(a) Nature of Operations—WEC Energy Group serves approximately 1.6 million electric customers and 3.0 million natural gas customers, and owns approximately 60% of ATC.
As used in these notes, the term "financial statements" refers to the consolidated financial statements. This includes the income statements, statements of comprehensive income, balance sheets, statements of cash flows, and statements of equity, unless otherwise noted. On our financial statements, we consolidate our majority-owned subsidiaries which we control, and VIEs of which we are the primary beneficiary. We reflect noncontrolling interests for the portion of entities that we do not own as a component of consolidated equity separate from the equity attributable to our shareholders. The noncontrolling interests that we reported as equity on our balance sheet as of December 31, 2021 related to the minority interests at Bishop Hill III, Coyote Ridge, Upstream, Blooming Grove, Tatanka Ridge, and Jayhawk held by third parties.
Our financial statements include the accounts of WEC Energy Group, a diversified energy holding company, and the accounts of our subsidiaries in the following reportable segments:
•Wisconsin segment – Consists of WE, WPS, and WG, which are engaged primarily in the generation of electricity and the distribution of electricity and natural gas in Wisconsin; and UMERC, which generates electricity and distributes electricity and natural gas to customers located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
•Illinois segment – Consists of PGL and NSG, which are engaged primarily in the distribution of natural gas in Illinois.
•Other states segment – Consists of MERC and MGU, which are engaged primarily in the distribution of natural gas in Minnesota and Michigan, respectively.
•Electric transmission segment – Consists of our approximate 60% ownership interest in ATC, a for-profit, electric transmission company regulated by the FERC and certain state regulatory commissions, and our approximate 75% ownership interest in ATC Holdco, which invests in transmission-related projects outside of ATC's traditional footprint.
•Non-utility energy infrastructure segment – Consists of We Power, which is principally engaged in the ownership of electric power generating facilities for long-term lease to WE, and Bluewater, which owns underground natural gas storage facilities in Michigan. WECI, which holds our ownership interests in several wind generating facilities, is also included in this segment. See Note 2, Acquisitions, for more information on the WECI wind generating facilities.
•Corporate and other segment – Consists of the WEC Energy Group holding company, the Integrys holding company, the PELLC holding company, Wispark, Wisvest, WECC, WBS, and also included the operations of PDL prior to the sale of its remaining solar facilities in the fourth quarter of 2020. See Note 3, Dispositions, for more information on the sale of these solar facilities.
Investments in companies not controlled by us, but over which we have significant influence regarding the operating and financial policies of the investee, are accounted for using the equity method. We use the cumulative earnings approach for classifying distributions received in the statements of cash flows. Under the cumulative earnings approach, we compare the distributions received to cumulative equity method earnings since inception. Any distributions received up to the amount of cumulative equity earnings are considered a return on investment and classified in operating activities. Any excess distributions are considered a return of investment and classified in investing activities.
Our financial statements also reflect our proportionate interests in certain jointly owned utility facilities. See Note 8, Jointly Owned Utility Facilities, for more information.
(b) Basis of Presentation—We prepare our financial statements in conformity with GAAP. We make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may differ from these estimates.
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(c) Cash and Cash Equivalents—Cash and cash equivalents include marketable debt securities with an original maturity of three months or less.
(d) Operating Revenues—The following discussion includes our significant accounting policies related to operating revenues. For additional required disclosures on disaggregation of operating revenues, see Note 4, Operating Revenues.
Revenues from Contracts with Customers
Electric Utility Operating Revenues
Electricity sales to residential and commercial and industrial customers are generally accomplished through requirements contracts, which provide for the delivery of as much electricity as the customer needs. These contracts represent discrete deliveries of electricity and consist of one distinct performance obligation satisfied over time, as the electricity is delivered and consumed by the customer simultaneously. For our Wisconsin residential and commercial and industrial customers and the majority of our Michigan residential and commercial and industrial customers, our performance obligation is bundled to consist of both the sale and the delivery of the electric commodity. In our Michigan service territory, a limited number of residential and commercial and industrial customers can purchase the commodity from a third party. In this case, the delivery of the electricity represents our sole performance obligation.
The transaction price of the performance obligations for residential and commercial and industrial customers is valued using the rates, charges, terms, and conditions of service included in the tariffs of our regulated electric utilities, which have been approved by state regulators. These rates often have a fixed component customer charge and a usage-based variable component charge. We recognize revenue for the fixed component customer charge monthly using a time-based output method. We recognize revenue for the usage-based variable component charge using an output method based on the quantity of electricity delivered each month. Our retail electric rates in Wisconsin include base amounts for fuel and purchased power costs, which also impact our revenues. The electric fuel rules set by the PSCW allow us to defer, for subsequent rate recovery or refund, under- or over-collections of actual fuel and purchased power costs beyond a 2% price variance from the costs included in the rates charged to customers. Our electric utilities monitor the deferral of under-collected costs to ensure that it does not cause them to earn a greater ROE than authorized by the PSCW. In contrast, the rates of our Michigan retail electric customers include recovery of fuel and purchased power costs on a one-for-one basis. In addition, the Wisconsin residential tariffs of WE and WPS include a mechanism for cost recovery or refund of uncollectible expense based on the difference between actual uncollectible write-offs and the amounts recovered in rates. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information on how COVID-19 has affected the cost recovery mechanisms for our utility companies.
Wholesale customers who resell power can choose to either bundle capacity and electricity services together under one contract with a supplier or purchase capacity and electricity separately from multiple suppliers. Furthermore, wholesale customers can choose to have our utilities provide generation to match the customer's load, similar to requirements contracts, or they can purchase specified quantities of electricity and capacity. Contracts with wholesale customers that include capacity bundled with the delivery of electricity contain two performance obligations, as capacity and electricity are often transacted separately in the marketplace at the wholesale level. When recognizing revenue associated with these contracts, the transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on its relative standalone selling price. Revenue is recognized as control of each individual component is transferred to the customer. Electricity is the primary product sold by our electric utilities and represents a single performance obligation satisfied over time through discrete deliveries to a customer. Revenue from electricity sales is generally recognized as units are produced and delivered to the customer within the production month. Capacity represents the reservation of an electric generating facility and conveys the ability to call on a plant to produce electricity when needed by the customer. The nature of our performance obligation as it relates to capacity is to stand ready to deliver power. This represents a single performance obligation transferred over time, which generally represents a monthly obligation. Accordingly, capacity revenue is recognized on a monthly basis.
The transaction price of the performance obligations for wholesale customers is valued using the rates, charges, terms, and conditions of service, which have been approved by the FERC. These wholesale rates include recovery of fuel and purchased power costs from customers on a one-for-one basis. For the majority of our wholesale customers, the price billed for energy and capacity is a formula-based rate. Formula-based rates initially set a customer's current year rates based on the previous year’s expenses. This is a predetermined formula derived from the utility's costs and a reasonable rate of return. Because these rates are eventually trued up to reflect actual, current-year costs, they represent a form of variable consideration in certain circumstances. The variable
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consideration is estimated and recognized over time as wholesale customers receive and consume the capacity and electricity services.
We are an active participant in the MISO Energy Markets, where we bid our generation into the Day Ahead and Real Time markets and procure electricity for our retail and wholesale customers at prices determined by the MISO Energy Markets. Purchase and sale transactions are recorded using settlement information provided by MISO. These purchase and sale transactions are accounted for on a net hourly position. Net purchases in a single hour are recorded as purchased power in cost of sales, and net sales in a single hour are recorded as resale revenues on our income statements. For resale revenues, our performance obligation is created only when electricity is sold into the MISO Energy Markets.
For all of our customers, consistent with the timing of when we recognize revenue, customer billings generally occur on a monthly basis, with payments typically due in full within 30 days.
Natural Gas Utility Operating Revenues
We recognize natural gas utility operating revenues under requirements contracts with residential, commercial and industrial, and transportation customers served under the tariffs of our regulated utilities. Tariffs provide our customers with the standard terms and conditions, including rates, related to the services offered. Requirements contracts provide for the delivery of as much natural gas as the customer needs. These requirements contracts represent discrete deliveries of natural gas and constitute a single performance obligation satisfied over time. Our performance obligation is both created and satisfied with the transfer of control of natural gas upon delivery to the customer. For most of our customers, natural gas is delivered and consumed by the customer simultaneously. A performance obligation can be bundled to consist of both the sale and the delivery of the natural gas commodity. In certain of our service territories, customers can purchase the commodity from a third party. In this case, the performance obligation only includes the delivery of the natural gas to the customer.
The transaction price of the performance obligations for our natural gas customers is valued using the rates, charges, terms, and conditions of service included in the tariffs of our regulated utilities, which have been approved by state regulators. These rates often have a fixed component customer charge and a usage-based variable component charge. We recognize revenue for the fixed component customer charge monthly using a time-based output method. We recognize revenue for the usage-based variable component charge using an output method based on natural gas delivered each month.
The tariffs of our natural gas utilities include various rate mechanisms that allow them to recover or refund changes in prudently incurred costs from rate case-approved amounts. The rates for all of our natural gas utilities include one-for-one recovery mechanisms for natural gas commodity costs. Under normal circumstances, we defer any difference between actual natural gas costs incurred and costs recovered through rates as a current asset or liability. The deferred balance is returned to or recovered from customers at intervals throughout the year. However, as a result of the extreme weather in the Midwest in February 2021, the cost of gas purchased for our natural gas customers was temporarily driven significantly higher than our normal winter weather expectations. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information on the recovery of these high natural gas costs.
In addition, the rates of PGL and NSG, and the residential tariffs of WE, WPS, and WG, include riders or other mechanisms for cost recovery or refund of uncollectible expense based on the difference between actual uncollectible write-offs and the amounts recovered in rates. The rates of PGL and NSG include riders for cost recovery of both environmental cleanup costs and energy conservation and management program costs. Finally, PGL's rates include a rider for income tax expense changes resulting from the Tax Legislation and a cost recovery mechanism for SMP costs and, and similarly, MERC's rates include riders to recover costs incurred to replace or modify natural gas facilities. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information on how COVID-19 has affected the cost recovery mechanisms for our company.
Consistent with the timing of when we recognize revenue, customer billings generally occur on a monthly basis, with payments typically due in full within 30 days.
Other Natural Gas Operating Revenues
We have other natural gas operating revenues from Bluewater, which is in our non-utility energy infrastructure segment. Bluewater has entered into long-term service agreements for natural gas storage services with WE, WPS, and WG, and also provides limited service to unaffiliated customers. All amounts associated with the service agreements with WE, WPS, and WG have been eliminated at the consolidated level.
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Other Non-Utility Operating Revenues
Wind generation revenues from WECI's ownership interests in wind generation facilities continued to grow with new acquisitions in 2021. See Note 2, Acquisitions, for more information on recent acquisitions. Most of these wind generation facilities have offtake agreements with unaffiliated third parties for all of the energy to be produced by the facility, some of which are bundled with capacity and RECs. We consider bundled energy, capacity and RECs within these offtake agreements to be distinct performance obligations as each are often transacted separately in the marketplace.
When recognizing revenue associated with these contracts, the transaction price is allocated to each performance obligation based on its relative standalone selling price. Revenue is recognized as control of each individual component is transferred to the customer. Revenue from the sale of this renewable energy is generally recognized as units are produced and delivered to the customer within the production month. Capacity represents the reservation of the renewable generation facility and conveys the ability to call on the wind facility to produce electricity when needed by the customer. The nature of our performance obligation as it relates to capacity is to stand ready to deliver power. This represents a single performance obligation transferred over time, which generally represents a monthly obligation. Accordingly, capacity revenue is recognized on a monthly basis. The performance obligation for RECs is recognized at a point-in-time; however, the timing of revenue recognition is the same, as the generation of renewable energy and the recognition of REC revenues occur concurrently.
Non-utility operating revenues are also derived from servicing appliances for customers at MERC. These contracts customarily have a duration of one year or less and consist of a single performance obligation satisfied over time. We use a time-based output method to recognize revenues monthly for the service fee.
Consistent with the timing of when we recognize revenue, customer billings for the wind generation and servicing revenues generally occur on a monthly basis, with payments typically due in full within 30 days.
As part of the construction of the We Power electric generating units, we capitalized interest during construction, which is included in property, plant, and equipment. As allowed by the PSCW, we collected these carrying costs from WE's utility customers during construction. The equity portion of these carrying costs was recorded as a contract liability, which is presented as deferred revenue, net on our balance sheets. We continually amortize the deferred carrying costs to revenues over the related lease term that We Power has with WE. During 2021, 2020, and 2019, we recorded $23.3 million, $22.9 million, and $25.4 million, respectively, of revenues related to these deferred carrying costs.
Other Operating Revenues
Alternative Revenues
Alternative revenues are created from programs authorized by regulators that allow our utilities to record additional revenues by adjusting rates in the future, usually as a surcharge applied to future billings, in response to past activities or completed events. Alternative revenue programs allow compensation for the effects of weather abnormalities, other external factors, or demand side management initiatives. Alternative revenue programs can also provide incentive awards if the utility achieves certain objectives and in other limited circumstances. We record alternative revenues when the regulator-specified conditions for recognition have been met. We reverse these alternative revenues as the customer is billed, at which time this revenue is presented as revenues from contracts with customers.
Below is a summary of the alternative revenue programs at our utilities:
•The rates of PGL, NSG, and MERC include decoupling mechanisms. These mechanisms differ by state and allow the utilities to recover or refund the differences between actual and authorized margins for certain customer classes. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information.
•PGL and NSG were authorized to implement a SPC rider for the recovery of incremental direct costs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, foregone late fees and reconnection charges, and the costs associated with their bill payment assistance programs. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information.
