-tiered hierarchy of valuation input levels.
Level 1 – Inputs are unadjusted and prices are determined using quoted prices in active markets for identical securities.
Level 2 – Prices are determined using other significant observable inputs (including quoted prices for similar securities, interest rates, credit spreads, etc.).
Level 3 – Prices are determined using significant unobservable inputs (including management’s assumptions in determining the fair value of investments).
A description of the valuation techniques applied to the Fund’s major classifications of assets and liabilities measured at fair value follows:
Prices of fixed-income securities are generally provided by an independent pricing service (“pricing service”) approved by the Board. The pricing service establishes a security’s fair value using methods that may include consideration of the following: yields or prices of investments of comparable quality, type of issue, coupon, maturity and rating, market quotes or indications of value from security dealers, evaluations of anticipated cash flows or collateral, general market conditions and other information and analysis, including the obligor’s credit characteristics considered relevant. In pricing certain securities, particularly less liquid and lower quality securities, the pricing service may consider information about a security, its issuer or market activity, provided by the Adviser. These securities are generally classified as Level 2.
Futures contracts are valued using the closing settlement price or, in the absence of such a price, the last traded price and are generally classified as Level 1.
Any portfolio security or derivative for which market quotations are not readily available or for which the above valuation procedures are deemed not to reflect fair value are valued at fair value, as determined in good faith using procedures approved by the Board. As a general principle, the fair value of a

Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)
security would appear to be the amount that the owner might reasonably expect to receive for it in a current sale. A variety of factors may be considered in determining the fair value of such securities, which may include consideration of the following: yields or prices of investments of comparable quality, type of issue, coupon, maturity and rating, market quotes or indications of value from security dealers, evaluations of anticipated cash flows or collateral, general market conditions and other information and analysis, including the obligor’s credit characteristics considered relevant. To the extent the inputs are observable and timely, the values would be classified as Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy; otherwise they would be classified as Level 3.
The following table summarizes the market value of the Fund’s investments as of the end of the reporting period, based on the inputs used to value them:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Long-Term Investments*: 
Municipal Bonds 
Investments in Derivatives: 
Futures Contracts** 
Refer to the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments for state classifications.
Represents net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) as reported in the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments.
4. Portfolio Securities and Investments in Derivatives