•MERC’s rates include a conservation improvement program rider, which includes a financial incentive for meeting energy savings goals.
•WE and WPS provide wholesale electric service to customers under market-based rates and FERC formula rates. The customer is charged a base rate each year based upon a formula using prior year actual costs and customer demand. A true-up is calculated
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based on the difference between the amount billed to customers for the demand component of their rates and what the actual cost of service was for the year. The true-up can result in an amount that we will recover from or refund to the customer. We consider the true-up portion of the wholesale electric revenues to be alternative revenues.
(e) Credit Losses—The following discussion includes our significant accounting policies related to credit losses. For additional required disclosures on credit losses, see Note 5, Credit Losses.
Effective January 1, 2020, we adopted FASB ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments – Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments, using the modified retrospective transition method. This ASU amends the impairment model to utilize an expected loss methodology in place of the incurred loss methodology for financial instruments, including trade receivables. The amendment requires entities to consider a broader range of information to estimate expected credit losses, which may result in earlier recognition of loss. The cumulative effect of adopting this standard was not significant to our financial statements.
Our exposure to credit losses is related to our accounts receivable and unbilled revenue balances, which are primarily generated from the sale of electricity and natural gas by our regulated utility operations. Credit losses associated with our utility operations are analyzed at the reportable segment level as we believe contract terms, political and economic risks, and the regulatory environment are similar at this level as our reportable segments are generally based on the geographic location of the underlying utility operations.
We have an accounts receivable and unbilled revenue balance associated with our non-utility energy infrastructure segment, related to the sale of electricity from our majority-owned wind generating facilities through agreements with several large high credit quality counterparties. At the corporate and other segment, we had an accounts receivable and unbilled revenue balance at the beginning of 2020 related to the PDL residential solar facilities, which were sold in November 2020. See Note 3, Dispositions, for more information.
We evaluate the collectability of our accounts receivable and unbilled revenue balances considering a combination of factors. For some of our larger customers and also in circumstances where we become aware of a specific customer's inability to meet its financial obligations to us, we record a specific allowance for credit losses against amounts due in order to reduce the net recognized receivable to the amount we reasonably believe will be collected. For all other customers, we use the accounts receivable aging method to calculate an allowance for credit losses. Using this method, we classify accounts receivable into different aging buckets and calculate a reserve percentage for each aging bucket based upon historical loss rates. The calculated reserve percentages are updated on at least an annual basis, in order to ensure recent macroeconomic, political, and regulatory trends are captured in the calculation, to the extent possible. Risks identified that we do not believe are reflected in the calculated reserve percentages, are assessed on a quarterly basis to determine whether further adjustments are required.
We monitor our ongoing credit exposure through active review of counterparty accounts receivable balances against contract terms and due dates. Our activities include timely account reconciliation, dispute resolution and payment confirmation. To the extent possible, we work with customers with past due balances to negotiate payment plans, but will disconnect customers for non-payment as allowed by our regulators, if necessary, and employ collection agencies and legal counsel to pursue recovery of defaulted receivables. For our larger customers, detailed credit review procedures may be performed in advance of any sales being made. We sometimes require letters of credit, parental guarantees, prepayments or other forms of credit assurance from our larger customers to mitigate credit risk. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for information on certain regulatory actions that were and/or are being taken for the purpose of ensuring that essential utility services are available to our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
(f) Materials, Supplies, and Inventories—Our inventory as of December 31 consisted of:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Natural gas in storage | | $ | 326.0 | | | $ | 224.9 | |
Materials and supplies | | 225.3 | | | 218.1 | |
Fossil fuel | | 84.5 | | | 85.6 | |
Total | | $ | 635.8 | | | $ | 528.6 | |
PGL and NSG price natural gas storage injections at the calendar year average of the costs of natural gas supply purchased. Withdrawals from storage are priced on the LIFO cost method. Inventories stated on a LIFO basis represented approximately 19% and 22% of total inventories at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. The estimated replacement cost of natural gas in inventory at December 31, 2021 and 2020, exceeded the LIFO cost by $114.2 million and $31.5 million, respectively. In calculating
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these replacement amounts, PGL and NSG used a Chicago city-gate natural gas price per Dth of $3.67 at December 31, 2021, and $2.31 at December 31, 2020.
Substantially all other natural gas in storage, materials and supplies, and fossil fuel inventories are recorded using the weighted-average cost method of accounting.
(g) Regulatory Assets and Liabilities—The economic effects of regulation can result in regulated companies recording costs and revenues that are allowed in the rate-making process in a period different from the period they would have been recognized by a nonregulated company. When this occurs, regulatory assets and regulatory liabilities are recorded on the balance sheet. Regulatory assets represent deferred costs probable of recovery from customers that would have otherwise been charged to expense. Regulatory liabilities represent amounts that are expected to be refunded to customers in future rates or future costs already collected from customers in rates.
The recovery or refund of regulatory assets and liabilities is based on specific periods determined by our regulators or occurs over the normal operating period of the related assets and liabilities. If a previously recorded regulatory asset is no longer probable of recovery, the regulatory asset is reduced to the amount considered probable of recovery, and the reduction is charged to expense in the current period. See Note 6, Regulatory Assets and Liabilities, for more information.
(h) Property, Plant, and Equipment—We record property, plant, and equipment at cost. Cost includes material, labor, overhead, and both debt and equity components of AFUDC. Additions to and significant replacements of property are charged to property, plant, and equipment at cost; minor items are charged to other operation and maintenance expense. The cost of depreciable utility property less salvage value is charged to accumulated depreciation when property is retired.
We record straight-line depreciation expense over the estimated useful life of utility property using depreciation rates approved by the applicable regulators. Annual utility composite depreciation rates are shown below:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Annual Utility Composite Depreciation Rates | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
WE | | 3.09% | | 3.19% | | 3.11% |
WPS | | 2.66% | | 2.63% | | 2.44% |
WG | | 2.44% | | 2.33% | | 2.29% |
PGL | | 3.12% | | 3.16% | | 3.20% |
NSG | | 2.52% | | 2.48% | | 2.48% |
MERC | | 2.58% | | 2.47% | | 2.33% |
MGU | | 2.70% | | 2.67% | | 2.54% |
UMERC | | 2.94% | | 2.97% | | 2.87% |
We depreciate our We Power assets over the estimated useful life of the various property components. The components have useful lives of between 10 to 45 years for PWGS 1 and PWGS 2 and 10 to 55 years for ER 1 and ER 2.
We capitalize certain costs related to software developed or obtained for internal use and record these costs to amortization expense over the estimated useful life of the related software, which ranges from 3 to 15 years. If software is retired prior to being fully amortized, the difference is recorded as a loss on the income statement.
Third parties reimburse the utilities for all or a portion of expenditures for certain capital projects. Such contributions in aid of construction costs are recorded as a reduction to property, plant, and equipment.
See Note 7, Property, Plant, and Equipment, for more information.
(i) Allowance for Funds Used During Construction—AFUDC is included in utility plant accounts and represents the cost of borrowed funds (AFUDC – Debt) used during plant construction, and a return on shareholders' capital (AFUDC – Equity) used for construction purposes. AFUDC – Debt is recorded as a reduction of interest expense, and AFUDC – Equity is recorded in other income, net.
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The majority of AFUDC is recorded at WE, WPS, WBS, WG, and UMERC. Approximately 50% of WE's, WPS's, WG's, UMERC's, and WBS's retail jurisdictional CWIP expenditures are subject to the AFUDC calculation. The AFUDC calculation for WBS uses the WPS AFUDC retail rate, while our utilities' AFUDC rates are determined by their respective state commissions, each with specific requirements. Average AFUDC rates are shown below:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2021 |
| | Average AFUDC Retail Rate | | Average AFUDC Wholesale Rate |
WE | | 8.68% | | 1.79% |
WPS | | 7.55% | | 1.04% |
WG | | 8.32% | | N/A |
UMERC | | 6.28% | | N/A |
WBS | | 7.55% | | N/A |
Our regulated utilities and WBS recorded the following AFUDC for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
AFUDC – Debt | | | | | | |
WE | | $ | 2.9 | | | $ | 2.6 | | | $ | 1.5 | |
WPS | | 3.5 | | | 4.6 | | | 2.4 | |
WG | | 0.2 | | | 0.6 | | | 0.5 | |
UMERC | | 0.1 | | | — | | | 1.3 | |
WBS | | 0.1 | | | 0.1 | | | 0.1 | |
Other | | — | | | 0.1 | | | 0.1 | |
Total AFUDC – Debt | | $ | 6.8 | | | $ | 8.0 | | | $ | 5.9 | |
| | | | | | |
AFUDC – Equity | | | | | | |
WE | | $ | 7.9 | | | $ | 7.0 | | | $ | 3.7 | |
WPS | | 9.0 | | | 11.8 | | | 5.7 | |
WG | | 0.6 | | | 1.6 | | | 1.3 | |
UMERC | | 0.1 | | | 0.1 | | | 3.3 | |
WBS | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | |
Other | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | |
Total AFUDC – Equity | | $ | 18.0 | | | $ | 20.9 | | | $ | 14.4 | |
(j) Cloud Computing Hosting Arrangements that are Service Contracts—We have entered into several cloud computing arrangements that are hosted service contracts as part of projects related to the continuous transformation of technology. These projects include, among other things, developing a centralized repository for data to improve analytics and reporting, targeted enterprise resource planning systems, a project management tool, and a power generation employee scheduling system. We present prepaid hosting fees that are service contracts in either prepayments or other long-term assets on our balance sheets and amortize them as the hosting services are received. Amortization expense, as well as the fees associated with the hosting arrangements, is recorded in other operation and maintenance expense on our income statements.
At December 31, 2021 and 2020, we had $3.3 million and $1.8 million, respectively, of capitalized implementation costs related to cloud computing arrangements that are hosted service contracts. We amortize the implementation costs on a straight-line basis over the cloud computing service arrangement term once the component of the hosted service is ready for its intended use. Amortization and accumulated amortization for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 were not significant. The presentation of the implementation costs, along with the related accumulated amortization, follows the prepaid hosting fees.
(k) Asset Impairment—Goodwill and other intangible assets with indefinite lives are subject to an annual impairment test. Interim impairment tests are performed when impairment indicators are present. During the third quarter of each year, we perform an annual impairment test at all of our reporting units that carry a goodwill balance. The carrying amount of the reporting unit's goodwill is considered not recoverable if the carrying amount of the reporting unit's net assets exceeds the reporting unit's fair value. An impairment loss is recorded for the excess of the carrying amount of the goodwill over its implied fair value. See Note 10, Goodwill and Intangibles, for more information.
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We periodically assess the recoverability of certain long-lived assets when factors indicate the carrying value of such assets may be impaired or such assets are planned to be sold. Long-lived assets that would be subject to an impairment assessment generally include any assets within regulated operations that may not be fully recovered from our customers as a result of regulatory decisions that will be made in the future, as well as assets within nonregulated operations that are proposed to be sold or are currently generating operating losses. An impairment loss is recognized when the carrying amount of an asset is not recoverable and exceeds the fair value of the asset. The carrying amount of an asset is not recoverable if it exceeds the sum of the undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use and eventual disposition of the asset. An impairment loss is measured as the excess of the carrying amount of the asset in comparison to the fair value of the asset.
When it becomes probable that a generating unit will be retired before the end of its useful life, we assess whether the generating unit meets the criteria for abandonment accounting. Generating units that are considered probable of abandonment are expected to cease operations in the near term, significantly before the end of their original estimated useful lives. If a generating unit meets the applicable criteria to be considered probable of abandonment, and the unit has been abandoned, we assess the likelihood of recovery of the remaining net book value of that generating unit at the end of each reporting period. If it becomes probable that regulators will disallow full recovery as well as a return on the remaining net book value of a generating unit that is either abandoned or probable of being abandoned, an impairment loss may be required. An impairment loss would be recorded if the remaining net book value of the generating unit is greater than the present value of the amount expected to be recovered from ratepayers, using an incremental borrowing rate. See Note 6, Regulatory Assets and Liabilities, for more information.
We periodically assess the recoverability of equity method investments when factors indicate the carrying amount of such assets may be impaired. Equity method investments are assessed for impairment by comparing the fair values of these investments to their carrying amounts if a fair value assessment was completed or by reviewing for the presence of impairment indicators. If an impairment exists, and it is determined to be other-than-temporary, an impairment loss is recognized equal to the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the investment's fair value.
(l) Asset Retirement Obligations—We recognize, at fair value, legal obligations associated with the retirement of long-lived assets that result from the acquisition, construction, development, and normal operation of the assets. An ARO liability is recorded, when incurred, for these obligations as long as the fair value can be reasonably estimated, even if the timing or method of settling the obligation is unknown. The associated retirement costs are capitalized as part of the related long-lived asset and are depreciated over the useful life of the asset. The ARO liabilities are accreted each period using the credit-adjusted risk-free interest rates associated with the expected settlement dates of the AROs. These rates are determined when the obligations are incurred. Subsequent changes resulting from revisions to the timing or the amount of the original estimate of undiscounted cash flows are recognized as an increase or a decrease to the carrying amount of the liability and the associated capitalized retirement costs. For our regulated entities, we recognize regulatory assets or liabilities for the timing differences between when we recover an ARO in rates and when we recognize the associated retirement costs. See Note 9, Asset Retirement Obligations, for more information.
(m) Intangible Liabilities—Our finite-lived intangible liabilities include revenue contracts, consisting of PPAs and a proxy revenue swap, in addition to interconnection agreements, which were all obtained through the acquisitions of wind generation facilities by WECI in our non-utility energy infrastructure segment. Intangible liabilities are amortized on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful life. Amortization of revenue contracts is recorded within operating revenues in the income statements. Amortization related to the interconnection agreements is recorded within other operation and maintenance in the income statements. The straight-line method of amortization is used because it best reflects the pattern in which the economic benefits of the intangibles are consumed or otherwise used. The amounts and useful lives assigned to intangible liabilities assumed impact the amount and timing of future amortization.
(n) Stock-Based Compensation—In accordance with the Omnibus Stock Incentive Plan, we provide long-term incentives through our equity interests to our non-employee directors, officers, and other key employees. The plan provides for the granting of stock options, restricted stock, performance shares, and other stock-based awards. Awards may be paid in common stock, cash, or a combination thereof. In addition to those shares of common stock that are subject to awards outstanding as of May 6, 2021, 9.0 million shares are reserved for issuance under the plan.
We recognize stock-based compensation expense on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period. Awards classified as equity awards are measured based on their grant-date fair value. Awards classified as liability awards are recorded at fair value each reporting period. We account for forfeitures as they occur, rather than estimating potential future forfeitures and recording them over the vesting period.
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Stock Options
We grant non-qualified stock options that generally vest on a cliff-basis after three years. The exercise price of a stock option under the plan cannot be less than 100% of our common stock's fair market value on the grant date. Historically, all stock options have been granted with an exercise price equal to the fair market value of our common stock on the date of the grant. Options vest immediately upon retirement, death, or disability; however, they may not be exercised within six months of the grant date except in connection with certain termination of employment events following a change in control. Options expire no later than 10 years from the date of the grant.
Our stock options are classified as equity awards. The fair value of our stock options was calculated using a binomial option-pricing model. The following table shows the estimated weighted-average fair value per stock option granted along with the weighted-average assumptions used in the valuation models:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Stock options granted | | 530,612 | | | 554,594 | | | 476,418 | |
| | | | | | |
Estimated weighted-average fair value per stock option | | $ | 13.20 | | | $ | 10.94 | | | $ | 8.60 | |
| | | | | | |
Assumptions used to value the options: | | | | | | |
Risk-free interest rate | | 0.1% – 0.9% | | 0.2% – 1.9% | | 2.5% – 2.7% |
Dividend yield | | 2.9 | % | | 3.0 | % | | 3.6 | % |
Expected volatility | | 21.0 | % | | 16.3 | % | | 17.0 | % |
Expected life (years) | | 8.7 | | 8.6 | | 8.5 |
The risk-free interest rate was based on the United States Treasury interest rate with a term consistent with the expected life of the stock options. The dividend yield was based on our dividend rate at the time of the grant and historical stock prices. Expected volatility and expected life assumptions were based on our historical experience.
Restricted Shares
Restricted shares granted to employees generally have a vesting period of three years with one-third of the award vesting on each anniversary of the grant date. Restricted shares granted to certain officers and all non-employee directors fully vest after one year.
Our restricted shares are classified as equity awards.
Performance Units
Officers and other key employees are granted performance units under the WEC Energy Group Performance Unit Plan. Under the plan, the ultimate number of units that will be awarded is dependent on our total shareholder return (stock price appreciation plus dividends) as compared to the total shareholder return of a peer group of companies over three years, as well as other performance metrics as may be determined by the Compensation Committee. Under the terms of the award, participants may earn between 0% and 175% of the performance unit award based on our total shareholder return. Pursuant to the terms of the plan, these percentages can be adjusted upwards or downwards by up to 10% based on our performance against additional performance measures, if any, adopted by the Compensation Committee. Performance units also accrue forfeitable dividend equivalents in the form of additional performance units.
All grants of performance units are settled in cash and are accounted for as liability awards accordingly. The fair value of the performance units reflects our estimate of the final expected value of the awards, which is based on our stock price and performance achievement under the terms of the award. Stock-based compensation costs are generally recorded over the performance period, which is three years.
See Note 11, Common Equity, for more information on our stock-based compensation plans.
(o) Earnings Per Share—We compute basic earnings per share by dividing our net income attributed to common shareholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share is computed in a similar manner, but includes the exercise and/or conversion of all potentially dilutive securities. Such dilutive securities include in-the-
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money stock options. The calculation of diluted earnings per share for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 excluded 769,030 and 207,445 stock options, respectively, that had an anti-dilutive effect. There were no securities that had an anti-dilutive effect for the year ended December 31, 2019.
(p) Leases—We recognize a right of use asset and lease liability for operating and finance leases with a term of greater than one year. As a policy election, we account for each lease component separately from the nonlease components of a contract.
Significant Judgments and Other Information
We are currently party to several easement agreements that allow us access to land we do not own for the purpose of constructing and maintaining certain electric power and natural gas equipment. The majority of payments we make related to easements relate to our wind generating facilities. We have not classified our easements as leases because we view the entire parcel of land specified in our easement agreements to be the identified asset, not just that portion of the parcel that contains our easement. As such, we have concluded that we do not control the use of an identified asset related to our easement agreements, nor do we obtain substantially all of the economic benefits associated with these shared-use assets.
See Note 15, Leases, for more information.
(q) Income Taxes—We follow the liability method in accounting for income taxes. Accounting guidance for income taxes requires the recording of deferred assets and liabilities to recognize the expected future tax consequences of events that have been reflected in our financial statements or tax returns and the adjustment of deferred tax balances to reflect tax rate changes. We are required to assess the likelihood that our deferred tax assets would expire before being realized. If we conclude that certain deferred tax assets are likely to expire before being realized, a valuation allowance would be established against those assets. GAAP requires that, if we conclude in a future period that it is more likely than not that some or all of the deferred tax assets would be realized before expiration, we reverse the related valuation allowance in that period. Any change to the allowance, as a result of a change in judgment about the realization of deferred tax assets, is reported in income tax expense.
ITCs associated with regulated operations are deferred and amortized over the life of the assets. PTCs are recognized in the period in which such credits are generated. The amount of the credit is based upon power production from our qualifying generation facilities. We file a consolidated federal income tax return. Accordingly, we allocate federal current tax expense, benefits, and credits to our subsidiaries based on their separate tax computations and our ability to monetize all credits on our consolidated federal return. See Note 16, Income Taxes, for more information.
We recognize interest and penalties accrued, related to unrecognized tax benefits, in income tax expense in our income statements.
(r) Fair Value Measurements—Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (exit price).
Fair value accounting rules provide a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs used to measure fair value. The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurement) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurement). The three levels of the fair value hierarchy are defined as follows:
Level 1 – Quoted prices are available in active markets for identical assets or liabilities as of the reporting date. Active markets are those in which transactions for the asset or liability occur in sufficient frequency and volume to provide pricing information on an ongoing basis.
Level 2 – Pricing inputs are observable, either directly or indirectly, but are not quoted prices included within Level 1. Level 2 includes those financial instruments that are valued using external inputs within models or other valuation methods.
Level 3 – Pricing inputs include significant inputs that are generally less observable from objective sources. These inputs may be used with internally developed methods that result in management's best estimate of fair value. Level 3 instruments include those that may be more structured or otherwise tailored to customers' needs.
Assets and liabilities are classified in their entirety based on the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. We use a mid-market pricing convention (the mid-point price between bid and ask prices) as a practical measure for
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valuing certain derivative assets and liabilities. We primarily use a market approach for recurring fair value measurements and attempt to use valuation techniques that maximize the use of observable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs.
When possible, we base the valuations of our derivative assets and liabilities on quoted prices for identical assets and liabilities in active markets. These valuations are classified in Level 1. The valuations of certain contracts not classified as Level 1 may be based on quoted market prices received from counterparties and/or observable inputs for similar instruments. Transactions valued using these inputs are classified in Level 2. Certain derivatives are categorized in Level 3 due to the significance of unobservable or internally-developed inputs.
See Note 17, Fair Value Measurements, for more information.
(s) Derivative Instruments—We use derivatives as part of our risk management program to manage the risks associated with the price volatility of interest rates, purchased power, generation, and natural gas costs for the benefit of our customers and shareholders. Our approach is non-speculative and designed to mitigate risk. Regulated hedging programs are approved by our state regulators.
We record derivative instruments on our balance sheets as assets or liabilities measured at fair value unless they qualify for the normal purchases and sales exception, and are so designated. We continually assess our contracts designated as normal and will discontinue the treatment of these contracts as normal if the required criteria are no longer met. Changes in the derivative's fair value are recognized currently in earnings unless specific hedge accounting criteria are met or we receive regulatory treatment for the derivative. For most energy-related physical and financial contracts in our regulated operations that qualify as derivatives, our regulators allow the effects of fair value accounting to be offset to regulatory assets and liabilities.
We classify derivative assets and liabilities as current or long-term on our balance sheets based on the maturities of the underlying contracts. Cash flows from derivative activities are presented in the same category as the item being hedged within operating activities on our statements of cash flows.
Derivative accounting rules provide the option to present certain asset and liability derivative positions net on the balance sheets and to net the related cash collateral against these net derivative positions. We elected not to net these items. On our balance sheets, cash collateral provided to others is reflected in other current assets, and cash collateral received is reflected in other current liabilities. See Note 18, Derivative Instruments, for more information.
(t) Guarantees—We follow the guidance of the Guarantees Topic of the FASB ASC, which requires, under certain circumstances, that the guarantor recognize a liability for the fair value of the obligation undertaken in issuing the guarantee at its inception. See Note 19, Guarantees, for more information.
(u) Employee Benefits—The costs of pension and OPEB plans are expensed over the periods during which employees render service. These costs are distributed among our subsidiaries based on current employment status and actuarial calculations, as applicable. Our regulators allow recovery in rates for the utilities' net periodic benefit cost calculated under GAAP. See Note 20, Employee Benefits, for more information.
(v) Customer Deposits and Credit Balances—When utility customers apply for new service, they may be required to provide a deposit for the service. Customer deposits are recorded within other current liabilities on our balance sheets.
Utility customers can elect to be on a budget plan. Under this type of plan, a monthly installment amount is calculated based on estimated annual usage. During the year, the monthly installment amount is reviewed by comparing it to actual usage. If necessary, an adjustment is made to the monthly amount. Annually, the budget plan is reconciled to actual annual usage. Payments in excess of actual customer usage are recorded within other current liabilities on our balance sheets.
(w) Environmental Remediation Costs—We are subject to federal and state environmental laws and regulations that in the future may require us to pay for environmental remediation at sites where we have been, or may be, identified as a potentially responsible party. Loss contingencies may exist for the remediation of hazardous substances at various potential sites, including coal combustion residual landfills and manufactured gas plant sites. See Note 9, Asset Retirement Obligations, for more information regarding coal combustion residual landfills and Note 24, Commitments and Contingencies, for more information regarding manufactured gas plant sites.
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We record environmental remediation liabilities when site assessments indicate remediation is probable and we can reasonably estimate the loss or a range of losses. The estimate includes both our share of the liability and any additional amounts that will not be paid by other potentially responsible parties or the government. When possible, we estimate costs using site-specific information but also consider historical experience for costs incurred at similar sites. Remediation efforts for a particular site generally extend over a period of several years. During this period, the laws governing the remediation process may change, as well as site conditions, potentially affecting the cost of remediation.
Our utilities have received approval to defer certain environmental remediation costs, as well as estimated future costs, through a regulatory asset. The recovery of deferred costs is subject to the applicable state regulatory commission's approval.
We review our estimated costs of remediation annually for our manufactured gas plant sites and coal combustion residual landfills. We adjust the liabilities and related regulatory assets, as appropriate, to reflect the new cost estimates. Any material changes in cost estimates are adjusted throughout the year.
(x) Customer Concentrations of Credit Risk—The geographic concentration of our customers did not contribute significantly to our overall exposure to credit risk. We periodically review customers' credit ratings, financial statements, and historical payment performance and require them to provide collateral or other security as needed. Credit risk exposure at WE, WPS, WG, PGL, and NSG is mitigated by their recovery mechanisms for uncollectible expense discussed in Note 1(d), Operating Revenues. As a result, we did not have any significant concentrations of credit risk at December 31, 2021. In addition, there were no customers that accounted for more than 10% of our revenues for the year ended December 31, 2021.
In accordance with Topic 805: Clarifying the Definition of a Business (ASU 2017-01), transactions are evaluated and are accounted for as acquisitions (or disposals) of assets or businesses, and transaction costs are capitalized in asset acquisitions. The purchase price of certain acquisitions described below includes intangibles recorded as long-term liabilities related to PPAs, an interconnection agreement, and a proxy revenue swap. See Note 10, Goodwill and Intangibles, for more information.
Acquisition of Electric Generation Facility in Wisconsin
In November 2021, WE and WPS signed an asset purchase agreement to acquire Whitewater, a commercially operational 236.5 MW dual fueled (natural gas and low sulfur fuel oil) combined cycle electrical generation facility in Whitewater, Wisconsin, for $72.7 million. The transaction is expected to close in January 2023. In December 2021, WE and WPS filed an application with the PSCW for approval to acquire Whitewater. See Note 15, Leases, for more information.
Acquisition of Wind Generation Facilities in Illinois
In June 2021, WECI signed an agreement to acquire a 90% ownership interest in Sapphire Sky, a 250 MW wind generating facility under construction in McLean County, Illinois, for approximately $412 million. The project has an offtake agreement with an unaffiliated third party for all of the energy to be produced by the facility for a period of 12 years. WECI's investment in Sapphire Sky is expected to qualify for PTCs. The transaction is subject to FERC approval and commercial operation is expected to begin by the end of 2022, at which time the transaction is expected to close. Sapphire Sky will be included in the non-utility energy infrastructure segment.