Portfolio Securities

Inverse Floating Rate Securities
The Fund is authorized to invest in inverse floating rate securities. An inverse floating rate security is created by depositing a municipal bond (referred to as an “Underlying Bond”), typically with a fixed interest rate, into a special purpose tender option bond (“TOB”) trust (referred to as the “TOB Trust”) created by or at the direction of the Fund. In turn, the TOB Trust issues (a) floating rate certificates (referred to as “Floaters”), in face amounts equal to some fraction of the Underlying Bond’s par amount or market value, and (b) an inverse floating rate certificate (referred to as an “Inverse Floater”) that represents all remaining or residual interest in the TOB Trust. Floaters typically pay short-term tax-exempt interest rates to third parties who are also provided a right to tender their certificate and receive its par value, which may be paid from the proceeds of a remarketing of the Floaters, by a loan to the TOB Trust from a third party liquidity provider (“Liquidity Provider”), or by the sale of assets from the TOB Trust. The Inverse Floater is issued to a long term investor, such as the Fund. The income received by the Inverse Floater holder varies inversely with the short-term rate paid to holders of the Floaters, and in most circumstances the Inverse Floater holder bears substantially all of the Underlying Bond’s downside investment risk and also benefits disproportionately from any potential appreciation of the Underlying Bond’s value. The value of an Inverse Floater will be more volatile than that of the Underlying Bond because the interest rate is dependent on not only the fixed coupon rate of the Underlying Bond but also on the short-term interest paid on the Floaters, and because the Inverse Floater essentially bears the risk of loss (and possible gain) of the greater face value of the Underlying Bond.
The Inverse Floater held by the Fund gives the Fund the right to (a) cause the holders of the Floaters to tender their certificates at par (or slightly more than par in certain circumstances), and (b) have the trustee of the TOB Trust (the “Trustee”) transfer the Underlying Bond held by the TOB Trust to the Fund, thereby collapsing the TOB Trust.
The Fund may acquire an Inverse Floater in a transaction where it (a) transfers an Underlying Bond that it owns to a TOB Trust created by a third party or (b) transfers an Underlying Bond that it owns, or that it has purchased in a secondary market transaction for the purpose of creating an Inverse Floater, to a TOB Trust created at its direction, and in return receives the Inverse Floater of the TOB Trust (referred to as a “self-deposited Inverse Floater”). The Fund may also purchase an Inverse Floater in a secondary market transaction from a third party creator of the TOB Trust without first owning the Underlying Bond (referred to as an “externally-deposited Inverse Floater”).
An investment in a self-deposited Inverse Floater is accounted for as a “financing” transaction (i.e., a secured borrowing). For a self-deposited Inverse Floater, the Underlying Bond deposited into the TOB Trust is identified in the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments as “(UB) – Underlying bond of an inverse floating rate trust reflected as a financing transaction,” with the Fund recognizing as liabilities, labeled “Floating rate obligations” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, (a) the liquidation value of Floaters issued by the TOB Trust, and (b) the amount of any borrowings by the TOB Trust from a Liquidity Provider to enable the TOB Trust to purchase outstanding Floaters in lieu of a remarketing. In addition, the Fund recognizes in “Investment Income” the entire earnings of the Underlying Bond, and recognizes (a) the interest paid to the holders of the Floaters or on the TOB Trust’s borrowings, and (b) other expenses related to remarketing, administration, trustee, liquidity and other services to a TOB Trust, as a component of “Interest expense” on the Statement of Operations. Earnings due from the Underlying Bond and interest due to the holders of the Floaters as of the end of the reporting period are recognized as components of “Receivable for interest” and “Payable for interest” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities, respectively.
In contrast, an investment in an externally-deposited Inverse Floater is accounted for as a purchase of the Inverse Floater and is identified in the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments as “(IF) – Inverse floating rate investment.” For an externally-deposited Inverse Floater, a Fund’s Statement of Assets and
Liabilities recognizes the Inverse Floater and not the Underlying Bond as an asset, and the Fund does not recognize the Floaters, or any related borrowings from a Liquidity Provider, as a liability. Additionally, the Fund reflects in “Investment Income” only the net amount of earnings on the Inverse Floater (net of the interest paid to the holders of the Floaters or the Liquidity Provider as lender, and the expenses of the Trust), and does not show the amount of that interest paid or the expenses of the TOB Trust as described above as interest expense on the Statement of Operations.
Fees paid upon the creation of a TOB Trust for self-deposited Inverse Floaters and externally-deposited Inverse Floaters are recognized as part of the cost basis of the Inverse Floater and are capitalized over the term of the TOB Trust.
As of the end of the reporting period, the aggregate value of Floaters issued by the Fund’s TOB Trust for self-deposited Inverse Floaters and externally-deposited Inverse Floaters was as follows:
Floating Rate Obligations Outstanding 
Floating rate obligations: self-deposited Inverse Floaters 
$ 36,810,000 
Floating rate obligations: externally-deposited Inverse Floaters 
During the current fiscal period, the average amount of Floaters (including any borrowings from a Liquidity Provider) outstanding and the average annual interest rate and fees related to self-deposited Inverse Floaters, were as follows:
Self-Deposited Inverse Floaters 
Average floating rate obligations outstanding 
Average annual interest rate and fees 
TOB Trusts are supported by a liquidity facility provided by a Liquidity Provider pursuant to which the Liquidity Provider agrees, in the event that Floaters are (a) tendered to the Trustee for remarketing and the remarketing does not occur, or (b) subject to mandatory tender pursuant to the terms of the TOB Trust agreement, to either purchase Floaters or to provide the Trustee with an advance from a loan facility to fund the purchase of Floaters by the TOB Trust. In certain circumstances, the Liquidity Provider may otherwise elect to have the Trustee sell the Underlying Bond to retire the Floaters that were tendered and not remarketed prior to providing such a loan. In these circumstances, the Liquidity Provider remains obligated to provide a loan to the extent that the proceeds of the sale of the Underlying Bond is not sufficient to pay the purchase price of the Floaters.
The size of the commitment under the loan facility for a given TOB Trust is at least equal to the balance of that TOB Trust’s outstanding Floaters plus any accrued interest. In consideration of the loan facility, fee schedules are in place and are charged by the Liquidity Provider(s). Any loans made by the Liquidity Provider will be secured by the purchased Floaters held by the TOB Trust. Interest paid on any outstanding loan balances will be effectively borne by the Fund that owns the Inverse Floaters of the TOB Trust that has incurred the borrowing and may be at a rate that is greater than the rate that would have been paid had the Floaters been successfully remarketed.
As described above, any amounts outstanding under a liquidity facility are recognized as a component of “Floating rate obligations” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities by the Fund holding the corresponding Inverse Floaters issued by the borrowing TOB Trust. As of the end of the reporting period, there were no loans outstanding under any such facility.
The Fund may also enter into shortfall and forbearance agreements (sometimes referred to as a “recourse arrangement”) (TOB Trusts involving such agreements are referred to herein as “Recourse Trusts”), under which a Fund agrees to reimburse the Liquidity Provider for the Trust’s Floaters, in certain circumstances, for the amount (if any) by which the liquidation value of the Underlying Bond held by the TOB Trust may fall short of the sum of the liquidation value of the Floaters issued by the TOB Trust plus any amounts borrowed by the TOB Trust from the Liquidity Provider, plus any shortfalls in interest cash flows. Under these agreements, a Fund’s potential exposure to losses related to or on an Inverse Floater may increase beyond the value of the Inverse Floater as a Fund may potentially be liable to fulfill all amounts owed to holders of the Floaters or the Liquidity Provider. Any such shortfall amount in the aggregate is recognized as “Unrealized depreciation on Recourse Trusts” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
As of the end of the reporting period, the Fund’s maximum exposure to the Floaters issued by Recourse Trusts for self-deposited Inverse Floaters and externally-deposited Inverse Floaters was as follows:
Floating Rate Obligations - Recourse Trusts 
Maximum exposure to Recourse Trusts: self-deposited Inverse Floaters 
$ 36,810,000 
Maximum exposure to Recourse Trusts: externally-deposited Inverse Floaters 
Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)
Zero Coupon Securities
A zero coupon security does not pay a regular interest coupon to its holders during the life of the security. Income to the holder of the security comes from accretion of the difference between the original purchase price of the security at issuance and the par value of the security at maturity and is effectively paid at maturity. The market prices of zero coupon securities generally are more volatile than the market prices of securities that pay interest periodically.
Investment Transactions
Long-term purchases and sales (including maturities but excluding derivative transactions) during the current fiscal period were as follows:
Sales and maturities 
The Fund may purchase securities on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis. Securities purchased on a when-issued or delayed-delivery basis may have extended settlement periods; interest income is not accrued until settlement date. Any securities so purchased are subject to market fluctuation during this period. The Fund has earmarked securities in their portfolios with a current value at least equal to the amount of the when issued/ delayed-delivery purchase commitments. If a Fund has outstanding when-issued/delayed-delivery purchases commitments as of the end of the reporting period, such amounts are recognized on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
Investments in Derivatives
In addition to the inverse floating rate securities in which the Fund may invest, which are considered portfolio securities for financial reporting purposes, the Fund is authorized to invest in certain other derivative instruments such as futures, options and swap contracts. The Fund limits its investments in futures, options on futures and swap contracts to the extent necessary for the Adviser to claim the exclusion from registration by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a commodity pool operator with respect to the Fund. The Fund records derivative instruments at fair value, with changes in fair value recognized on the Statement of Operations, when applicable. Even though the Fund’s investments in derivatives may represent economic hedges, they are not considered to be hedge transactions for financial reporting purposes.
Futures Contracts
Upon execution of a futures contract, the Fund is obligated to deposit cash or eligible securities, also known as ‘‘initial margin,’’ into an account at its clearing broker equal to a specified percentage of the contract amount. Cash held by the broker to cover initial margin requirements on open futures contracts, if any, is recognized as ‘‘Cash collateral at broker for investments in futures contracts’’ on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Investments in futures contracts obligate the Fund and the clearing broker to settle monies on a daily basis representing changes in the prior days ‘‘mark-to-market’’ of the open contracts. If the Fund has unrealized appreciation the clearing broker would credit the Fund’s account with an amount equal to appreciation and conversely if the Fund has unrealized depreciation the clearing broker would debit the Fund’s account with an amount equal to depreciation. These daily cash settlements are also known as ‘‘variation margin.’’ Variation margin is recognized as a receivable and/or payable for ‘‘Variation margin on futures contracts’’ on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
During the period the futures contract is open, changes in the value of the contract are recognized as an unrealized gain or loss by ‘‘marking-to-market’’ on a daily basis to reflect the changes in market value of the contract, which is recognized as a component of ‘‘Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of futures contracts’’ on the Statement of Operations. When the contract is closed or expired, the Fund records a realized gain or loss equal to the difference between the value of the contract on the closing date and value of the contract when originally entered into, which is recognized as a component of ‘‘Net realized gain (loss) from futures contracts’’ on the Statement of Operations.
Risks of investments in futures contracts include the possible adverse movement in the price of the securities or indices underlying the contracts, the possibility that there may not be a liquid secondary market for the contracts and/or that a change in the value of the contract may not correlate with a change in the value of the underlying securities or indices.
During the current fiscal period, the Fund managed the duration of its portfolio by shorting interest rate futures contracts.
The average notional amount of futures contracts outstanding during the current fiscal period was as follows:
Average notional amount of futures contracts outstanding*
The average notional amount is calculated based on the absolute aggregate notional of contracts outstanding at the beginning of the current fiscal period and at the end of each quarter within the current fiscal period.
The following table presents the fair value of all futures contracts held by the Fund as of end of the reporting period, the location of these instruments on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities and the primary underlying risk exposure.
Location on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities
Asset Derivatives 
 (Liability) Derivatives 
Risk Exposure 
Interest rate 
Futures contracts 
Receivable from variation 
margin on futures contracts* 
$ — 
Value represents the cumulative unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of futures contracts as reported on the Fund’s Portfolio of Investments and not the daily asset and/or liability derivatives location as described in the table above.
The following table presents the amount of net realized gain (loss) and change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) recognized on futures contracts on the Statement of Operations during the current fiscal period, and the primary underlying risk exposure.
Net Realized 
Change in net Unrealized 
Gain (Loss) from 
Appreciation (Depreciation) of 
Risk Exposure 
Futures Contracts 
Futures Contracts 
Interest rate 
Futures contracts 
Interest Rate Swap Contracts
Interest rate swap contracts involve the Fund’s agreement with the counterparty to pay or receive a fixed rate payment in exchange for the counterparty receiving or paying a variable rate payment. Forward interest rate swap contracts involve the Fund’s agreement with a counterparty to pay, in the future, a fixed or variable rate payment in exchange for the counterparty paying the Fund a variable or fixed rate payment, the accruals for which would begin at a specified date in the future (the “effective date”).
The amount of the payment obligation for an interest rate swap is based on the notional amount and the termination date of the contract. Interest rate swap contracts do not involve the delivery of securities or other underlying assets or principal. Accordingly, the risk of loss with respect to the swap counterparty on such transactions is limited to the net amount of interest payments that the Fund is to receive.
Interest rate swap contracts are valued daily. Upon entering into an interest rate swap contract (and beginning on the effective date for a forward interest rate swap contract), the Fund accrues the fixed rate payment expected to be paid or received and the variable rate payment expected to be received or paid on the interest rate swap contracts on a daily basis, and recognizes the daily change in the fair value of the Fund’s contractual rights and obligations under the contracts. For an over-the-counter (“OTC”) swap that is not cleared through a clearing house (“OTC Uncleared”), the amount recorded on these transactions is recognized on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities as a component of “Unrealized appreciation or depreciation on interest rate swaps.”
Upon the execution of an OTC swap cleared through a clearing house (“OTC Cleared”), the Fund is obligated to deposit cash or eligible securities, also known as “initial margin,” into an account at its clearing broker equal to a specified percentage of the contract amount. Cash deposited by the Fund to cover initial margin requirements on open swap contracts, if any, is recognized as a component of “Cash collateral at brokers for investments in swaps” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Investments in OTC Cleared swaps obligate the Fund and the clearing broker to settle monies on a daily basis representing changes in the prior day’s “mark-to-market” of the swap contract. If the Fund has unrealized appreciation, the clearing broker will credit the Fund’s account with an amount equal to the appreciation. Conversely, if the Fund has unrealized depreciation, the clearing broker will debit the Fund’s account with an amount equal to the depreciation. These daily cash settlements are also known as “variation margin.” Variation margin for OTC Cleared swaps is recognized as a receivable and/or payable for “Variation margin on swap contracts” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. Upon the execution of an OTC Uncleared swap, neither the Fund nor the counterparty is required to deposit initial margin as the trades are recorded bilaterally between both parties to the swap contract, and the terms of the variation margin are subject to a predetermined threshold negotiated by the Fund and the counterparty. Variation margin for OTC Uncleared swaps is recognized as a component of “Unrealized appreciation or depreciation on interest rate swaps” as described in the preceding paragraph.
The net amount of periodic payments settled in cash are recognized as a component of “Net realized gain (loss) from swaps” on the Statement of Operations, in addition to the net realized gain or loss recorded upon the termination of the swap contract. For tax purposes, payments expected to be received or paid on the swap contracts are treated as ordinary income or expense, respectively. Changes in the value of the swap contracts during the fiscal period are recognized as a component of “Change in net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of swaps” on the Statement of Operations. In certain instances, payments are made or received upon entering into the swap contract to compensate for differences between the stated terms of the swap agreements and prevailing market conditions (credit spreads, currency exchange rates, interest rates, and other relevant factors). Payments received or made at the beginning of the measurement period, if any, are recognized as “Interest rate swaps premiums received and/or paid” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)
During the current fiscal period, the Fund continued to use swap contracts to reduce the duration of its bond portfolio as well as to fix its interest cost of leverage.
The average notional amount of interest rate swap contracts outstanding during the current fiscal period was as follows:
Average notional amount of interest rate swap contracts outstanding*
*    The average notional amount is calculated based on the outstanding notional at the beginning of the current fiscal period and at the end of each fiscal quarter within the current fiscal period.
The following table presents the amount of net realized gain (loss) and change in net unrealized appreciation (deprecation) recognized on swap contracts on the Statement of Operations during the current fiscal period, and the primary underlying risk exposure.
Net Realized 
Change in Net Unrealized 
Gain (Loss) from 
Appreciation (Depreciation) of 
Risk Exposure 
Interest rate 
Market and Counterparty Credit Risk
In the normal course of business the Fund may invest in financial instruments and enter into financial transactions where risk of potential loss exists due to changes in the market (market risk) or failure of the other party to the transaction to perform (counterparty credit risk). The potential loss could exceed the value of the financial assets recorded on the financial statements. Financial assets, which potentially expose the Fund to counterparty credit risk, consist principally of cash due from counterparties on forward, option and swap transactions, when applicable. The extent of the Fund’s exposure to counterparty credit risk in respect to these financial assets approximates their carrying value as recorded on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
The Fund helps manage counterparty credit risk by entering into agreements only with counterparties the Adviser believes have the financial resources to honor their obligations and by having the Adviser monitor the financial stability of the counterparties. Additionally, counterparties may be required to pledge collateral daily (based on the daily valuation of the financial asset) on behalf of the Fund with a value approximately equal to the amount of any unrealized gain above a pre-determined threshold. Reciprocally, when the Fund has an unrealized loss, the Fund has instructed the custodian to pledge assets of the Fund as collateral with a value approximately equal to the amount of the unrealized loss above a pre-determined threshold. Collateral pledges are monitored and subsequently adjusted if and when the valuations fluctuate, either up or down, by at least the pre-determined threshold amount.
5. Fund Shares 