In December 2020, WECI completed the acquisition of a 90% ownership interest in Blooming Grove, a commercially operational 250 MW wind generating facility in McLean County, Illinois, for a total investment of $364.6 million, which includes transaction costs and is net of restricted cash acquired of $24.1 million. Blooming Grove has offtake agreements for all the energy produced with affiliates of two investment grade multinational companies for 12 years. WECI's investment in Blooming Grove qualifies for PTCs. Blooming Grove is included in the non-utility energy infrastructure segment.
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The table below shows the allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition.
| | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | |
Net property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 488.3 | |
Accounts receivable | | 0.3 | |
| | |
Other long-term assets | | 2.9 | |
| | |
Accounts payable | | (13.7) | |
Other current liabilities | | (1.5) | |
Long-term liabilities | | (68.7) | |
Noncontrolling interest | | (43.0) | |
Total purchase price | | $ | 364.6 | |
Acquisition of a Wind Generation Facility in Kansas
In February 2021, WECI completed the acquisition of a 90% ownership interest in Jayhawk, a 190 MW wind generating facility in Bourbon and Crawford counties, Kansas, for $119.9 million, which included transaction costs. This project became commercially operational in December 2021. Subsequent to the acquisition, WECI incurred an additional $147.4 million of capital expenditures for the project for a total investment of $267.3 million. The project has an offtake agreement with an unaffiliated third party for all of the energy to be produced by the facility for a period of 10 years. WECI's investment in Jayhawk qualifies for PTCs. WECI is entitled to 99% of the tax benefits related to this facility for the first 10 years of commercial operation, after which we will be entitled to tax benefits equal to our ownership interest. Jayhawk is included in the non-utility energy infrastructure segment.
The table below shows the allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition.
| | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | |
Net property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 145.3 | |
Long-term liabilities | | (11.8) | |
Long-term debt | | (7.3) | |
Noncontrolling interest | | (6.3) | |
Total purchase price | | $ | 119.9 | |
Acquisition of a Wind Generation Facility in South Dakota
In December 2020, WECI completed the acquisition of an 85% ownership interest in Tatanka Ridge, a 155 MW wind generating facility in Deuel County, South Dakota, that became commercially operational in January 2021. WECI's total investment was $239.9 million, which included transaction costs. Tatanka Ridge has offtake agreements for all the energy produced with an affiliate of an investment grade multinational company for 12 years and a well-established electric cooperative that serves utilities in multiple states for 10 years. WECI's investment in Tatanka Ridge qualifies for PTCs. WECI is entitled to 99% of the tax benefits related to this facility for the first 11 years of commercial operation, after which we will be entitled to tax benefits equal to our ownership interest. Tatanka Ridge is included in the non-utility energy infrastructure segment.
The table below shows the allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition.
| | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | |
Current assets | | $ | 37.3 | |
Net property, plant, and equipment | | 301.2 | |
Current liabilities | | (37.3) | |
Long-term liabilities | | (19.3) | |
Noncontrolling interest | | (42.0) | |
Total purchase price | | $ | 239.9 | |
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Acquisition of Wind Generation Facilities in Nebraska
In August 2019, WECI signed an agreement to acquire an 80% ownership interest in Thunderhead, a 300 MW wind generating facility under construction in Antelope and Wheeler counties in Nebraska, for a total investment of approximately $338 million. In February 2020, WECI agreed to acquire an additional 10% ownership interest in Thunderhead for $43 million. The project has an offtake agreement for all of the energy to be produced by the facility for 12 years. WECI's investment in Thunderhead is expected to qualify for PTCs. The transaction was approved by FERC in April 2020, and commercial operation was initially expected to begin by the end of 2020. However, due to a delay in construction of the required substation, Thunderhead is now expected to begin commercial operation during the first half of 2022. The transaction is expected to close upon commercial operation. Thunderhead will be included in the non-utility energy infrastructure segment.
In January 2019, WECI completed the acquisition of an 80% ownership interest in Upstream, a commercially operational 202.5 MW wind generating facility, for $268.2 million, which included transaction costs and is net of cash and restricted cash acquired of $9.2 million. In February 2020, WECI signed an agreement to acquire an additional 10% ownership interest in Upstream for $31.0 million. Upstream is located in Antelope County, Nebraska and supplies energy to the Southwest Power Pool. Upstream's revenue will be substantially fixed over 10 years through an agreement with an unaffiliated third party. WECI's investment in Upstream qualifies for PTCs. Upstream is included in the non-utility energy infrastructure segment.
The table below shows the allocation of the purchase price to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed at the date of the acquisition of the initial 80% ownership interest in Upstream.
| | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | |
Current assets | | $ | 0.4 | |
Net property, plant, and equipment | | 341.6 | |
Other long-term assets | | 14.8 | |
Current liabilities | | (4.6) | |
Long-term liabilities | | (15.0) | |
Noncontrolling interest | | (69.0) | |
Total purchase price | | $ | 268.2 | |
Corporate and Other Segment
Sale of Certain WPS Power Development, LLC Solar Power Generation Facilities
In November 2020, we sold a portfolio of residential solar facilities owned by PDL for $10.5 million. These solar facilities were located in California and Hawaii. During the fourth quarter of 2020, we recorded an after-tax gain on the sale of $3.0 million primarily related to the recognition of deferred ITCs, which were included as a reduction of income tax expense on our income statements. The assets included in the sale were not material and, therefore, were not presented as held for sale. The results of operations of these facilities remained in continuing operations through the sale date as the sale did not represent a shift in our corporate strategy and did not have a major effect on our operations and financial results.
In 2019, we sold four solar power generation facilities owned by PDL for $26.3 million. These solar facilities were located in Massachusetts. In 2019, we recorded an after-tax gain on the sales of $6.5 million primarily related to the recognition of deferred ITCs, which were included as a reduction of income tax expense on our income statements. The assets included in the sales were not material and, therefore, were not presented as held for sale. The results of operations of these facilities remained in continuing operations through the sale dates as the sales did not represent a shift in our corporate strategy and did not have a major effect on our operations and financial results.
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For more information about our significant accounting policies related to operating revenues, see Note 1(d), Operating Revenues.
Disaggregation of Operating Revenues
The following tables present our operating revenues disaggregated by revenue source. We do not have any revenues associated with our electric transmission segment, which includes investments accounted for using the equity method. We disaggregate revenues into categories that depict how the nature, amount, timing, and uncertainty of revenues and cash flows are affected by economic factors. For our segments, revenues are further disaggregated by electric and natural gas operations and then by customer class. Each customer class within our electric and natural gas operations have different expectations of service, energy and demand requirements, and can be impacted differently by regulatory activities within their jurisdictions.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | Reconciling Eliminations | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
Year ended December 31, 2021 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Electric | | $ | 4,516.6 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 4,516.6 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 4,516.6 | |
Natural gas | | 1,490.3 | | | 1,630.3 | | | 494.0 | | | 3,614.6 | | | 46.8 | | | — | | | (43.8) | | | 3,617.6 | |
Total regulated revenues | | 6,006.9 | | | 1,630.3 | | | 494.0 | | | 8,131.2 | | | 46.8 | | | — | | | (43.8) | | | 8,134.2 | |
Other non-utility revenues | | — | | | — | | | 17.8 | | | 17.8 | | | 92.8 | | | — | | | (9.1) | | | 101.5 | |
Total revenues from contracts with customers | | 6,006.9 | | | 1,630.3 | | | 511.8 | | | 8,149.0 | | | 139.6 | | | — | | | (52.9) | | | 8,235.7 | |
Other operating revenues | | 30.1 | | | 42.5 | | | 7.2 | | | 79.8 | | | 399.9 | | | 0.5 | | | (399.9) | | (1) | 80.3 | |
Total operating revenues | | $ | 6,037.0 | | | $ | 1,672.8 | | | $ | 519.0 | | | $ | 8,228.8 | | | $ | 539.5 | | | $ | 0.5 | | | $ | (452.8) | | | $ | 8,316.0 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | Reconciling Eliminations | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
Year ended December 31, 2020 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Electric | | $ | 4,266.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 4,266.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 4,266.1 | |
Natural gas | | 1,195.6 | | | 1,267.9 | | | 361.0 | | | 2,824.5 | | | 44.4 | | | — | | | (42.0) | | | 2,826.9 | |
Total regulated revenues | | 5,461.7 | | | 1,267.9 | | | 361.0 | | | 7,090.6 | | | 44.4 | | | — | | | (42.0) | | | 7,093.0 | |
Other non-utility revenues | | — | | | — | | | 17.1 | | | 17.1 | | | 66.6 | | | 1.7 | | | (9.1) | | | 76.3 | |
Total revenues from contracts with customers | | 5,461.7 | | | 1,267.9 | | | 378.1 | | | 7,107.7 | | | 111.0 | | | 1.7 | | | (51.1) | | | 7,169.3 | |
Other operating revenues | | 11.8 | | | 54.0 | | | 6.0 | | | 71.8 | | | 397.5 | | | 0.5 | | | (397.4) | | (1) | 72.4 | |
Total operating revenues | | $ | 5,473.5 | | | $ | 1,321.9 | | | $ | 384.1 | | | $ | 7,179.5 | | | $ | 508.5 | | | $ | 2.2 | | | $ | (448.5) | | | $ | 7,241.7 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | Reconciling Eliminations | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
Year ended December 31, 2019 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Electric | | $ | 4,307.7 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 4,307.7 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 4,307.7 | |
Natural gas | | 1,324.1 | | | 1,332.4 | | | 411.6 | | | 3,068.1 | | | 47.4 | | | — | | | (44.1) | | | 3,071.4 | |
Total regulated revenues | | 5,631.8 | | | 1,332.4 | | | 411.6 | | | 7,375.8 | | | 47.4 | | | — | | | (44.1) | | | 7,379.1 | |
Other non-utility revenues | | — | | | 0.1 | | | 16.6 | | | 16.7 | | | 55.2 | | | 4.0 | | | (5.7) | | | 70.2 | |
Total revenues from contracts with customers | | 5,631.8 | | | 1,332.5 | | | 428.2 | | | 7,392.5 | | | 102.6 | | | 4.0 | | | (49.8) | | | 7,449.3 | |
Other operating revenues | | 15.3 | | | 24.6 | | | (2.2) | | | 37.7 | | | 393.3 | | | 0.4 | | | (357.6) | | (1) | 73.8 | |
Total operating revenues | | $ | 5,647.1 | | | $ | 1,357.1 | | | $ | 426.0 | | | $ | 7,430.2 | | | $ | 495.9 | | | $ | 4.4 | | | $ | (407.4) | | | $ | 7,523.1 | |
(1) Amounts eliminated represent lease revenues related to certain plants that We Power leases to WE to supply electricity to its customers. Lease payments are billed from We Power to WE and then recovered in WE's rates as authorized by the PSCW and the FERC. WE operates the plants and is authorized by the PSCW and Wisconsin state law to fully recover prudently incurred operating and maintenance costs in electric rates.
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Revenues from Contracts with Customers
Electric Utility Operating Revenues
The following table disaggregates electric utility operating revenues into customer class:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31 |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Residential | | $ | 1,768.0 | | | $ | 1,743.9 | | | $ | 1,608.6 | |
Small commercial and industrial | | 1,415.7 | | | 1,325.9 | | | 1,384.6 | |
Large commercial and industrial | | 931.9 | | | 821.5 | | | 871.9 | |
Other | | 29.3 | | | 29.0 | | | 29.6 | |
Total retail revenues | | 4,144.9 | | | 3,920.3 | | | 3,894.7 | |
Wholesale | | 157.7 | | | 174.0 | | | 189.5 | |
Resale | | 161.9 | | | 130.4 | | | 163.1 | |
Steam | | 28.7 | | | 21.3 | | | 23.3 | |
Other utility revenues | | 23.4 | | | 20.1 | | | 37.1 | |
Total electric utility operating revenues | | $ | 4,516.6 | | | $ | 4,266.1 | | | $ | 4,307.7 | |
Natural Gas Utility Operating Revenues
The following tables disaggregate natural gas utility operating revenues into customer class:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Natural Gas Utility Operating Revenues |
Year ended December 31, 2021 | | | | | | | | |
Residential | | $ | 928.9 | | | $ | 1,017.9 | | | $ | 241.2 | | | $ | 2,188.0 | |
Commercial and industrial | | 472.1 | | | 302.1 | | | 129.9 | | | 904.1 | |
Total retail revenues | | 1,401.0 | | | 1,320.0 | | | 371.1 | | | 3,092.1 | |
Transportation | | 80.0 | | | 231.2 | | | 31.8 | | | 343.0 | |
Other utility revenues (1) | | 9.3 | | | 79.1 | | | 91.1 | | | 179.5 | |
Total natural gas utility operating revenues | | $ | 1,490.3 | | | $ | 1,630.3 | | | $ | 494.0 | | | $ | 3,614.6 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Natural Gas Utility Operating Revenues |
Year ended December 31, 2020 | | | | | | | | |
Residential | | $ | 752.6 | | | $ | 802.2 | | | $ | 220.8 | | | $ | 1,775.6 | |
Commercial and industrial | | 338.1 | | | 221.0 | | | 115.8 | | | 674.9 | |
Total retail revenues | | 1,090.7 | | | 1,023.2 | | | 336.6 | | | 2,450.5 | |
Transportation | | 79.1 | | | 215.6 | | | 31.5 | | | 326.2 | |
Other utility revenues (1) | | 25.8 | | | 29.1 | | | (7.1) | | | 47.8 | |
Total natural gas utility operating revenues | | $ | 1,195.6 | | | $ | 1,267.9 | | | $ | 361.0 | | | $ | 2,824.5 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Natural Gas Utility Operating Revenues |
Year ended December 31, 2019 | | | | | | | | |
Residential | | $ | 837.9 | | | $ | 857.8 | | | $ | 258.2 | | | $ | 1,953.9 | |
Commercial and industrial | | 419.9 | | | 261.7 | | | 148.7 | | | 830.3 | |
Total retail revenues | | 1,257.8 | | | 1,119.5 | | | 406.9 | | | 2,784.2 | |
Transportation | | 72.6 | | | 245.3 | | | 31.6 | | | 349.5 | |
Other utility revenues (1) | | (6.3) | | | (32.4) | | | (26.9) | | | (65.6) | |
Total natural gas utility operating revenues | | $ | 1,324.1 | | | $ | 1,332.4 | | | $ | 411.6 | | | $ | 3,068.1 | |
| | | | | | | | |
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(1) Includes the revenues subject to the purchased gas recovery mechanisms of our utilities. The amounts for 2021 reflect the higher natural gas costs that were incurred as a result of the extreme winter weather conditions in February 2021. As these amounts are billed to customers, they are reflected in retail revenues with an offsetting decrease in other utility revenues. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information. In addition to costs related to the extreme weather event, we incurred higher natural gas costs throughout 2021, compared with 2020, as a result of an increase in the price of natural gas.