Common Share Transactions 

Transactions in common shares during the Fund’s current and prior fiscal period, where applicable were as follows: 

Six Months 
Year Ended 
Common shares: 
Issue to shareholders due to reinvestments of distributions 
6. Income Tax Information
The Fund intends to distribute substantially all of its net investment income and net capital gains to shareholders and to otherwise comply with the requirements of Subchapter M of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies. Therefore, no federal income tax provision is required.
For all open tax years and all major taxing jurisdictions, management of the Fund has concluded that there are no significant uncertain tax positions that would require recognition in the financial statements. Open tax years are those that are open for examination by taxing authorities (i.e., generally the last four tax year ends and the interim tax period since then). Furthermore, management of the Fund is also not aware of any tax positions for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will significantly change in the next twelve months.
The following information is presented on an income tax basis. Differences between amounts for financial statement and federal income tax purposes are primarily due to timing differences in recognizing certain gains and losses on investment transactions and the treatment of investments in inverse floating rate securities reflected as financing transactions, if any. To the extent that differences arise that are permanent in nature, such amounts are reclassified within the capital accounts as detailed below. Temporary differences do not require reclassification. Temporary and permanent differences do not impact the NAV of the Fund.

The table below presents the cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of the Fund’s investment portfolio, as determined on a federal income tax basis, as of September 30, 2020.
For purposes of this disclosure, derivative tax cost is generally the sum of any upfront fees or premiums exchanged and any amounts unrealized for income statement reporting but realized in income and/or capital gains for tax reporting. If a particular derivative category does not disclose any tax unrealized appreciation or depreciation, the change in value of those derivatives have generally been fully realized for tax purposes.
Tax cost of investments 
Gross unrealized: 
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments 
Permanent differences, primarily due to federal taxes paid, bond premium amortization adjustments, nondeductible offering costs, nondeductible reorganization expenses, and treatment of notional principal contracts, resulted in reclassifications among the Fund’s components of common share net assets as of March 31, 2020, the Fund’s last tax year end.
The tax components of undistributed net ordinary income and net long-term capital gains as of March 31, 2020, the Fund’s last tax year end, were as follows:
Undistributed net ordinary income  $ —
Undistributed net long-term capital gains
The tax character of distributions paid during the Fund’s last tax year ended March 31, 2020 was designated for purposes of the dividends paid deduction as follows:
Distributions from net ordinary income1 
Distributions from net long-term capital gains 
Return of capital 
1 Net ordinary income consists of net taxable income derived from dividends, interest, and net short-term capital gains, if any.
As of March 31, 2020, the Fund’s last tax year end, the Fund had unused capital losses carrying forward available for federal income tax purposes to be applied against future capital gains, if any. The capital losses are not subject to expiration.
Not subject to expiration: 

A portion of NBB’s capital loss carryforward is subject to limitation under the Internal Revenue Code and related regulations. 
7. Management Fees and Other Transactions with Affiliates
Management Fees
The Fund’s management fee compensates the Adviser for overall investment advisory and administrative services and general office facilities. The Sub-Adviser is compensated for its services to the Fund from the management fees paid to the Adviser.
The Fund’s management fee consists of two components – a fund-level fee, based only on the amount of assets within the Fund, and a complex-level fee, based on the aggregate amount of all eligible fund assets managed by the Adviser. This pricing structure enables Fund shareholders to benefit from growth in the assets within the Fund as well as from growth in the amount of complex-wide assets managed by the Adviser.

Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited) (continued)
The annual fund-level fee, payable monthly, is calculated according to the following schedule: 

Average Daily Managed Assets* 
Fund-Level Fee Rate 
For the first $125 million 
For the next $125 million 
For the next $250 million 
For the next $500 million 
For the next $1 billion 
For the next $3 billion 
For managed assets over $5 billion 
The annual complex-level fee, payable monthly, is calculated by multiplying the current complex-wide fee rate, determined according to the following schedule by the Fund’s daily managed assets:
Complex-Level Eligible Asset Breakpoint Level* 
Effective Complex-Level Fee Rate at Breakpoint Level 
$55 billion 
$56 billion 
$57 billion 
$60 billion 
$63 billion 
$66 billion 
$71 billion 
$76 billion 
$80 billion 
$91 billion 
$125 billion 
$200 billion 
$250 billion 
$300 billion 
For the complex-level fees, managed assets include closed-end fund assets managed by the Adviser that are attributable to certain types of leverage. For these purposes, leverage includes the funds’ use of preferred stock and borrowings and certain investments in the residual interest certificates (also called inverse floating rate securities) in tender option bond (TOB) trusts, including the portion of assets held by a TOB trust that has been effectively financed by the trust’s issuance of floating rate securities, subject to an agreement by the Adviser as to certain funds to limit the amount of such assets for determining managed assets in certain circumstances. The complex-level fee is calculated based upon the aggregate daily managed assets of all Nuveen open-end and closed-end funds that constitute “eligible assets.” Eligible assets do not include assets attributable to investments in other Nuveen funds or assets in excess of a determined amount (originally $2 billion) added to the Nuveen fund complex in connection with the Adviser’s assumption of the management of the former First American Funds effective January 1, 2011, but do not include certain assets of certain Nuveen funds that were reorganized into funds advised by an affiliate of the Adviser during the 2019 calendar year. As of September 30, 2020, the complex-level fee for the Fund was 0.1575%.
Other Transactions with Affiliates
Each Fund is permitted to purchase or sell securities from or to certain other funds or accounts managed by the Sub-Adviser (“Affiliated Entity”) under specified conditions outlined in procedures adopted by the Board (“cross-trade”). These procedures have been designed to ensure that any cross-trade of securities by the Fund from or to an Affiliated Entity by virtue of having a common investment adviser (or affiliated investment adviser), common officer and/or common trustee complies with Rule 17a-7 under the 1940 Act. These transactions are effected at the current market price (as provided by an independent pricing service) without incurring broker commissions.
During the current fiscal period, the fund did not engage in inter-fund trades pursuant to these procedures.
8. Fund Leverage
Reverse Repurchase Agreements
During the current fiscal period, the Fund utilized reverse repurchase agreements as means of leverage.
In a reverse repurchase agreement, the Fund sells to the counterparty a security that it holds with a contemporaneous agreement to repurchase the same security at an agreed-upon price and date, with the Fund retaining the risk of loss that is associated with that security. The Fund will identify assets determined to be liquid by the Adviser to cover its obligations under reverse repurchase agreements. Securities sold under reverse repurchase agreements are recorded as a liability and recognized as “Reverse repurchase agreements” on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.
Payments made on reverse repurchase agreements are recognized as a component of “Interest expense” on the Statement of Operations.
As of the end of the reporting period, the Fund’s outstanding balances on its reverse repurchase agreement were as follows:
Value and 
Accrued Interest 
RBC Capital Markets, LLC 
During the current fiscal period, the average daily balance outstanding and average interest rate on the Fund’s reverse repurchase agreement were as follows:
Average daily balance outstanding 
Average interest rate 
The following table presents the reverse repurchase agreements subject to netting agreements and the collateral delivered related to those reverse repurchase agreements.
Reverse Repurchase 
Pledged to 
RBC Capital Markets, LLC 
$ — 
Represents gross value and accrued interest for the counterparty as reported in the preceding table.
As of the end of the reporting period, the value of the collateral pledged to the counterparty exceeded the value of the reverse repurchase agreements.
9. Inter-Fund Lending
Inter-Fund Borrowing and Lending
The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) has granted an exemptive order permitting registered open-end and closed-end Nuveen funds to participate in an inter-fund lending facility whereby the Nuveen funds may directly lend to and borrow money from each other for temporary purposes (e.g., to satisfy redemption requests or when a sale of securities “fails,” resulting in an unanticipated cash shortfall) (the “Inter-Fund Program”). The closed-end Nuveen funds, including the Fund covered by this shareholder report, will participate only as lenders, and not as borrowers, in the Inter-Fund Program because such closed-end funds rarely, if ever, need to borrow cash to meet redemptions. The Inter-Fund Program is subject to a number of conditions, including, among other things, the requirements that (1) no fund may borrow or lend money through the Inter-Fund Program unless it receives a more favorable interest rate than is typically available from a bank or other financial institution for a comparable transaction; (2) no fund may borrow on an unsecured basis through the Inter-Fund Program unless the fund’s outstanding borrowings from all sources immediately after the inter-fund borrowing total 10% or less of its total assets; provided that if the borrowing fund has a secured borrowing outstanding from any other lender, including but not limited to another fund, the inter-fund loan must be secured on at least an equal priority basis with at least an equivalent percentage of collateral to loan value; (3) if a fund’s total outstanding borrowings immediately after an inter-fund borrowing would be greater than 10% of its total assets, the fund may borrow through the inter-fund loan on a secured basis only; (4) no fund may lend money if the loan would cause its aggregate outstanding loans through the Inter-Fund Program to exceed 15% of its net assets at the time of the loan; (5) a fund’s inter-fund loans to any one fund shall not exceed 5% of the lending fund’s net assets; (6) the duration of inter-fund loans will be limited to the time required to receive payment for securities sold, but in no event more than seven days; and (7) each inter-fund loan may be called on one business day’s notice by a lending fund and may be repaid on any day by a borrowing fund. In addition, a Nuveen fund may participate in the Inter-Fund Program only if and to the extent that such participation is consistent with the fund’s investment objective and investment policies. The Board is responsible for overseeing the Inter-Fund Program.
The limitations detailed above and the other conditions of the SEC exemptive order permitting the Inter-Fund Program are designed to minimize the risks associated with Inter-Fund Program for both the lending fund and the borrowing fund. However, no borrowing or lending activity is without risk. When a fund borrows money from another fund, there is a risk that the loan could be called on one day’s notice or not renewed, in which case the fund may have to borrow from a bank at a higher rate or take other actions to payoff such loan if an inter-fund loan is not available from another fund. Any delay in repayment to a lending fund could result in a lost investment opportunity or additional borrowing costs.
During the current reporting period, the Fund did not enter into any inter-fund loan activity.
10. Subsequent Events
Reverse Repurchase Agreements
During November 2020, the Fund increased the balance on its reverse repurchase agreement to $215,356,973 and reduced the coupon to 0.90%.

Shareholder Update
Changes Occurring During the Reporting Period
The following information in this semi-annual report is a summary of certain changes during the reporting period. This information may not reflect all of the changes that have occurred since you purchased shares of the Fund.
Amended and Restated By-Laws
On October 5, 2020, after a rigorous and deliberative review, and consistent with the interests of each Fund’s long-term shareholders, the Board of Trustees of each Fund adopted Amended and Restated By-Laws.
Among other changes, the Amended and Restated By-Laws require compliance with certain amended deadlines and procedural and informational requirements in connection with advance notice of shareholder proposals or nominations, including certain information about the proponent and the proposal, or in the case of a nomination, the nominee. Any shareholder considering making a nomination or other proposal should carefully review and comply with those provisions of the Amended and Restated By-Laws.
The Amended and Restated By-Laws also include provisions (the “Control Share By-Law”) pursuant to which, in summary, a shareholder who obtains beneficial ownership of common shares of a Fund in a “Control Share Acquisition” may exercise voting rights with respect to such shares only to the extent the authorization of such voting rights is approved by other shareholders of the Fund. The Control Share By-Law is primarily intended to protect the interests of the Fund and its long-term shareholders by limiting the risk that the Fund will become subject to undue influence by opportunistic traders pursuing short-term agendas adverse to the best interests of the Fund and its long-term shareholders. The Control Share By-Law does not eliminate voting rights for common shares acquired in Control Share Acquisitions, but rather entrusts the Fund’s other “non-interested” shareholders with determining whether to approve the authorization of the voting rights of the person acquiring such shares.
Subject to various conditions and exceptions, the Control Share By-Law defines a “Control Share Acquisition” to include an acquisition of common shares that, but for the Control Share By-Law, would give the beneficial owner, upon the acquisition of such shares, the ability to exercise voting power in the election of Trustees of a Fund in any of the following ranges:
one-tenth or more, but less than one-fifth of all voting power;
one-fifth or more, but less than one-third of all voting power;
one-third or more, but less than a majority of all voting power; or
a majority or more of all voting power.
The Control Share By-Law generally excludes certain acquisitions of common shares from the definition of a Control Share Acquisition, including acquisitions of common shares that occurred prior to October 5, 2020, though such shares are included in assessing whether any subsequent share acquisition exceeds one of the enumerated thresholds.
Subject to certain conditions and procedural requirements set forth in the Control Share By-Law, including the delivery of a “Control Share Acquisition Statement” to the Funds’ Secretary setting forth certain required information, a shareholder who obtains or proposes to obtain beneficial ownership of common shares in a Control Share Acquisition generally may demand a special meeting of shareholders for the purpose of considering whether the voting rights of such acquiring person with respect to such shares shall be authorized.
This discussion is only a high-level summary of certain aspects of the Amended and Restated By-Laws, and is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Amended and Restated By-Laws. Shareholders should refer to the Amended and Restated By-Laws for more information. A copy of the Amended and Restated By-Laws can be found in the Current Report on Form 8-K filed by the Funds with the Securities and Exchange Commission on October 6, 2020, which is available at www.sec.gov, and may also be obtained by writing to the Secretary of the Funds at 333 West Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60606.
Additional Fund

Board of Trustees 
Jack B. Evans 
William C. Hunter 
Albin F. Moschner 
John K. Nelson 
Judith M. Stockdale 
Carole E. Stone 
Mathew Thornton III* 
Terence J. Toth 
Margaret L. Wolff 
Robert L. Young 
*Effective November 16, 2020. 
Investment Adviser 
Legal Counsel 
Independent Registered 
Transfer Agent and 
Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC 
State Street Bank 
Chapman and Cutler LLP 
Public Accounting Firm 
Shareholder Services 
333 West Wacker Drive 
& Trust Company 
Chicago, IL 60603 
Computershare Trust 
Chicago, IL 60606 
One Lincoln Street 
200 East Randolph Street 
Company, N.A. 
Boston, MA 02111 
Chicago, IL 60601 
150 Royall Street 
Canton, MA 02021 
(800) 257-8787 

Portfolio of Investments Information
Each Fund is required to file its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year as an exhibit to its report on Form N-PORT. You may obtain this information on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Nuveen Funds’ Proxy Voting Information
You may obtain (i) information regarding how each fund voted proxies relating to portfolio securities held during the most recent twelve-month period ended June 30, without charge, upon request, by calling Nuveen toll-free at (800) 257-8787 or on Nuveen’s website at www.nuveen.com and (ii) a description of the policies and procedures that each fund used to determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities without charge, upon request, by calling Nuveen toll free at (800) 257-8787. You may also obtain this information directly from the SEC. Visit the SEC on-line at http://www.sec.gov.

CEO Certification Disclosure
Each Fund’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has submitted to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) the annual CEO certification as required by Section 303A.12(a) of the NYSE Listed Company Manual. Each Fund has filed with the SEC the certification of its CEO and Chief Financial Officer required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.

Common Share Repurchases
Each Fund intends to repurchase, through its open-market share repurchase program, shares of its own common stock at such times and in such amounts as is deemed advisable. During the period covered by this report, the Fund repurchased shares of its common stock as shown in the accompanying table. Any future repurchases will be reported to shareholders in the next annual or semi-annual report.
Common Shares repurchased
FINRA BrokerCheck
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) provides information regarding the disciplinary history of FINRA member firms and associated investment professionals. This information as well as an investor brochure describing FINRA BrokerCheck is available to the public by calling the FINRA BrokerCheck Hotline number at (800) 289-9999 or by visiting www.FINRA.org.

Glossary of Terms Used in this Report
■    Average Annual Total Return: This is a commonly used method to express an investment’s performance over a particular, usually multi-year time period. It expresses the return that would have been necessary each year to equal the investment’s actual cumulative performance (including change in NAV or market price and reinvested dividends and capital gains distributions, if any) over the time period being considered.
■    Bloomberg Barclays Taxable Municipal Long Bond Index: A rules-based, market-value-weighted index engineered for the long-term taxable municipal bond market. Bonds in the index have effective maturities of 10+ years. Index returns assume reinvestment of distributions, but do not reflect any applicable sales charges or management fees.
■    Duration: Duration is a measure of the expected period over which a bond’s principal and interest will be paid, and consequently is a measure of the sensitivity of a bond’s or bond fund’s value to changes when market interest rates change. Generally, the longer a bond’s or fund’s duration, the more the price of the bond or fund will change as interest rates change.
■    Effective Leverage: Effective leverage is a fund’s effective economic leverage, and includes both regulatory leverage (see leverage) and the leverage effects of certain derivative investments in a fund’s portfolio. Currently, the leverage effects of Tender Option Bond (TOB) inverse floater holdings are included in effective leverage values, in addition to any regulatory leverage.
■    Forward Interest Rate Swap: A contractual agreement between two counterparties under which one party agrees to make periodic payments to the other for an agreed period of time based on a fixed rate, while the other party agrees to make periodic payments based on a floating rate of interest based on an underlying index. Alternatively, both series of cashflows to be exchanged could be calculated using floating rates of interest but floating rates that are based upon different underlying indices.
■    Inverse Floating Rate Securities: Inverse floating rate securities, also known as inverse floaters or tender option bonds (TOBs), are created by depositing a municipal bond, typically with a fixed interest rate, into a special purpose trust. This trust, in turn, (a) issues floating rate certificates typically paying short-term tax-exempt interest rates to third parties in amounts equal to some fraction of the deposited bond’s par amount or market value, and (b) issues an inverse floating rate certificate (sometimes referred to as an “inverse floater”) to an investor (such as a fund) interested in gaining investment exposure to a long-term municipal bond. The income received by the holder of the inverse floater varies inversely with the short-term rate paid to the floating rate certificates’ holders, and in most circumstances the holder of the inverse floater bears substantially all of the underlying bond’s downside investment risk. The holder of the inverse floater typically also benefits disproportionately from any potential appreciation of the underlying bond’s value. Hence, an inverse floater essentially represents an investment in the underlying bond on a leveraged basis.
■    Leverage: Leverage is created whenever a fund has investment exposure (both reward and/or risk) equivalent to more than 100% of the investment capital.
■    Net Asset Value (NAV) Per Share: A fund’s Net Assets is equal to its total assets (securities, cash, accrued earnings and receivables) less its total liabilities. NAV per share is equal to the fund’s Net Assets divided by its number of shares outstanding.
■    Pre-Refunding: Pre-Refunding, also known as advanced refundings or refinancings, is a procedure used by state and local governments to refinance municipal bonds to lower interest expenses. The issuer sells new bonds with a lower yield and uses the proceeds to buy U.S. Treasury securities, the interest from which is used to make payments on the higher-yielding bonds. Because of this collateral, pre-refunding generally raises a bond’s credit rating and thus its value.
■    Regulatory Leverage: Regulatory leverage consists of preferred shares issued by or borrowings of a fund. Both of these are part of a fund’s capital structure. Regulatory leverage is subject to asset coverage limits set in the Investment Company Act of 1940.
■    Total Investment Exposure: Total investment exposure is a fund’s assets managed by the Adviser that are attributable to financial leverage. For these purposes, financial leverage includes a fund’s use of preferred stock and borrowings and investments in the residual interest certificates (also called inverse floating rate securities) in tender option bond (TOB) trusts, including the portion of assets held by a TOB trust that has been effectively financed by the trust’s issuance of floating rate securities.
■    Zero Coupon Bond: A zero coupon bond does not pay a regular interest coupon to its holders during the life of the bond. Income to the holder of the bond comes from accretion of the difference between the original purchase price of the bond at issuance and the par value of the bond at maturity and is effectively paid at maturity. The market prices of zero coupon bonds generally are more volatile than the market prices of bonds that pay interest periodically.