Other Natural Gas Operating Revenues
We have other natural gas operating revenues from Bluewater, which is in our non-utility energy infrastructure segment. Bluewater
has entered into long-term service agreements for natural gas storage services with WE, WPS, and WG, and also provides limited service to unaffiliated customers. All amounts associated with the service agreements with WE, WPS, and WG have been eliminated at the consolidated level.
Other Non-Utility Operating Revenues
Other non-utility operating revenues consist primarily of the following:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31 |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Wind generation revenues | | $ | 60.3 | | | $ | 34.6 | | | $ | 24.0 | |
We Power revenues | | 23.3 | | | 22.9 | | | 25.4 | |
Appliance service revenues | | 17.8 | | | 17.1 | | | 16.6 | |
| | | | | | |
Other | | 0.1 | | | 1.7 | | | 4.2 | |
Total other non-utility operating revenues | | $ | 101.5 | | | $ | 76.3 | | | $ | 70.2 | |
Other Operating Revenues
Other operating revenues consist primarily of the following:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31 |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Late payment charges (1) | | $ | 54.9 | | | $ | 29.4 | | | $ | 43.7 | |
Alternative revenues (2) | | 21.2 | | | 38.8 | | | (9.6) | |
Other | | 4.2 | | | 4.2 | | | 39.7 | |
Total other operating revenues | | $ | 80.3 | | | $ | 72.4 | | | $ | 73.8 | |
(1) The increase in late payment charges during 2021, compared with 2020, was a result of the expiration of various regulatory orders from our utility commissions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which included the suspension of late payment charges during a designated time period. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information.
The reduction in late payment charges in 2020, compared with 2019, was a result of various regulatory orders from our utility commissions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which included the suspension of late payment charges during a designated time period. PGL and NSG were authorized to implement a SPC rider for the recovery of these late payment charges related to COVID-19, thereby allowing them to record these late payment charges as alternative revenues. The total amount of late payment charges recorded as alternative revenues during the year ended December 31, 2020 was $8.5 million. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information.
(2) Negative amounts can result from alternative revenues being reversed to revenues from contracts with customers as the customer is billed for these alternative revenues. Negative amounts can also result from revenues to be refunded to customers subject to decoupling mechanisms, wholesale true-ups, conservation improvement rider true-ups, and certain late payment charges, as discussed in Note 1(d), Operating Revenues.
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We have included tables below that show our gross third-party receivable balances and the related allowance for credit losses at December 31, 2021 and 2020, by reportable segment.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
December 31, 2021 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accounts receivable and unbilled revenues | | $ | 1,053.1 | | | $ | 523.1 | | | $ | 105.7 | | | $ | 1,681.9 | | | $ | 17.0 | | | $ | 5.1 | | | $ | 1,704.0 | |
Allowance for credit losses | | 84.0 | | | 105.5 | | | 8.8 | | | 198.3 | | | — | | | — | | | 198.3 | |
Accounts receivable and unbilled revenues, net (1) | | $ | 969.1 | | | $ | 417.6 | | | $ | 96.9 | | | $ | 1,483.6 | | | $ | 17.0 | | | $ | 5.1 | | | $ | 1,505.7 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total accounts receivable, net – past due greater than 90 days (1) | | $ | 46.5 | | | $ | 36.6 | | | $ | 3.4 | | | $ | 86.5 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 86.5 | |
Past due greater than 90 days – collection risk mitigated by regulatory mechanisms (1) | | 97.6 | % | | 100.0 | % | | — | % | | 94.8 | % | | — | % | | — | % | | 94.8 | % |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
December 31, 2020 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Accounts receivable and unbilled revenues | | $ | 899.8 | | | $ | 393.9 | | | $ | 79.8 | | | $ | 1,373.5 | | | $ | 45.0 | | | $ | 4.4 | | | $ | 1,422.9 | |
Allowance for credit losses | | 102.1 | | | 111.6 | | | 6.4 | | | 220.1 | | | — | | | — | | | 220.1 | |
Accounts receivable and unbilled revenues, net (1) | | $ | 797.7 | | | $ | 282.3 | | | $ | 73.4 | | | $ | 1,153.4 | | | $ | 45.0 | | | $ | 4.4 | | | $ | 1,202.8 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Total accounts receivable, net – past due greater than 90 days (1) | | $ | 84.8 | | | $ | 34.5 | | | $ | 3.5 | | | $ | 122.8 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 122.8 | |
Past due greater than 90 days – collection risk mitigated by regulatory mechanisms (1) | | 97.6 | % | | 100.0 | % | | — | % | | 95.5 | % | | — | % | | — | % | | 95.5 | % |
(1)Our exposure to credit losses for certain regulated utility customers is mitigated by regulatory mechanisms we have in place. Specifically, rates related to all of the customers in our Illinois segment, as well as the residential rates of WE, WPS, and WG in our Wisconsin segment, include riders or other mechanisms for cost recovery or refund of uncollectible expense based on the difference between the actual provision for credit losses and the amounts recovered in rates. As a result, at December 31, 2021, $839.1 million, or 55.7%, of our net accounts receivable and unbilled revenues balance had regulatory protections in place to mitigate the exposure to credit losses. In addition, we have received specific orders related to the deferral of certain costs (including credit losses) incurred as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The additional protections related to our accounts receivable and unbilled revenue balances provided by these orders are subject to prudency reviews and are still being assessed. They are not reflected in the percentages in the above tables or this note. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information on these orders.
A rollforward of the allowance for credit losses by reportable segment for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, is included below:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Year Ended December 31, 2021 (in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Corporate and Other | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
Balance at December 31, 2020 | | $ | 102.1 | | | $ | 111.6 | | | $ | 6.4 | | | $ | 220.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 220.1 | |
Provision for credit losses | | 46.4 | | | 25.6 | | | 3.7 | | | 75.7 | | | — | | | 75.7 | |
Provision for credit losses deferred for future recovery or refund | | (16.6) | | | 3.5 | | | — | | | (13.1) | | | — | | | (13.1) | |
Write-offs charged against the allowance | | (74.8) | | | (52.5) | | | (2.5) | | | (129.8) | | | — | | | (129.8) | |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off | | 26.9 | | | 17.3 | | | 1.2 | | | 45.4 | | | — | | | 45.4 | |
Balance at December 31, 2021 | | $ | 84.0 | | | $ | 105.5 | | | $ | 8.8 | | | $ | 198.3 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 198.3 | |
The decrease in the allowance for credit losses at December 31, 2021, compared to December 31, 2020, primarily related to normal collection practices resuming in April 2021 for our Wisconsin utilities and in June 2021 for our Illinois utilities. Across all of our reportable segments, higher year-over-year natural gas prices drove an increase in gross accounts receivable balances, partially
| | | | | | | | |
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offsetting the decrease in the allowance for credit losses attributed to collection efforts. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Year Ended December 31, 2020 (in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Corporate and Other | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
Balance at December 31, 2019 | | $ | 59.9 | | | $ | 75.9 | | | $ | 4.1 | | | $ | 139.9 | | | $ | 0.1 | | | $ | 140.0 | |
Provision for credit losses | | 47.5 | | | 51.1 | | | 4.3 | | | 102.9 | | | — | | | 102.9 | |
Provision for credit losses deferred for future recovery or refund | | 24.6 | | | 30.6 | | | — | | | 55.2 | | | — | | | 55.2 | |
Write-offs charged against the allowance | | (65.9) | | | (63.0) | | | (3.4) | | | (132.3) | | | — | | | (132.3) | |
Recoveries of amounts previously written off | | 36.0 | | | 17.0 | | | 1.4 | | | 54.4 | | | — | | | 54.4 | |
Sale of PDL residential solar facilities | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | (0.1) | | | (0.1) | |
Balance at December 31, 2020 | | $ | 102.1 | | | $ | 111.6 | | | $ | 6.4 | | | $ | 220.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 220.1 | |
The increase in the allowance for credit losses at December 31, 2020, compared to December 31, 2019, was driven by higher past due accounts receivable balances at our utility segments, primarily related to residential customers. This increase in accounts receivable balances in arrears was driven by economic disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including higher unemployment rates. Also, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and related regulatory orders we received, we were unable to disconnect any of our Wisconsin and Illinois customers during the year ended December 31, 2020.
The following regulatory assets were reflected on our balance sheets as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | See Note |
Regulatory assets (1) (2) | | | | | | |
Pension and OPEB costs (3) | | $ | 802.3 | | | $ | 1,101.6 | | | 20 |
Plant retirement related items | | 722.3 | | | 740.8 | | | |
Environmental remediation costs (4) | | 630.9 | | | 638.2 | | | 24 |
Income tax related items | | 458.8 | | | 454.6 | | | 16 |
AROs | | 194.2 | | | 181.3 | | | 9 |
SSR (5) | | 129.5 | | | 135.6 | | | 26 |
Securitization | | 100.7 | | | 105.2 | | | 23 |
Energy costs recoverable through rate adjustments (6) | | 85.4 | | | 1.1 | | | 1(d) |
MERC extraordinary natural gas costs (7) | | 59.7 | | | — | | | 26 |
Uncollectible expense | | 42.6 | | | 82.0 | | | 5 |
Derivatives | | 33.1 | | | 26.5 | | | 1(s) |
Energy efficiency programs (8) | | 22.0 | | | 7.3 | | | |
Other, net | | 85.6 | | | 69.9 | | | |
Total regulatory assets | | $ | 3,367.1 | | | $ | 3,544.1 | | | |
| | | | | | |
Balance sheet presentation | | | | | | |
Other current assets (6) | | $ | 102.3 | | | $ | 20.0 | | | |
Regulatory assets | | 3,264.8 | | | 3,524.1 | | | |
Total regulatory assets | | $ | 3,367.1 | | | $ | 3,544.1 | | | |
(1) Based on prior and current rate treatment, we believe it is probable that our utilities will continue to recover from customers the regulatory assets in this table. In accordance with GAAP, our regulatory assets do not include the allowance for ROE that is capitalized for regulatory purposes. This allowance was $30.9 million and $34.2 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
(2) As of December 31, 2021, we had $337.7 million of regulatory assets not earning a return, $14.3 million of regulatory assets earning a return based on short-term interest rates, and $129.5 million of regulatory assets earning a return based on long-term interest rates. The regulatory assets not earning a return primarily relate to certain environmental remediation costs, energy costs recoverable through rate adjustments, MERC's extraordinary natural gas costs, uncollectible expense, our invested capital tax rider, COVID-19 deferred costs, and unamortized loss on reacquired debt. The other regulatory assets in the table either earn a return at the applicable utility's weighted average cost of capital or the cash has not yet been expended, in which case the regulatory assets are offset by liabilities.
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(3) Primarily represents the unrecognized future pension and OPEB costs related to our defined benefit pension and OPEB plans. We are authorized recovery of these regulatory assets over the average remaining service life of each plan.
(4) As of December 31, 2021, we had made cash expenditures of $98.3 million related to these environmental remediation costs. The remaining $532.6 million represents our estimated future cash expenditures.
(5) The rate order WE received from the PSCW in December 2019 authorized recovery of the SSR regulatory asset over a 15-year period that began on January 1, 2020.
(6) The increase in these regulatory assets primarily relates to the high natural gas costs that were incurred as a result of the extreme winter weather conditions in February 2021. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information on our recovery efforts associated with these costs.
(7) Represents the extraordinary natural gas costs MERC incurred during February 2021 that are being recovered over 27 months, beginning in September 2021. See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information on our recovery efforts associated with these costs.
(8) Represents amounts recoverable from customers related to programs at the utilities designed to meet energy efficiency standards.
The following regulatory liabilities were reflected on our balance sheets as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | See Note |
Regulatory liabilities | | | | | | |
Income tax related items | | $ | 1,998.5 | | | $ | 2,137.7 | | | 16 |
Removal costs (1) | | 1,248.0 | | | 1,221.1 | | | |
Pension and OPEB benefits (2) | | 397.3 | | | 378.1 | | | 20 |
Derivatives | | 124.1 | | | 16.4 | | | 1(s) |
Electric transmission costs (3) | | 84.2 | | | 78.5 | | | |
Uncollectible expense | | 37.1 | | | 25.5 | | | 5 |
Earnings sharing mechanisms | | 28.4 | | | 36.9 | | | 26 |
Energy costs refundable through rate adjustments | | 13.7 | | | 59.9 | | | 1(d) |
Other, net | | 29.0 | | | 25.0 | | | |
Total regulatory liabilities | | $ | 3,960.3 | | | $ | 3,979.1 | | | |
| | | | | | |
Balance sheet presentation | | | | | | |
Other current liabilities | | $ | 14.3 | | | $ | 51.0 | | | |
Regulatory liabilities | | 3,946.0 | | | 3,928.1 | | | |
Total regulatory liabilities | | $ | 3,960.3 | | | $ | 3,979.1 | | | |
(1) Represents amounts collected from customers to cover the future cost of property, plant, and equipment removals that are not legally required. Legal obligations related to the removal of property, plant, and equipment are recorded as AROs. See Note 9, Asset Retirement Obligations, for more information on our legal obligations.