Reinvest Automatically, Easily and Conveniently
Nuveen makes reinvesting easy. A phone call is all it takes to set up your reinvestment account.
Nuveen Closed-End Funds Automatic Reinvestment Plan
Nuveen Closed-End Fund allows you to conveniently reinvest distributions in additional Fund shares. By choosing to reinvest, you’ll be able to invest money regularly and automatically, and watch your investment grow through the power of compounding. Just like distributions in cash, there may be times when income or capital gains taxes may be payable on distributions that are reinvested. It is important to note that an automatic reinvestment plan does not ensure a profit, nor does it protect you against loss in a declining market.
Easy and convenient
To make recordkeeping easy and convenient, each month you’ll receive a statement showing your total distributions, the date of investment, the shares acquired and the price per share, and the total number of shares you own.
How shares are purchased
The shares you acquire by reinvesting will either be purchased on the open market or newly issued by the Fund. If the shares are trading at or above net asset value at the time of valuation, the Fund will issue new shares at the greater of the net asset value or 95% of the then-current market price. If the shares are trading at less than net asset value, shares for your account will be purchased on the open market. If the Plan Agent begins purchasing Fund shares on the open market while shares are trading below net asset value, but the Fund’s shares subsequently trade at or above their net asset value before the Plan Agent is able to complete its purchases, the Plan Agent may cease open-market purchases and may invest the uninvested portion of the distribution in newly-issued Fund shares at a price equal to the greater of the shares’ net asset value or 95% of the shares’ market value on the last business day immediately prior to the purchase date. Distributions received to purchase shares in the open market will normally be invested shortly after the distribution payment date. No interest will be paid on distributions awaiting reinvestment. Because the market price of the shares may increase before purchases are completed, the average purchase price per share may exceed the market price at the time of valuation, resulting in the acquisition of fewer shares than if the distribution had been paid in shares issued by the Fund. A pro rata portion of any applicable brokerage commissions on open market purchases will be paid by Plan participants. These commissions usually will be lower than those charged on individual transactions.
You may change your distribution option or withdraw from the Plan at any time, should your needs or situation change. You can reinvest whether your shares are registered in your name, or in the name of a brokerage firm, bank, or other nominee. Ask your investment advisor if his or her firm will participate on your behalf. Participants whose shares are registered in the name of one firm may not be able to transfer the shares to another firm and continue to participate in the Plan. The Fund reserves the right to amend or terminate the Plan at any time. Although the Fund reserves the right to amend the Plan to include a service charge payable by the participants, there is no direct service charge to participants in the Plan at this time.
Call today to start reinvesting distributions
For more information on the Nuveen Automatic Reinvestment Plan or to enroll in or withdraw from the Plan, speak with your financial professional or call us at (800) 257-8787.

Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process
At a meeting held on May 19-21, 2020 (the “May Meeting”), the Board of Trustees (the “Board” and each Trustee, a “Board Member”) of the Fund, which is comprised entirely of Board Members who are not “interested persons” (as defined under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”)) (the “Independent Board Members”), approved the renewal of the management agreement (the “Investment Management Agreement”) with Nuveen Fund Advisors, LLC (the “Adviser”) pursuant to which the Adviser serves as investment adviser to the Fund and the sub-advisory agreement (the “Sub-Advisory Agreement”) with Nuveen Asset Management, LLC (the “Sub-Adviser”) pursuant to which the Sub-Adviser serves as the investment sub-adviser to the Fund. Although the 1940 Act requires that continuances of the Advisory Agreements (as defined below) be approved by the in-person vote of a majority of the Independent Board Members, the May Meeting was held virtually through the internet in view of the health risks associated with holding an in-person meeting during the COVID-19 pandemic and governmental restrictions on gatherings. The May Meeting was held in reliance on an order issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 13, 2020, as extended on March 25, 2020, which provided registered investment companies temporary relief from the in-person voting requirements of the 1940 Act with respect to the approval of a fund’s advisory agreement in response to the challenges arising in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Following up to an initial two-year period, the Board considers the renewal of the Investment Management Agreement and Sub-Advisory Agreement on an annual basis. The Investment Management Agreement and Sub-Advisory Agreement are collectively referred to as the “Advisory Agreements” and the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser are collectively, the “Fund Advisers” and each, a “Fund Adviser.” Throughout the year, the Board and its committees meet regularly and, at these meetings, review an extensive array of topics and information that are relevant to its annual consideration of the renewal of the advisory agreements for the Nuveen funds. Such information may address, among other things, fund performance; the Adviser’s strategic plans; the review of the funds and investment teams; compliance, regulatory and risk management matters; the trading practices of the various sub-advisers to the funds; valuation of securities; fund expenses; overall market and regulatory developments; the management of leverage financing; and the secondary market trading of the closed-end funds and any actions to address discounts.
In addition to the information and materials received during the year, the Board, in response to a request made on its behalf by independent legal counsel, received extensive materials and information prepared specifically for its annual consideration of the renewal of the advisory agreements for the Nuveen funds by the Adviser and by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (“Broadridge”), an independent provider of investment company data. The materials cover a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, a description of the nature, extent and quality of services provided by the Fund Advisers; a review of each sub-adviser to the Nuveen funds and the applicable investment teams; an analysis of fund performance in absolute terms and as compared to the performance of certain peer funds and benchmarks with a focus on any performance outliers; an analysis of the fees and expense ratios of the Nuveen funds in absolute terms and as compared to those of certain peer funds with a focus on any expense outliers; a description of portfolio manager compensation; a review of the secondary market trading of shares of the Nuveen closed-end funds (including, among other things, an analysis of performance, distribution and valuation and capital raising trends in the broader closed-end fund market and in particular with respect to Nuveen closed-end funds; a review of the leverage management actions taken on behalf of the Nuveen closed-end funds and their resulting impact on performance; and a description of the distribution management process and any capital management activities); a review of the performance of various service providers; a description of various initiatives Nuveen had undertaken or continued during the year for the benefit of particular fund(s) and/or the complex; a description of the profitability or financial data of Nuveen and the sub-advisers to the Nuveen funds; and a description of indirect benefits received by the Adviser and the sub-advisers as a result of their relationships with the Nuveen funds.
Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process (continued)
In continuing its practice, the Board met prior to the May Meeting to begin its considerations of the renewal of the Advisory Agreements. Accordingly, on April 27-28, 2020 (the “April Meeting”), the Board met to review and discuss, in part, the performance of the Nuveen funds and the Adviser’s evaluation of each sub-adviser to the Nuveen funds. In its review, the Board recognized the volatile market conditions occurring during the first half of 2020 arising, in part, from the public health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 and the resulting impact on fund performance. Accordingly, the Board reviewed, among other things, fund performance reflecting the more volatile periods, including for various time periods ended the first quarter of 2020 and for various time periods ended April 17, 2020. At the April Meeting, the Board Members asked questions and requested additional information that was provided for the May Meeting. In continuing its review of the Nuveen funds in light of the extraordinary market conditions experienced in early 2020, the Board received updated fund performance data reflecting various time periods ended May 8, 2020 for its May Meeting. The Board also continued its practice of seeking to meet periodically with the various sub-advisers to the Nuveen funds and their investment teams, when feasible.
The Independent Board Members considered the review of the advisory agreements for the Nuveen funds to be an ongoing process and employed the accumulated information, knowledge, and experience the Board Members had gained during their tenure on the boards governing the Nuveen funds and working with the Adviser and sub-advisers in their review of the advisory agreements. The contractual arrangements are a result of multiple years of review, negotiation and information provided in connection with the boards’ annual review of the Nuveen funds’ advisory arrangements and oversight of the Nuveen funds.
The Independent Board Members were advised by independent legal counsel during the annual review process as well as throughout the year, including meeting in executive sessions with such counsel at which no representatives from the Adviser or the Sub-Adviser were present. In connection with their annual review, the Independent Board Members also received a memorandum from independent legal counsel outlining their fiduciary duties and legal standards in reviewing the Advisory Agreements.
The Board’s decision to renew the Advisory Agreements was not based on a single identified factor, but rather the decision reflected the comprehensive consideration of all the information provided throughout the year and at the April and May Meetings, and each Board Member may have attributed different levels of importance to the various factors and information considered in connection with the approval process. The following summarizes the principal factors and information, but not all the factors, the Board considered in deciding to renew the Advisory Agreements and its conclusions.
A.  Nature, Extent and Quality of Services
In evaluating the renewal of the Advisory Agreements, the Independent Board Members received and considered information regarding the nature, extent and quality of the applicable Fund Adviser’s services provided to the Fund with particular focus on the services and enhancements to such services provided during the last year. The Independent Board Members considered the Investment Management Agreement and the Sub-Advisory Agreement separately in the course of their review. With this approach, they considered the respective roles of the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser in providing services to the Fund.
With respect to the Adviser, the Board recognized that the Adviser has provided a vast array of services the scope of which has expanded over the years in light of regulatory, market and other developments, such as the development of expanded compliance programs for the Nuveen funds. The Board also noted the extensive resources, tools and capabilities the Adviser and its affiliates devoted to the various operations of the Nuveen funds. These services include, but are not limited to: investment oversight, risk management and securities valuation services (such as analyzing investment performance and risk data; overseeing and reviewing the various sub-advisers to the Nuveen funds and their investment teams; overseeing trade execution, soft dollar practices and securities lending activities; providing daily valuation services and developing related valuation policies, procedures and methodologies; overseeing risk disclosure; periodic testing of investment and liquidity risks; participating in financial statement and marketing disclosures; participating in product development; and participating in leverage management and liquidity monitoring); product management (such as analyzing a fund’s position in the marketplace, setting dividends, preparing