(2) Primarily represents the unrecognized future pension and OPEB benefits related to our defined benefit pension and OPEB plans. We will amortize these regulatory liabilities into net periodic benefit cost over the average remaining service life of each plan.
(3) In accordance with the PSCW's approval of escrow accounting for ATC and MISO network transmission expenses for our Wisconsin electric utilities, WE and WPS defer as a regulatory asset or liability the difference between actual transmission costs and those included in rates until recovery or refund is authorized in a future rate proceeding.
Pleasant Prairie Power Plant
The Pleasant Prairie power plant was retired on April 10, 2018. The net book value of this plant was $585.7 million at December 31, 2021, representing book value less cost of removal and accumulated depreciation. In addition, previously deferred unprotected tax benefits from the Tax Legislation related to the unrecovered balance of this plant were $18.5 million. The net amount of $567.2 million was classified as a regulatory asset on our balance sheet at December 31, 2021 as a result of the retirement of the plant. This regulatory asset does not include certain other previously recorded deferred tax liabilities of $164.1 million related to the retired Pleasant Prairie power plant. Pursuant to its rate order issued by the PSCW in December 2019, WE will continue to amortize this regulatory asset on a straight-line basis through 2039, using the composite depreciation rates approved by the PSCW before this plant was retired. Amortization is included in depreciation and amortization in the income statement. WE has FERC approval to
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continue to collect the net book value of the Pleasant Prairie power plant using the approved composite depreciation rates, in addition to a return on the remaining net book value. Collection of the return of and on the net book value is no longer subject to refund as the FERC completed its prudency review and concluded that the retirement of this plant was prudent. WE received approval from the PSCW in December 2019 to collect a full return of the net book value of the Pleasant Prairie power plant, and a return on all but $100 million of the net book value. In accordance with its PSCW rate order received in December 2019, WE filed an application with the PSCW on July 20, 2020 requesting a financing order to securitize the remaining $100 million of the Pleasant Prairie power plant's book value, plus the carrying costs accrued on the $100 million during the securitization process and related fees. On November 17, 2020, the PSCW issued a written order approving this application and in May 2021 the securitization was completed. See Note 23, Variable Interest Entities, and Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information.
Presque Isle Power Plant
Pursuant to MISO's April 2018 approval of the retirement of the PIPP, these units were retired on March 31, 2019. The net book value of the PIPP was $163.3 million at December 31, 2021, representing book value less cost of removal and accumulated depreciation. In addition, previously deferred unprotected tax benefits from the Tax Legislation related to the unrecovered balance of these units were $5.6 million. The net amount of $157.7 million was classified as a regulatory asset on our balance sheet at December 31, 2021 as a result of the retirement of the plant. This regulatory asset does not include certain other previously recorded deferred tax liabilities of $46.7 million related to the retired PIPP. After the retirement of the PIPP, a portion of the regulatory asset and related cost of removal reserve was transferred to UMERC for recovery from its retail customers. Effective with its rate order issued by the PSCW in December 2019, WE received approval to collect a return of and on its share of the net book value of the PIPP, and as a result, will continue to amortize the regulatory assets on a straight-line basis through 2037, using the composite depreciation rates approved by the PSCW before the units were retired. UMERC will also continue to amortize the regulatory assets on a straight-line basis using the composite depreciation rates approved by the PSCW before the units were retired. Amortization is included in depreciation and amortization in the income statement. UMERC will address the accounting and regulatory treatment related to the retirement of the PIPP with the MPSC in conjunction with a future rate case. WE has FERC approval to continue to collect the net book value of the PIPP using the approved composite depreciation rates, in addition to a return on the net book value. Based on a settlement agreement approved by the FERC, collection of the return of and on the net book value through WE's FERC-jurisdictional rates is no longer subject to refund.
Pulliam Power Plant
In connection with a MISO ruling, WPS retired Pulliam Units 7 and 8 on October 21, 2018. The net book value of the Pulliam units was $38.0 million at December 31, 2021, representing book value less cost of removal and accumulated depreciation. This amount was classified as a regulatory asset on our balance sheet at December 31, 2021 as a result of the retirement of the plant. Effective with its rate order issued by the PSCW in December 2019, WPS received approval to collect a return of and on the entire net book value of the Pulliam units, and as a result, will continue to amortize this regulatory asset on a straight-line basis through 2031, using the composite depreciation rates approved by the PSCW before these generating units were retired. Amortization is included in depreciation and amortization in the income statement. WPS has FERC approval to continue to collect the net book value of the Pulliam power plant using the approved composite depreciation rates, in addition to a return on the remaining net book value. FERC has completed its prudency review of Pulliam, concluding that the retirement of this plant was prudent.
Edgewater Unit 4
The Edgewater 4 generating unit was retired on September 28, 2018. The net book value of the generating unit was $3.6 million at December 31, 2021, representing book value less cost of removal and accumulated depreciation. This amount was classified as a regulatory asset on our balance sheet at December 31, 2021 as a result of the retirement of the plant. Effective with its rate order issued by the PSCW in December 2019, WPS received approval to collect a return of and on the entire net book value of the Edgewater 4 generating unit, and as a result, will continue to amortize this regulatory asset on a straight-line basis through 2026, using the composite depreciation rates approved by the PSCW before this generating unit was retired. Amortization is included in depreciation and amortization in the income statement. WPS has FERC approval to continue to collect the net book value of the Edgewater 4 generating unit using the approved composite depreciation rates, in addition to a return on the remaining net book value. FERC has completed its prudency review of Edgewater 4, concluding that the retirement of this plant was prudent.
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Property, plant, and equipment consisted of the following at December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Electric – generation | | $ | 6,981.4 | | | $ | 7,015.3 | |
Electric – distribution | | 7,854.7 | | | 7,455.5 | |
Natural gas – distribution, storage, and transmission | | 13,526.6 | | | 12,730.0 | |
Property, plant, and equipment to be retired, net | | 277.0 | | | — | |
Other | | 2,212.6 | | | 1,896.1 | |
Less: Accumulated depreciation | | 8,894.9 | | | 8,465.0 | |
Net | | 21,957.4 | | | 20,631.9 | |
CWIP | | 406.0 | | | 683.9 | |
Net utility and non-utility property, plant, and equipment | | 22,363.4 | | | 21,315.8 | |
| | | | |
We Power generation | | 3,240.5 | | | 3,238.8 | |
Renewable generation | | 1,837.5 | | | 1,213.3 | |
Natural gas storage | | 289.9 | | | 250.0 | |
Net non-utility energy infrastructure | | 5,367.9 | | | 4,702.1 | |
Corporate services | | 188.7 | | | 212.3 | |
Other | | 27.0 | | | 41.8 | |
Less: Accumulated depreciation | | 994.4 | | | 899.7 | |
Net | | 4,589.2 | | | 4,056.5 | |
CWIP | | 29.8 | | | 335.1 | |
Net other property, plant, and equipment | | 4,619.0 | | | 4,391.6 | |
| | | | |
Total property, plant, and equipment | | $ | 26,982.4 | | | $ | 25,707.4 | |
Severance Liability for Plant Retirements
We have severance liabilities related to past and future plant retirements recorded in other current liabilities on our balance sheets. Activity related to these severance liabilities for the years ended December 31 was as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Severance liability at January 1 | | $ | 0.7 | | | $ | 2.1 | | | $ | 15.7 | |
Severance expense | | 4.6 | | | — | | | — | |
Severance payments | | (0.4) | | | (0.1) | | | (7.2) | |
Other | | — | | | (1.3) | | | (6.4) | |
Total severance liability at December 31 | | $ | 4.9 | | | $ | 0.7 | | | $ | 2.1 | |
Wisconsin Segment Plant to be Retired
Columbia Units 1 and 2
As a result of a MISO ruling received in June 2021, retirement of the jointly-owned Columbia generating units 1 and 2 became probable. Columbia generating units 1 and 2 are expected to be retired by the end of 2023 and 2024, respectively. The net book value of WPS's ownership share of unit 1 and unit 2 was $89.1 million and $187.9 million, respectively, at December 31, 2021. These amounts were classified as plant to be retired within property, plant, and equipment on our balance sheet. These units are included in rate base, and WPS continues to depreciate them on a straight-line basis using the composite depreciation rates approved by the PSCW.
Public Service Building
During a significant rain event in May 2020, an underground steam tunnel in downtown Milwaukee flooded and steam vented into WE’s PSB. The damage to the building from the flooding and steam was extensive and required significant repairs and restorations. As of December 31, 2021, WE had incurred $92.4 million of costs related to these repairs and restorations. In 2020, WE received
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$20.0 million of insurance proceeds to cover a portion of these costs and wrote off $12.5 million of costs that we do not intend to seek recovery for through other operation and maintenance expense. Of the remaining $59.9 million of costs to be recovered, we will recover $41.0 million through insurance proceeds as a result of a settlement that was reached in February 2022, with the difference expected to be recovered through rates.
In June 2021, we received approval from the PSCW to restore the PSB and to defer the project costs, net of insurance proceeds, as a component of rate base. As such, and in light of the agreement with insurers noted above, we do not currently expect a significant impact to our future results of operations.
We Power and WPS hold joint ownership interests in certain electric generating facilities. They are entitled to their share of generating capability and output of each facility equal to their respective ownership interest. They pay their ownership share of additional construction costs and have supplied their own financing for all jointly owned projects. We record We Power's and WPS's proportionate share of significant jointly owned electric generating facilities as property, plant, and equipment on the balance sheets.
We Power leases its ownership interest in ER 1 and ER 2 to WE, and WE operates these units. WE and WPS record their respective share of fuel inventory purchases and operating expenses, unless specific agreements have been executed to limit their maximum exposure to additional costs. WE's and WPS's proportionate share of direct expenses for the joint operation of these plants is recorded within operating expenses in the income statements.
Information related to jointly owned utility facilities at December 31, 2021 was as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | We Power | | WPS |
(in millions, except for percentages and MW) | | | | Elm Road Generating Station Units 1 and 2 | | Weston Unit 4 | | Columbia Energy Center Units 1 and 2 | | Forward Wind | | Two Creeks (2) | | Badger Hollow I (3) |
Ownership | | | | 83.34 | % | | 70.0 | % | | 27.5 | % | | 44.6 | % | | 66.7 | % | | 66.7 | % |
Share of capacity (MW) (1) | | | | 1,060.8 | | | 387.3 | | | 311.1 | | | 61.5 | | | 100.0 | | | 100.0 | |
In-service date | | | | 2010 and 2011 | | 2008 | | 1975 and 1978 | | 2008 | | 2020 | | 2021 |
Property, plant, and equipment | | | | $ | 2,433.8 | | | $ | 598.4 | | | $ | 425.4 | | | $ | 122.5 | | | $ | 136.7 | | | $ | 134.5 | |
Accumulated depreciation | | | | $ | (487.7) | | | $ | (224.3) | | | $ | (161.9) | | | $ | (53.3) | | | $ | (5.3) | | | $ | (0.4) | |
CWIP | | | | $ | 11.1 | | | $ | 3.8 | | | $ | 3.9 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 0.1 | |
(1) Capacity for our jointly-owned electric generation facilities, other than Forward Wind, Two Creeks, and Badger Hollow I is based on rated capacity, which is the net power output under average operating conditions with equipment in an average state of repair as of a given month in a given year. Values are primarily based on the net dependable expected capacity ratings for summer 2022 established by tests and may change slightly from year to year. The summer period is the most relevant for capacity planning purposes. This is a result of continually reaching demand peaks in the summer months, primarily due to air conditioning demand. Capacity for Forward Wind is based on nameplate capacity, which is the amount of energy a turbine should produce at optimal wind speeds. Capacity for Two Creeks and Badger Hollow I is based on nameplate capacity, which is the maximum output that a generator should produce at continuous full power.
(2) Commercial operation was achieved in November 2020 for Two Creeks.
(3) Commercial operation was achieved in November 2021 for Badger Hollow I.
WE, along with an unaffiliated utility, received PSCW approval to construct Badger Hollow II, a solar project that will be located in Iowa County, Wisconsin. Once constructed, WE will own 66.7%, or 100 MW, of Badger Hollow II. Commercial operation is targeted for the first quarter of 2023. The CWIP balance for Badger Hollow II was $39.8 million as of December 31, 2021.
WPS, along with an unaffiliated utility, received PSCW approval to acquire the Red Barn Wind Park, a utility-scale wind-powered electric generating facility. The project will be located in Grant County, Wisconsin and once constructed, WPS will own 90.0%, or 82 MW of this project. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.
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Our utilities have recorded AROs primarily for the removal of natural gas distribution mains and service pipes (including asbestos and PCBs); asbestos abatement at certain generation and substation facilities, office buildings, and service centers; the removal and dismantlement of biomass and hydro generation facilities; the dismantling of wind generation projects; the dismantling of solar generation projects; the disposal of PCB-contaminated transformers; the closure of coal combustion residual landfills at certain generation facilities; and the removal of above ground storage tanks. Regulatory assets and liabilities are established by our utilities to record the differences between ongoing expense recognition under the ARO accounting rules and the rate-making practices for retirement costs authorized by the applicable regulators.