shareholder and intermediary communications and other due diligence support); fund administration (such as preparing fund tax returns and other tax compliance services, overseeing the funds’ independent public accountants and other service providers; managing fund budgets and expenses; and helping to fulfill the funds’ regulatory filing requirements); oversight of shareholder services and transfer agency functions (such as overseeing transfer agent service providers which include registered shareholder customer service and transaction processing; and overseeing proxy solicitation and tabulation services); Board relations services (such as organizing and administering Board and committee meetings, preparing various reports to the Board and committees and providing other support services); compliance and regulatory oversight services (such as devising compliance programs; managing compliance policies; monitoring compliance with applicable fund policies and laws and regulations; and evaluating the compliance programs of the various sub-advisers to the Nuveen funds and certain other service providers); legal support and oversight of outside law firms (such as helping to prepare and file registration statements and proxy statements; overseeing fund activities and providing legal interpretations regarding such activities; and negotiating agreements with other fund service providers); and providing leverage, capital and distribution management services.
The Board also recognized that the Adviser and its affiliates have undertaken a number of initiatives over the previous year that benefited the complex and/or particular Nuveen funds including, but not limited to:
•    Fund Improvements and Product Management Initiatives – continuing to proactively manage the Nuveen fund complex as a whole and at the individual fund level with an aim to enhance the shareholder outcomes through, among other things, rationalizing the product line and gaining efficiencies through mergers, repositionings and liquidations; reviewing and updating investment policies and benchmarks; and integrating certain investment teams and changing the portfolio managers serving various funds;
•    Capital Initiatives – continuing to invest capital to support new Nuveen funds with initial capital as well as to facilitate modifications to the strategies or structure of existing funds;
•    Compliance Program Initiatives – continuing efforts to mitigate compliance risk, increase operating efficiencies, strengthen key compliance program elements and support international business growth and other objectives through, among other things, integrating various investment teams across affiliates, consolidating marketing review functions, enhancing compliance related technologies and establishing and maintaining shared broad-based compliance policies throughout the organization and its affiliates;
•    Risk Management and Valuation Services - continuing efforts to provide Nuveen with a more disciplined and consistent approach to identifying and mitigating the firm’s operational risks through, among other things, enhancing the interaction and reporting between the investment risk management team and various affiliates and adopting a risk operational framework across the complex;
•    Regulatory Matters – continuing efforts to monitor regulatory trends and advocate on behalf of the Nuveen funds, to implement and comply with new or revised rules and mandates and to respond to regulatory inquiries and exams;
•    Government Relations – continuing efforts of various Nuveen teams and affiliates to develop policy positions on a broad range of issues that may impact the Nuveen funds, advocate and communicate these positions to lawmakers and other regulatory authorities and work with trade associations to ensure these positions are represented;
•    Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Information Services – continuing to periodically test business continuity and disaster recovery plans, maintain an information security program designed to identify and manage information security risks, and provide reports to the Board, at least annually, addressing, among other things, management’s security risk assessment, cyber risk profile, potential impact of new or revised laws and regulations, incident tracking and other relevant information technology risk-related reports;

Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process (continued)
•    Expanded Dividend Management Services – continuing to manage the dividends among the varying types of Nuveen funds within the Nuveen complex to be consistent with the respective fund’s product design and investing resources to develop systems to assist in the process for newer products such as target term funds; and
•    with respect specifically to closed-end funds, such initiatives also included:
••   Leverage Management Services - continuing to actively manage leverage including developing new leverage instruments, managing leverage exposure and costs through various providers, and managing and adapting tender option bond structures to comply with regulations and developing further relationships with leverage providers;
••   Capital Management, Market Intelligence and Secondary Market Services – ongoing capital management efforts through shelf offerings, share repurchases as appropriate to address discounts, tender offers and capital return programs as well as providing market data analysis to help understand closed-end fund ownership cycles and their impact on secondary market trading as well as to improve proxy solicitation efforts; and
••   Closed-end Fund Investor Relations Program – maintaining the closed-end fund investor relations program which, among other things, raises awareness, provides educational materials and cultivates advocacy for closed-end funds and the Nuveen closed-end fund product line.
The Board also noted the benefits to shareholders of investing in a Nuveen fund, as each Nuveen fund is a part of a large fund
complex with a variety of investment disciplines, capabilities, expertise and resources available to navigate and support the funds including during stressed times as occurred in the market in the first half of 2020. In addition to the services provided by the Adviser, the Board also considered the risks borne by the Adviser and its affiliates in managing the Nuveen funds, including entrepreneurial, operational, reputational, regulatory and litigation risks.
The Board further considered the division of responsibilities between the Adviser and the Sub-Adviser and recognized that the Sub-Adviser and its investment personnel generally are responsible for the management of the Fund’s portfolio under the oversight of the Adviser and the Board. The Board considered an analysis of the Sub-Adviser provided by the Adviser which included, among other things, the Sub-Adviser’s assets under management and changes thereto, a summary of the applicable investment team and changes thereto, the investment approach of the team and the performance of the funds sub-advised by the Sub-Adviser over various periods. The Board further considered at the May Meeting or prior meetings evaluations of the Sub-Adviser’s compliance program and trade execution. The Board also considered the structure of investment personnel compensation programs and whether this structure provides appropriate incentives to act in the best interests of the respective Nuveen funds. The Board noted that the Adviser recommended the renewal of the Sub-Advisory Agreement.
Based on its review, the Board determined, in the exercise of its reasonable business judgment, that it was satisfied with the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the Fund under each Advisory Agreement.
B.  The Investment Performance of the Fund and Fund Advisers
In evaluating the quality of the services provided by the Fund Advisers, the Board also received and considered a variety of investment performance data of the Nuveen funds they advise. In this regard, the Board reviewed, among other things, Fund performance over the quarter, one-, three- and five-year periods ending December 31, 2019. Unless otherwise indicated, the performance data referenced below reflects the periods ended December 31, 2019. In general, the year 2019 was a period of strong market performance. However, as noted above, the Board recognized the unprecedented market volatility and decline that occurred in early 2020 and the significant impact it would have on fund performance. As a result, the Board reviewed performance data capturing more recent time periods, including performance data reflecting the first quarter of 2020 as well as performance data for various periods ended April 17, 2020 for its April Meeting and May 8, 2020 for its May Meeting.
The Board reviewed both absolute and relative fund performance during the annual review over the various time periods. With respect to the latter, the Board considered fund performance in comparison to the performance of peer funds (the

“Performance Peer Group”) and recognized and/or customized benchmarks (i.e., generally benchmarks derived from multiple recognized benchmarks). For funds that had changes in portfolio managers, the Board considered performance data of such funds before and after such changes. In considering performance data, the Board is aware of certain inherent limitations with such data, including that differences between the objective(s), strategies and other characteristics of the Nuveen funds compared to the respective Performance Peer Group and/or benchmark(s) (such as differences in the use of leverage) as well as differences in the composition of the Performance Peer Group over time will necessarily contribute to differences in performance results and limit the value of the comparative information. To assist the Board in its review of the comparability of the relative performance, the Adviser has ranked the relevancy of the peer group to the funds as low, medium or high.
As noted above, the Board reviewed fund performance over various periods ended December 31, 2019 as well as the first quarter of 2020 and various time periods ended April 17, 2020 and May 8, 2020. In light of the significant market decline in the early part of 2020, the Board noted that a shorter period of underperformance may significantly impact longer term performance. Further, the Board recognized that performance data may differ significantly depending on the ending date selected and accordingly, performance results for periods ended at the year-end of 2019 may vary significantly from performance results for periods ended in the first quarter of 2020, particularly given the extraordinary market conditions at that time as the impact of COVID-19 and other market developments unfolded. The Board considered a fund’s performance in light of the overall financial market conditions. In addition, the Board recognized that shareholders may evaluate performance based on their own holding periods which may differ from the periods reviewed by the Board and lead to differing results.
The secondary market trading of shares of the Nuveen closed-end funds continues to be a priority for the Board given its importance to shareholders, and therefore data reflecting the premiums and discounts at which the shares of the closed-end funds trade is reviewed by the Board during its annual review and by the Board and/or its Closed-end Fund committee during its respective quarterly meetings throughout the year.
In addition to the performance data prepared in connection with the annual review of the advisory agreements of the Nuveen funds, the Board reviewed fund performance throughout the year at its quarterly meetings representing differing time periods and took into account the discussions that occurred at these Board meetings in evaluating a fund’s overall performance. The Board also considered, among other things, the Adviser’s analysis of each Nuveen fund’s performance, with particular focus on funds that were considered performance outliers (both overperformance and underperformance), the factors contributing to the performance and any steps taken to address any performance concerns. Given the volatile market conditions of early 2020, the Board considered the Adviser’s analysis of the impact of such conditions on the Nuveen funds’ performance.
The Board evaluated performance in light of various factors, including general market conditions, issuer-specific information, asset class information, fund cash flows and other factors. Accordingly, depending on the facts and circumstances, the Board may be satisfied with a fund’s performance notwithstanding that its performance may be below its benchmark or peer group for certain periods. However, with respect to any Nuveen funds for which the Board had identified performance issues, the Board monitors such funds closely until performance improves, discusses with the Adviser the reasons for such results, considers whether any steps are necessary or appropriate to address such issues, and reviews the results of any efforts undertaken.
The Board noted that the Fund’s performance was below the performance of its benchmark for the one-, three- and five-year periods ended December 31, 2019, and the Fund ranked in the third quartile of its Performance Peer Group for the one- and three-year periods ended December 31, 2019 and in the fourth quartile for the five-year period ended December 31, 2019. With the market decline in the first quarter of 2020, although the Fund’s performance was below the performance of its benchmark for the one-, three- and five-year periods ended March 31, 2020, the Fund ranked in the first quartile of its Performance Peer Group for the one- and three-year periods ended March 31, 2020 and second quartile for the five-year period ended March 31, 2020. In its review, the Board noted that the Performance Peer Group was classified as low for relevancy. In addition, the Board was aware of the merger of Nuveen Build America Bond Opportunity Fund (NBD) into the Fund which was effective November 19, 2018. In connection with the merger, the Fund’s contingent term provision was also eliminated and certain of the
Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process (continued)
Fund’s principal investment policies were modified. The Board recognized that the Fund’s performance prior to the effective date would not reflect such changes. The Board was satisfied with the overall performance of the Fund.
C. Fees, Expenses and Profitability
1. Fees and Expenses
As part of its annual review, the Board considered the contractual management fee and net management fee (the management fee after taking into consideration fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements, if any) paid by a Nuveen fund to the Adviser in light of the nature, extent and quality of the services provided. The Board also considered the total operating expense ratio of each Nuveen fund before and after any fee waivers and/or expense reimbursements. More specifically, the Independent Board Members reviewed, among other things, each fund’s gross and net management fee rates (i.e., before and after expense reimbursements and/or fee waivers, if any) and net total expense ratio in relation to those of a comparable universe of funds (the “Peer Universe”) established by Broadridge. The Independent Board Members reviewed the methodology Broadridge employed to establish its Peer Universe and recognized that differences between the applicable fund and its respective Peer Universe as well as changes to the composition of the Peer Universe from year to year may limit some of the value of the comparative data. The Independent Board Members also considered a fund’s operating expense ratio as it more directly reflected the shareholder’s costs in investing in the respective fund.
In their review, the Independent Board Members considered, in particular, each Nuveen fund with a net expense ratio (excluding investment-related costs of leverage) of six basis points or higher compared to that of its peer average (each, an “Expense Outlier Fund”) and an analysis as to the factors contributing to each such fund’s higher relative net expense ratio. In addition, although the Board reviewed a fund’s total net expenses both including and excluding investment-related expenses (i.e., leverage costs) and taxes for certain of the closed-end funds, the Board recognized that leverage expenses will vary across funds and in comparison to peers because of differences in the forms and terms of leverage employed by the respective fund. Accordingly, in reviewing the comparative data between a fund and its peers, the Board generally considered the fund’s net expense ratio and fees (excluding leverage costs and leveraged assets) to be higher if they were over 10 basis points higher, slightly higher if they were 6 to 10 basis points higher, in line if they were within approximately 5 basis points higher than the peer average and below if they were below the peer average of the Peer Universe. The Independent Board Members also considered, in relevant part, a fund’s net management fee and net total expense ratio in light of its performance history.
In their review of the fee arrangements for the Nuveen funds, the Independent Board Members considered the management fee schedules, including the complex-wide and fund-level breakpoint schedules. The Board noted that across the Nuveen fund complex, the complex-wide fee breakpoints reduced fees by $56.6 million and fund-level breakpoints reduced fees by $66.8 million in 2019.
With respect to the Sub-Adviser, the Board also considered the sub-advisory fee schedule paid to the Sub-Adviser in light of the sub-advisory services provided to the Fund, the breakpoint schedule and comparative data of the fees the Sub-Adviser charges to other clients, if any. In its review, the Board recognized that the compensation paid to the Sub-Adviser is the responsibility of the Adviser, not the Fund.
The Independent Board Members noted that the Fund had a net management fee and a net expense ratio that were below its respective peer averages.
Based on its review of the information provided, the Board determined that the Fund’s management fees (as applicable) to a Fund Adviser were reasonable in light of the nature, extent and quality of services provided to the Fund.
2. Comparisons with the Fees of Other Clients
In determining the appropriateness of fees, the Board also considered information regarding the fee rates the respective Fund Advisers charged to certain other types of clients and the type of services provided to these other clients.
With respect to the Adviser and/or the Sub-Adviser, in conjunction with municipal funds, such other clients may include retail and institutional managed accounts, passively managed exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) sub-advised by the Sub-Adviser but that are offered by another fund complex and municipal managed accounts offered by an unaffiliated adviser. With respect to the Sub-Adviser, in conjunction with municipal funds, the Board reviewed, among other things, the fee range and average fee of municipal retail wrap accounts and municipal institutional accounts.
With respect to the Adviser and/or the Sub-Adviser, in conjunction with non-municipal funds, such other clients may include retail and institutional managed accounts advised by the Sub-Adviser; investment companies offered outside the Nuveen family and sub-advised by the Sub-Adviser; foreign investment companies offered by Nuveen and sub-advised by the Sub-Adviser; and collective investment trusts sub-advised by the Sub-Adviser. The Board further noted that the Adviser also advised certain ETFs sponsored by Nuveen. With respect to affiliated sub-advisers, in conjunction with non-municipal funds, the Board reviewed, among other things, the range of fees assessed for managed accounts and foreign investment companies offered by Nuveen. The Board also reviewed the fee range and average fee rate of certain selected investment strategies offered in retail and institutional managed accounts advised by the Sub-Adviser and non-Nuveen investment companies sub-advised by certain affiliated sub-advisers.
In considering the fee data of other clients, the Board considered, among other things, the differences in the amount, type and level of services provided to the Nuveen funds relative to other clients as well as the differences in portfolio investment policies, investor profiles, account sizes and regulatory requirements, all of which contribute to the variations in the fee schedules. The Board recognized the complexity and myriad of services the Adviser had provided to the Nuveen funds compared to the other types of clients as the Adviser is principally responsible for all aspects of operating the funds, including complying with the increased regulatory requirements required when managing the funds as well as the increased entrepreneurial, legal and regulatory risks that the Adviser incurs in sponsoring and managing the funds. Further, with respect to ETFs, the Board considered that Nuveen ETFs are passively managed compared to the active management of the other Nuveen funds which contributed to the differences in fee levels between the Nuveen ETFs and other Nuveen funds. In general, higher fee levels reflect higher levels of service provided by the Adviser, increased investment management complexity, greater product management requirements, and higher levels of business risk or some combination of these factors. The Board further considered that the Sub-Adviser’s fee is essentially for portfolio management services and therefore more comparable to the fees it receives for retail wrap accounts and other external sub-advisory mandates. The Board concluded the varying levels of fees were justified given, among other things, the inherent differences in the products and the level of services provided to the Nuveen funds versus other clients, the differing regulatory requirements and legal liabilities and the entrepreneurial, legal and regulatory risks incurred in sponsoring and advising a registered investment company.
3. Profitability of Fund Advisers
In their review, the Independent Board Members considered information regarding Nuveen’s level of profitability for its advisory services to the Nuveen funds for the calendar years 2019 and 2018. The Board reviewed, among other things, Nuveen’s net margins (pre-tax) (both including and excluding distribution expenses); gross and net revenue margins (pre- and post-tax); revenues, expenses, and net income (pre-tax and after-tax and before distribution) of Nuveen for fund advisory services; and comparative profitability data comparing the margins of Nuveen compared to the adjusted margins of certain peers with publicly available data and with the most comparable assets under management (based on asset size and asset composition) for each of the last two calendar years. The Board also reviewed the revenues and expenses the Adviser derived from its ETF product line for the 2018 and 2019 calendar years.
In reviewing the profitability data, the Independent Board Members recognized the subjective nature of calculating profitability as the information is not audited and is dependent on cost allocation methodologies to allocate expenses of Nuveen and its affiliates between the fund and non-fund businesses. The expenses to be allocated include direct expenses in servicing the Nuveen funds as well as indirect and/or shared costs (such as overhead, legal and compliance) some of which are attributed to the Nuveen funds pursuant to the cost allocation methodologies. The Independent Board Members reviewed a description of