WECI has also recorded AROs for the dismantling of our non-utility wind generation projects.
On our balance sheets, AROs are recorded within other long-term liabilities. The following table shows changes to our AROs during the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Balance as of January 1 | | $ | 513.5 | | | $ | 483.5 | | | $ | 461.4 | | |
Accretion | | 21.2 | | | 20.7 | | | 22.1 | | |
Additions and revisions to estimated cash flows | | (53.9) | | (1) | 39.7 | | (2) | 39.1 | | (3) |
Liabilities settled | | (18.8) | | | (30.4) | | | (39.1) | | |
Balance as of December 31 | | $ | 462.0 | | | $ | 513.5 | | | $ | 483.5 | | |
(1) AROs decreased $152.0 million in 2021, due to revisions made to estimated cash flows primarily for changes in the cost to retire natural gas distribution pipe at PGL and NSG. Also in 2021, AROs increased $50.7 million due to new natural gas distribution lines being placed into service at PGL and NSG. AROs increased by $26.3 million as a result of AROs being recorded for the legal requirement to dismantle, at retirement, the Badger Hollow I solar generation project and the Tatanka Ridge and Jayhawk non-utility wind generation projects. AROs increased $7.8 million due to revisions made to removal estimates for wind generation projects at WE and WPS. AROs increased $6.8 million due to revisions made to the removal estimates for fly ash landfills and ash ponds at WPS.
(2) AROs increased $39.3 million in 2020, primarily due to new natural gas distribution lines being placed into service at PGL. Also in 2020, AROs increased by $8.5 million as a result of AROs being recorded for the legal requirement to dismantle, at retirement, the Two Creeks solar generation project. AROs decreased $9.2 million due to revisions made to estimated cash flows for the abatement of asbestos at WE.
(3) AROs increased $40.1 million in 2019, primarily due to new natural gas distribution lines being placed into service at PGL. Also in 2019, AROs increased $10.7 million as a result of AROs being recorded for the legal requirement to dismantle, at retirement, certain non-utility wind generation projects. AROs decreased $7.3 million due to revisions made to estimated cash flows for the abatement of asbestos at WE.
Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired. The table below shows our goodwill balances by segment at December 31, 2021. We had no changes to the carrying amount of goodwill during the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Total |
Goodwill balance (1) | | $ | 2,104.3 | | | $ | 758.7 | | | $ | 183.2 | | | $ | 6.6 | | | $ | 3,052.8 | |
(1) We had no accumulated impairment losses related to our goodwill as of December 31, 2021.
During the third quarter of 2021, annual impairment tests were completed at all of our reporting units that carried a goodwill balance as of July 1, 2021. No impairments resulted from these tests.
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Intangible Assets
At December 31, 2021, we had $5.7 million of indefinite-lived intangible assets primarily related to a MGU trade name obtained through an acquisition, which is included in other long-term assets on our balance sheets. We had no changes to the carrying amount of these intangible assets during the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.
Intangible Liabilities
The intangible liabilities below were all obtained through acquisitions by WECI and are classified as other long-term liabilities on our balance sheets. See Note 2, Acquisitions, for more information.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2021 | | December 31, 2020 |
(in millions) | | Gross Carrying Amount | | Accumulated Amortization | | Net Carrying Amount | | Gross Carrying Amount | | Accumulated Amortization | | Net Carrying Amount |
PPAs (1) | | $ | 87.9 | | | $ | (6.5) | | | $ | 81.4 | | | $ | 76.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 76.1 | |
Proxy revenue swap (2) | | 7.2 | | | (2.1) | | | 5.1 | | | 7.2 | | | (1.3) | | | 5.9 | |
Interconnection agreements (3) | | 4.7 | | | (0.5) | | | 4.2 | | | 5.1 | | | (0.3) | | | 4.8 | |
Total intangible liabilities | | $ | 99.8 | | | $ | (9.1) | | | $ | 90.7 | | | $ | 88.4 | | | $ | (1.6) | | | $ | 86.8 | |
(1) Represents PPAs related to the acquisition of Blooming Grove, Tatanka Ridge, and Jayhawk expiring between 2030 and 2032. The weighted-average remaining useful life of the PPAs is 11 years.
(2) Represents an agreement with a counterparty to swap the market revenue of Upstream's wind generation for fixed quarterly payments over 10 years, which expires in 2029. The remaining useful life of the proxy revenue swap is seven years.
(3) Represents interconnection agreements related to the acquisitions of Tatanka Ridge and Bishop Hill III, expiring in 2040 and 2041, respectively. These agreements relate to payments for connecting our facilities to the infrastructure of another utility to facilitate the movement of power onto the electric grid. The weighted-average remaining useful life of the interconnection agreements is 19 years.
Amortization related to these intangibles for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, was $7.5 million and $0.8 million, respectively. Amortization for the year ended December 31, 2019 was not significant. Amortization for the next five years is estimated to be:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | For the Years Ending December 31 |
(in millions) | | 2022 | | 2023 | | 2024 | | 2025 | | 2026 |
Amortization to be recorded in operating revenues | | $ | 8.5 | | | $ | 8.4 | | | $ | 8.4 | | | $ | 8.4 | | | $ | 8.4 | |
Amortization to be recorded in other operation and maintenance | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | | | 0.2 | |
Stock-Based Compensation
The following table summarizes our pre-tax stock-based compensation expense and the related tax benefit recognized in income for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Stock options | | $ | 6.5 | | | $ | 6.0 | | | $ | 4.4 | |
Restricted stock | | 6.1 | | | 7.4 | | | 7.1 | |
Performance units | | 3.1 | | | 22.3 | | | 38.7 | |
Stock-based compensation expense | | $ | 15.7 | | | $ | 35.7 | | | $ | 50.2 | |
Related tax benefit | | $ | 4.3 | | | $ | 9.8 | | | $ | 13.8 | |
Stock-based compensation costs capitalized during 2021, 2020, and 2019 were not significant.
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Stock Options
The following is a summary of our stock option activity during 2021:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Stock Options | | Number of Options | | Weighted-Average Exercise Price | | Weighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (in years) | | Aggregate Intrinsic Value (in millions) |
Outstanding as of January 1, 2021 | | 2,887,460 | | | $ | 64.13 | | | | | |
Granted | | 530,612 | | | $ | 91.06 | | | | | |
Exercised | | (300,657) | | | $ | 52.15 | | | | | |
Forfeited | | (5,508) | | | $ | 83.51 | | | | | |
Outstanding as of December 31, 2021 | | 3,111,907 | | | $ | 69.84 | | | 6.2 | | $ | 84.7 | |
Exercisable as of December 31, 2021 | | 1,737,283 | | | $ | 57.88 | | | 4.6 | | $ | 68.1 | |
The aggregate intrinsic value of outstanding and exercisable options in the above table represents the total pre-tax intrinsic value that would have been received by the option holders had they exercised all of their options on December 31, 2021. This is calculated as the difference between our closing stock price on December 31, 2021, and the option exercise price, multiplied by the number of in-the-money stock options. The intrinsic value of options exercised during the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, and 2019 was $12.9 million, $47.1 million, and $62.4 million, respectively. The actual tax benefit from option exercises for the same periods was approximately $3.5 million, $12.9 million, and $17.1 million, respectively.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately $2.6 million of unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested and outstanding stock options was expected to be recognized over the next 1.6 years on a weighted-average basis.
During the first quarter of 2022, the Compensation Committee awarded 437,269 non-qualified stock options with a weighted-average exercise price of $96.04 and a weighted-average grant date fair value of $14.71 per option to certain of our officers and other key employees under its normal schedule of awarding long-term incentive compensation.
Restricted Shares
The following restricted stock activity occurred during 2021:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Restricted Shares | | Number of Shares | | Weighted-Average Grant Date Fair Value |
Outstanding and unvested as of January 1, 2021 | | 101,087 | | | $ | 83.28 | |
Granted | | 69,681 | | | $ | 91.06 | |
Released | | (70,083) | | | $ | 83.06 | |
Forfeited | | (1,624) | | | $ | 84.43 | |
Outstanding and unvested as of December 31, 2021 | | 99,061 | | | $ | 88.89 | |
The intrinsic value of restricted stock released was $6.5 million, $11.1 million, and $13.4 million for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively. The actual tax benefit from released restricted shares for the same years was $1.8 million, $3.1 million, and $3.7 million, respectively.
As of December 31, 2021, approximately $3.2 million of unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested and outstanding restricted stock was expected to be recognized over the next 1.7 years on a weighted-average basis.
During the first quarter of 2022, the Compensation Committee awarded 72,211 restricted shares to certain of our directors, officers, and other key employees under its normal schedule of awarding long-term incentive compensation. The grant date fair value of these awards was $96.04 per share.
Performance Units
During 2021, 2020, and 2019, the Compensation Committee awarded 152,382; 153,465; and 148,036 performance units, respectively, to officers and other key employees under the WEC Energy Group Performance Unit Plan.
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Performance units with an intrinsic value of $27.7 million, $34.5 million, and $18.7 million were settled during 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively. The actual tax benefit from the distribution of performance units for the same years was $6.8 million, $8.4 million, and $4.4 million, respectively.
At December 31, 2021, we had 449,290 performance units outstanding, including dividend equivalents. A liability of $21.3 million was recorded on our balance sheet at December 31, 2021 related to these outstanding units. As of December 31, 2021, approximately $10.8 million of unrecognized compensation cost related to unvested and outstanding performance units was expected to be recognized over the next 2.0 years on a weighted-average basis.
During the first quarter of 2022, we settled performance units with an intrinsic value of $15.7 million. The actual tax benefit from the distribution of these awards was $3.8 million. In January 2022, the Compensation Committee also awarded 171,492 performance units to certain of our officers and other key employees under its normal schedule of awarding long-term incentive compensation.
Our ability as a holding company to pay common stock dividends primarily depends on the availability of funds received from our utility subsidiaries, We Power, Bluewater, ATC Holding, and WECI. Various financing arrangements and regulatory requirements impose certain restrictions on the ability of our subsidiaries to transfer funds to us in the form of cash dividends, loans, or advances. All of our utility subsidiaries, with the exception of UMERC and MGU, are prohibited from loaning funds to us, either directly or indirectly.
In accordance with their most recent rate orders, WE, WPS, and WG may not pay common dividends above the test year forecasted amounts reflected in their respective rate cases, if it would cause their average common equity ratio, on a financial basis, to fall below their authorized level of 52.5%. A return of capital in excess of the test year amount can be paid by each company at the end of the year provided that their respective average common equity ratios do not fall below the authorized level.
WE may not pay common dividends to us under WE's Restated Articles of Incorporation if any dividends on its outstanding preferred stock have not been paid. In addition, pursuant to the terms of WE's 3.60% Serial Preferred Stock, WE's ability to declare common dividends would be limited to 75% or 50% of net income during a 12-month period if its common stock equity to total capitalization, as defined in the preferred stock designation, is less than 25% and 20%, respectively.
NSG's long-term debt obligations contain provisions and covenants restricting the payment of cash dividends and the purchase or redemption of its capital stock.
The long-term debt obligations of UMERC, Bluewater Gas Storage, and ATC Holding contain a provision requiring them to maintain a total funded debt to capitalization ratio of 65% or less.
WECI Wind Holding I's long-term debt obligations contain various conditions that must be met prior to WECI Wind Holding I making any cash distributions. Included in these provisions is a requirement to maintain a debt service coverage ratio of 1.2 or greater for the 12-month period prior to the distribution.
WEC Energy Group and Integrys have the option to defer interest payments on their junior subordinated notes, from time to time, for one or more periods of up to 10 consecutive years per period. During any period in which they defer interest payments, they may not declare or pay any dividends or distributions on, or redeem, repurchase or acquire, their respective common stock.
See Note 13, Short-Term Debt and Lines of Credit, for discussion of certain financial covenants related to short-term debt obligations.
As of December 31, 2021, restricted net assets of our consolidated subsidiaries totaled approximately $9.0 billion. Our equity in undistributed earnings of investees accounted for by the equity method was approximately $412 million.
We do not believe that these restrictions will materially affect our operations or limit any dividend payments in the foreseeable future.
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Share Purchases
We have instructed our independent agents to purchase shares on the open market to fulfill obligations under various stock-based employee benefit and compensations plans and to provide shares to participants in our dividend reinvestment and stock purchase plan. As a result, no new shares of common stock were issued in 2021, 2020, or 2019.
The following is a summary of shares purchased to fulfill exercised stock options and restricted stock awards during the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Shares purchased | | 0.4 | | | 1.0 | | | 1.8 | |
Cost of shares purchased | | $ | 33.1 | | | $ | 99.2 | | | $ | 140.1 | |
Common Stock Dividends
During the year ended December 31, 2021, our Board of Directors declared common stock dividends which are summarized below:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Date Declared | | Date Payable | | Per Share | | Period |
January 21, 2021 | | March 1, 2021 | | $0.6775 | | First quarter |
April 15, 2021 | | June 1, 2021 | | $0.6775 | | Second quarter |
July 15, 2021 | | September 1, 2021 | | $0.6775 | | Third quarter |
October 21, 2021 | | December 1, 2021 | | $0.6775 | | Fourth quarter |
On January 20, 2022, our Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.7275 per share, which equates to an annual dividend of $2.91 per share. The dividend is payable on March 1, 2022, to shareholders of record on February 14, 2022. In addition, the Board of Directors affirmed our dividend policy that continues to target a dividend payout ratio of 65-70% of earnings.