Annual Investment Management Agreement Approval Process (continued)
the cost allocation methodologies employed to develop the financial information and a summary of the history of changes to the methodology over the eleven-year period from 2008 to 2019. The Board had also appointed three Independent Board Members, along with the assistance of independent counsel, to serve as the Board’s liaisons to review the development of the profitability data and any proposed changes to the cost allocation methodology prior to incorporating any such changes and to report to the full Board. The Board recognized that other reasonable and valid allocation methodologies could be employed and could lead to significantly different results. Based on the data, the Independent Board Members noted that Nuveen’s net margins were higher in 2019 than the previous year and considered the key drivers behind the revenue and expense changes that impacted Nuveen’s net margins between the years. The Board also noted the reinvestments of some of the profits into the business through, among other things, the investment of seed capital in certain funds and continued investments in enhancements to information technology, internal infrastructure and data management improvements and global investment and innovation projects.
As noted above, the Independent Board Members also considered Nuveen’s margins from its relationship to the Nuveen funds compared to the adjusted margins of certain peers with publicly available data and with the most comparable assets under management (based on asset size and asset composition) to Nuveen for the calendar years 2019 and 2018. The Independent Board Members noted that Nuveen’s margins from its relationships with the Nuveen funds were on the low range compared to the adjusted margins of the peers. The Independent Board Members, however, recognized that it is difficult to make comparisons of profitability with other investment adviser peers given that comparative data is not generally public and the calculation of profitability is subjective and affected by numerous factors (such as types of funds a peer manages, its business mix, its cost of capital, the numerous assumptions underlying the methodology used to allocate expenses and other factors) which can have a significant impact on the results.
Aside from Nuveen’s profitability, the Board recognized that the Adviser is a subsidiary of Nuveen, LLC, the investment management arm of Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (“TIAA”). As such, the Board also reviewed a balance sheet for TIAA reflecting its assets, liabilities and capital and contingency reserves for the 2019 and 2018 calendar years to consider the financial strength of TIAA. The Board recognized the benefit of having an investment adviser and its parent with significant resources, particularly during periods of market stress.
In addition to Nuveen, the Independent Board Members also considered the profitability of the Sub-Adviser from its relationships with the Nuveen funds. In this regard, the Independent Board Members reviewed, among other things, the Sub-Adviser’s revenues, expenses and net revenue margins (pre- and post-tax) for its advisory activities for the calendar year ended December 31, 2019 as well as its pre-tax and after-tax net revenue margins for 2019 compared to such margins for 2018. The Independent Board Members also reviewed a profitability analysis reflecting the revenues, expenses and revenue margin (pre-and post-tax) by asset type for the Sub-Adviser for the calendar year ended December 31, 2019 and the pre- and post-tax revenue margins from 2019 and 2018.
In evaluating the reasonableness of the compensation, the Independent Board Members also considered any other ancillary benefits derived by the respective Fund Adviser from its relationship with the Nuveen funds as discussed in further detail below.
Based on a consideration of all the information provided, the Board noted that Nuveen’s and the Sub-Adviser’s level of profitability was acceptable and not unreasonable in light of the services provided.
D. Economies of Scale and Whether Fee Levels Reflect These Economies of Scale
The Board considered whether there have been economies of scale with respect to the management of the Nuveen funds and whether these economies of scale have been appropriately shared with the funds. The Board recognized that although economies of scale are difficult to measure, there are several methods to help share the benefits of economies of scale, including breakpoints in the management fee schedule, fee waivers and/or expense limitations, the pricing of Nuveen funds at scale at inception and investments in Nuveen’s business which can enhance the services provided to the funds for the fees paid. The Board noted that Nuveen generally has employed these various methods. In this regard, the Board noted that the management fee of the Adviser is generally
comprised of a fund-level component and a complex-level component each with its own breakpoint schedule, subject to certain exceptions. The Board reviewed the fund-level and complex-level fee schedules. The Board considered that the fund-level breakpoint schedules are designed to share economies of scale with shareholders if the particular fund grows, and the complex-level breakpoint schedule is designed to deliver the benefits of economies of scale to shareholders when the eligible assets in the complex pass certain thresholds even if the assets of a particular fund are unchanged or have declined. With respect to the Nuveen closed-end funds, the Board noted that, although such funds may from time-to-time make additional share offerings, the growth of their assets would occur primarily through the appreciation of such funds’ investment portfolios. Further, in the calculation of the complex-level component, the Board noted that it had approved the acquisition of several Nuveen funds by similar TIAA-CREF funds in 2019. However, to mitigate the loss of the assets of these Nuveen funds deemed eligible to be included in the calculation of the complex-wide fee when these Nuveen funds left the complex upon acquisition, Nuveen agreed to credit approximately $460 million to assets under management to the Nuveen complex in calculating the complex-wide component.
The Independent Board Members also recognized the Adviser’s continued reinvestment in its business through, among other things, investments in its business infrastructure and information technology, portfolio accounting system and other systems and platforms that will, among other things, support growth, simplify and enhance information sharing, and enhance the investment process to the benefit of all of the Nuveen funds.
Based on its review, the Board concluded that the current fee arrangements together with the Adviser’s reinvestment in its business appropriately shared any economies of scale with shareholders.
E. Indirect Benefits
The Independent Board Members received and considered information regarding other benefits the respective Fund Adviser or its affiliates may receive as a result of their relationship with the Nuveen funds. The Board considered the compensation that an affiliate of the Adviser received for serving as co-manager in the initial public offerings of new closed-end funds and for serving as an underwriter on shelf offerings of existing closed-end funds. In addition, the Independent Board Members also noted that various sub-advisers (including the Sub-Adviser) may engage in soft dollar transactions pursuant to which they may receive the benefit of research products and other services provided by broker-dealers executing portfolio transactions on behalf of the applicable Nuveen funds, although the Board recognized that certain sub-advisers may be phasing out the use of soft dollars over time.
The Board, however, noted that the benefits for the Sub-Adviser when transacting in fixed-income securities may be more limited as such securities generally trade on a principal basis and therefore do not generate brokerage commissions. Further, the Board considered that although the Sub-Adviser may benefit from the receipt of research and other services that it may otherwise have to pay for out of its own resources, the research may also benefit the Nuveen funds to the extent it enhances the ability of the Sub-Adviser to manage such funds or is acquired through the commissions paid on portfolio transactions of other clients.
Based on its review, the Board concluded that any indirect benefits received by a Fund Adviser as a result of its relationship with the Fund were reasonable and within acceptable parameters.
F. Other Considerations
The Board Members did not identify any single factor discussed previously as all-important or controlling. The Board Members, including the Independent Board Members, concluded that the terms of each Advisory Agreement were fair and reasonable, that the respective Fund Adviser’s fees were reasonable in light of the services provided to the Fund and that the Advisory Agreements be renewed.




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Nuveen is the investment manager of TIAA. We have grown into one of the world’s premier global asset managers, with specialist knowledge across all major asset classes and particular strength in solutions that provide income for investors and that draw on our expertise in alternatives and responsible investing. Nuveen is driven not only by the independent investment processes across the firm, but also the insights, risk management, analytics and other tools and resources that a truly world-class platform provides. As a global asset manager, our mission is to work in partnership with our clients to create solutions which help them secure their financial future.
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Learn more about Nuveen Funds at: www.nuveen.com/closed-end-funds

Nuveen Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC | 333 West Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 | www.nuveen.com

ESA-C-0920D 1402036-INV-B-11/21


Not applicable to this filing.


Not applicable to this filing.


Not applicable to this filing.


Not applicable to this filing.


(a) See Portfolio of Investments in Item 1.

(b) Not applicable.


Not applicable to this filing.


Not applicable to this filing.


Not applicable.


There have been no material changes to the procedures by which shareholders may recommend nominees to the registrant’s Board implemented after the registrant last provided disclosure in response to this Item.


The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”) (17 CFR 270.30a-3(c))) are effective, as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report that includes the disclosure required by this paragraph, based on their evaluation of the controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(b)) and Rules 13a-15(b) or 15d-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”)(17 CFR 240.13a-15(b) or 240.15d-15(b)).

There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-3(d)) that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Not applicable.

File the exhibits listed below as part of this Form.
Any code of ethics, or amendment thereto, that is the subject of the disclosure required by Item 2, to the extent that the registrant intends to satisfy the Item 2 requirements through filing of an exhibit: Not applicable to this filing.

Any written solicitation to purchase securities under Rule 23c-1 under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.23c-1) sent or given during the period covered by the  report by or on behalf of the registrant to 10 or more persons: Not applicable.

Change in the registrant’s independent public accountant. Not applicable.
If the report is filed under Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act, provide the certifications required by Rule 30a-2(b) under the 1940 Act (17 CFR 270.30a-2(b)); Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) under the Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13a-14(b) or 240.15d-14(b)), and Section 1350 of Chapter 63 of Title 18 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. 1350) as an exhibit. A certification furnished pursuant to this paragraph will not be deemed “filed” for purposes of Section 18 of the Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78r), or otherwise subject to the liability of that section. Such certification will not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Exchange Act, except to the extent that the registrant specifically incorporates it by reference: See Ex-99.906 CERT attached hereto.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

(Registrant) Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund

By (Signature and Title) /s/ Mark L. Winget
Mark L. Winget
Vice President and Secretary

Date: December 4, 2020
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By (Signature and Title) /s/ David J. Lamb
David J. Lamb
Chief Administrative Officer
(principal executive officer)

Date: December 4, 2020
By (Signature and Title) /s/ E. Scott Wickerham
E. Scott Wickerham
Vice President and Controller
(principal financial officer)

Date: December 4, 2020

Exhibit 99.CERT

I, David J. Lamb, certify that:

I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund;

Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: December 4, 2020
/s/ David J. Lamb
David J. Lamb
Chief Administrative Officer
(principal executive officer)


I, E. Scott Wickerham, certify that:

I have reviewed this report on Form N-CSR of Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund;

Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statements were made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairly present in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations, changes in net assets, and cash flows (if the financial statements are required to include a statement of cash flows) of the registrant as of, and for, the periods presented in this report;

The registrant’s other certifying officer and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) and internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940) for the registrant and have:

designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures to be designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant, including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularly during the period in which this report is being prepared;

designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financial reporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles;

evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant’s disclosure controls and procedures and presented in this report our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of a date within 90 days prior to the filing date of this report based on such evaluation; and

disclosed in this report any change in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting that occurred during the period covered by this report that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting; and

The registrant’s other certifying officer and I have disclosed to the registrant’s auditors and the audit committee of the registrant’s board of directors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant’s ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial information; and

any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Date: December 4, 2020
/s/ E. Scott Wickerham
E. Scott Wickerham
Vice President and Controller
(principal financial officer)

Exhibit 99.906CERT
Certification Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 1350, as adopted pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002; provided by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, based on each such officer’s knowledge and belief.

The undersigned officers of Nuveen Taxable Municipal Income Fund (the “Fund”), certify that, to the best of each such officer’s knowledge and belief:

The Form N-CSR of the Fund for the period ended September 30, 2020 (the “Report”) fully complies with the requirements of Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934; and

The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and results of operations of the Fund.

Date: December 4, 2020

/s/ David J. Lamb
David J. Lamb
Chief Administrative Officer
(principal executive officer)

/s/ E. Scott Wickerham
E. Scott Wickerham
Vice President, Controller
(principal financial officer)