The following table shows preferred stock authorized and outstanding at December 31, 2021 and 2020:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions, except share and per share amounts) | | Shares Authorized | | Shares Outstanding | | Redemption Price Per Share | | Total |
WEC Energy Group | | | | | | | | |
$0.01 par value Preferred Stock | | 15,000,000 | | | — | | | — | | | $ | — | |
| | | | | | | | |
WE | | | | | | | | |
$100 par value, Six Per Cent. Preferred Stock | | 45,000 | | | 44,498 | | | — | | | 4.4 | |
$100 par value, Serial Preferred Stock 3.60% Series | | 2,286,500 | | | 260,000 | | | $ | 101 | | | 26.0 | |
$25 par value, Serial Preferred Stock | | 5,000,000 | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
| | | | | | | | |
WPS | | | | | | | | |
$100 par value, Preferred Stock | | 1,000,000 | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
| | | | | | | | |
PGL | | | | | | | | |
$100 par value, Cumulative Preferred Stock | | 430,000 | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
| | | | | | | | |
NSG | | | | | | | | |
$100 par value, Cumulative Preferred Stock | | 160,000 | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
Total | | | | | | | | $ | 30.4 | |
| | | | | | | | |
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The following table shows our short-term borrowings and their corresponding weighted-average interest rates as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions, except percentages) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Commercial paper | | | | |
Amount outstanding at December 31 | | $ | 1,896.1 | | | $ | 1,436.9 | |
Average interest rate on amounts outstanding at December 31 | | 0.26 | % | | 0.21 | % |
Term loan | | | | |
Amount outstanding at December 31 | | $ | — | | | $ | 340.0 | |
Average interest rate on amounts outstanding at December 31 | | N/A | | 0.99 | % |
Operating expense loans | | | | |
Amount outstanding at December 31 (1) | | $ | 0.9 | | | $ | — | |
(1)Coyote Ridge and Tatanka Ridge entered into operating expense loans. In accordance with their limited liability company operating agreements, they received loans from their owners in proportion to their ownership interests.
Our average amount of commercial paper borrowings based on daily outstanding balances during 2021, was $1,480.0 million with a weighted-average interest rate during the period of 0.18%.
In order to enhance our liquidity position in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in March 2020, WEC Energy Group entered into a $340.0 million 364-day term loan. In March 2021, we repaid the term loan using the net proceeds from the issuance of our 0.80% Senior Notes. See Note 14, Long-Term Debt, for more information.
WEC Energy Group, WE, WPS, WG, and PGL have entered into bank back-up credit facilities to maintain short-term credit liquidity which, among other terms, require them to maintain, subject to certain exclusions, a total funded debt to capitalization ratio of 70.0%, 65.0%, 65.0%, 65.0%, and 65.0% or less, respectively. As of December 31, 2021, all companies were in compliance with their respective ratio.
The information in the table below relates to our revolving credit facilities used to support our commercial paper borrowing programs, including remaining available capacity under these facilities as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Maturity | | 2021 |
Revolving credit facility (WEC Energy Group) (1) | | September 2026 | | $ | 1,500.0 | |
Revolving credit facility (WE) (1) | | September 2026 | | 500.0 | |
Revolving credit facility (WPS) (2) | | October 2022 | | 400.0 | |
Revolving credit facility (WG) (1) | | September 2026 | | 350.0 | |
Revolving credit facility (PGL) (1) | | September 2026 | | 350.0 | |
Total short-term credit capacity | | | | $ | 3,100.0 | |
| | | | |
Less: | | | | |
Letters of credit issued inside credit facilities | | | | $ | 2.3 | |
Commercial paper outstanding | | | | 1,896.1 | |
Available capacity under existing facilities | | | | $ | 1,201.6 | |
(1) In September 2021, WEC Energy Group increased its credit facility to $1,500.0 million, and each of WEC Energy Group, WE, WG, and PGL extended the maturities of their credit facilities to September 2026.
(2) WPS intends to request approval from the PSCW to extend the maturity of its credit facility to September 2026. Lenders have agreed to the extension, subject to WPS's receipt of PSCW approval.
Each of the revolving credit facilities has a renewal provision for two extensions, subject to lender approval. Each extension is for a period of one year.
The bank back-up credit facilities contain customary covenants, including certain limitations on the respective companies' ability to sell assets. The credit facilities also contain customary events of default, including payment defaults, material inaccuracy of representations and warranties, covenant defaults, bankruptcy proceedings, certain judgments, Employee Retirement Income
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Security Act of 1974 defaults, and change of control. In addition, pursuant to the terms of WEC Energy Group's credit agreement, we must ensure that certain of our subsidiaries comply with several of the covenants contained therein.
The following table is a summary of our long-term debt outstanding (excluding finance leases) as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2021 | | 2020 |
(in millions) | | Maturity Date | | Weighted Average Interest Rate | | Balance | | Weighted Average Interest Rate | | Balance |
WEC Energy Group Senior Notes (unsecured) (1) | | 2023-2033 | | 1.67 | % | | $ | 3,070.0 | | | 2.03 | % | | $ | 2,270.0 | |
WEC Energy Group Junior Notes (unsecured) (1) (2) | | 2067 | | 2.27 | % | | 500.0 | | | 3.65 | % | | 500.0 | |
WE Debentures (unsecured) | | 2024-2095 | | 4.13 | % | | 2,785.0 | | | 4.26 | % | | 2,785.0 | |
WEPCo Environmental Trust (secured, nonrecourse) (6) (9) | | 2022-2035 | | 1.58 | % | | 114.7 | | | N/A | | — | |
WPS Senior Notes (unsecured) | | 2028-2051 | | 3.89 | % | | 1,675.0 | | | 4.04 | % | | 1,625.0 | |
WG Debentures (unsecured) | | 2024-2046 | | 3.35 | % | | 790.0 | | | 3.65 | % | | 640.0 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
Integrys Junior Notes (unsecured) (3) | | 2073 | | 6.00 | % | | 221.4 | | | 6.00 | % | | 400.0 | |
PGL First and Refunding Mortgage Bonds (secured) (4) | | 2024-2047 | | 3.31 | % | | 1,870.0 | | | 3.45 | % | | 1,670.0 | |
NSG First Mortgage Bonds (secured) (5) | | 2027-2043 | | 3.56 | % | | 157.0 | | | 3.81 | % | | 132.0 | |
MERC Senior Notes (unsecured) | | 2025-2047 | | 3.04 | % | | 210.0 | | | 3.27 | % | | 170.0 | |
MGU Senior Notes (unsecured) | | 2025-2047 | | 3.18 | % | | 150.0 | | | 3.18 | % | | 150.0 | |
UMERC Senior Notes (unsecured) | | 2029 | | 3.26 | % | | 160.0 | | | 3.26 | % | | 160.0 | |
Bluewater Gas Storage Senior Notes (unsecured) (6) | | 2022-2047 | | 3.76 | % | | 115.2 | | | 3.76 | % | | 117.8 | |
ATC Holding Senior Notes (unsecured) | | 2025-2030 | | 4.05 | % | | 475.0 | | | 4.05 | % | | 475.0 | |
We Power Subsidiaries Notes (secured, nonrecourse) (6) (7) | | 2022-2041 | | 5.60 | % | | 934.7 | | | 5.59 | % | | 970.8 | |
WECC Notes (unsecured) | | 2028 | | 6.94 | % | | 50.0 | | | 6.94 | % | | 50.0 | |
WECI Wind Holding I Senior Notes (secured, nonrecourse) (6) (8) | | 2022-2032 | | 2.75 | % | | 374.6 | | | 2.75 | % | | 413.6 | |
Total | | | | | | 13,652.6 | | | | | 12,529.2 | |
Integrys acquisition fair value adjustment | | | | | | 2.9 | | | | | 8.4 | |
Jayhawk acquisition | | | | | | 7.3 | | | | | — | |
Unamortized debt issuance costs | | | | | | (77.7) | | | | | (65.2) | |
Unamortized discount, net and other | | | | | | (21.7) | | | | | (21.9) | |
Total long-term debt, including current portion (10) | | | | | | 13,563.4 | | | | | 12,450.5 | |
Current portion of long-term debt | | | | | | (91.0) | | | | | (777.7) | |
Total long-term debt | | | | | | $ | 13,472.4 | | | | | $ | 11,672.8 | |
(1) In connection with our outstanding 2007 Junior Notes, we executed an RCC, which we amended on June 29, 2015, for the benefit of persons that buy, hold, or sell a specified series of our long-term indebtedness (covered debt). Our 6.20% Senior Notes due April 1, 2033 have been designated as the covered debt under the RCC. The RCC provides that we may not redeem, defease, or purchase, and that our subsidiaries may not purchase, any 2007 Junior Notes on or before May 15, 2037, unless, subject to certain limitations described in the RCC, we have received a specified amount of proceeds from the sale of qualifying securities.
(2) Variable interest rate reset quarterly. The rates were 2.27% and 2.33% as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively. On July 12, 2018, we executed two interest rate swaps that provided a fixed rate of 4.9765% on $250.0 million of the outstanding notes. On November 15, 2021, the interest rate swaps expired. At December 31, 2020, the effective rate of 3.65% was blended rates of the variable and fixed portions. See Note 18, Derivative Instruments, for more information on the two interest rate swaps.
(3) The terms of Integrys's 2013 Junior Notes provide that, effective August 2023, they will bear interest at the three-month LIBOR plus 322 basis points and will reset quarterly.
(4) PGL's First Mortgage Bonds are subject to the terms and conditions of PGL's First Mortgage Indenture dated January 2, 1926, as supplemented. Under the terms of the Indenture, substantially all property owned by PGL is pledged as collateral for these outstanding debt securities.
PGL has used certain First Mortgage Bonds to secure tax exempt interest rates. The Illinois Finance Authority has issued Tax Exempt Bonds, and the proceeds from the sale of these bonds were loaned to PGL. In return, PGL issued $100 million of collateralized First Mortgage Bonds.
(5) NSG's First Mortgage Bonds are subject to the terms and conditions of NSG's First Mortgage Indenture dated April 1, 1955, as supplemented. Under the terms of the Indenture, substantially all property owned by NSG is pledged as collateral for these outstanding debt securities.
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(6) The long-term debt of Bluewater, WECI Wind Holding I, WEPCo Environmental Trust, and We Power's subsidiaries requires periodic principal payments.
(7) We Power's subsidiaries' senior notes are secured by a collateral assignment of the leases between We Power's subsidiaries and WE related to PWGS and ERGS, as applicable.
(8) WECI Wind Holding I's Senior Notes are secured by a first priority security interest in the ownership interest of its subsidiaries as well as a pledge of equity in WECI Wind Holding I.
(9) WEPCo Environmental Trust’s ETBs are secured by a pledge of and lien on environmental control property, which includes the right to impose, collect and receive a non-bypassable environmental control charge paid by all of WE's retail electric distribution customers, the right to obtain true-up adjustments of the environmental control charges, and all revenues or other proceeds arising from those rights and interests. See Note 23, Variable Interest Entities, for more information.
(10) The amount of long-term debt on our balance sheets includes finance lease obligations of $129.7 million and $63.4 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
We amortize debt premiums, discounts, and debt issuance costs over the life of the debt and we include the costs in interest expense.
WEC Energy Group, Inc.
In March 2021, we issued $600.0 million of 0.80% Senior Notes due March 15, 2024, and used the net proceeds to repay the $340.0 million 364-day term loan entered into in March 2020 and for general corporate purposes.
In December 2021, we issued $500.0 million of 2.20% Senior Notes due December 15, 2028, and used the net proceeds to repay short-term debt and for other general corporate purposes.
In December 2021, we redeemed $300.0 million of the $420.0 million outstanding of our 3.55% Senior Notes due June 15, 2025 with the proceeds we received from the issuance of $500 million of 2.20% Senior Notes due December 15, 2028. As a result of the redemption prior to maturity, we recognized a $23.1 million loss on early extinguishment of debt. The loss is comprised of the make-whole premium associated with the early redemption and the write-off of the related unamortized debt discount and debt issuance costs as of the redemption date.
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
In June 2021, WE issued $300.0 million of 1.70% Debentures due June 15, 2028, and used the net proceeds to redeem early all $300.0 million outstanding of its 2.95% Debentures due September 15, 2021 at par.
WEPCo Environmental Trust Finance I, LLC
In May 2021, WEPCo Environmental Trust, a special purpose entity formed by WE, issued $118.8 million of 1.578% ETBs due December 15, 2035, and used the net proceeds to purchase environmental control property from WE. Semiannual principal and interest payments began December 15, 2021, and the ETBs are expected to be fully repaid by December 15, 2033. The ETBs have a final maturity date of December 15, 2035. See Note 23, Variable Interest Entities, for more information on WEPCo Environmental Trust.
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation
In November 2021, WPS issued $450.0 million of 2.85% Senior Notes due December 1, 2051, and intends to allocate an amount equal to the net proceeds for the construction and development of eligible green expenditures, which include existing and new expenditures for the acquisition, construction and development of wind and solar electric generating facilities and related energy storage assets.
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In November 2021, WPS's $400.0 million 3.35% Senior Notes due November 21, 2021, matured, and the outstanding principal was paid with proceeds received from the issuance of the $450.0 million 2.85% Senior Notes Due December 1, 2051, pending their allocation to the payment or reimbursement of eligible green expenditures.
Wisconsin Gas LLC
In November 2021, WG issued $150.0 million of 2.07% Debentures due December 1, 2028, and used the net proceeds to repay short-term debt and for other general corporate purposes.
Integrys Holding, Inc.
In October 2021, pursuant to a tender offer, Integrys purchased $178.6 million aggregate principal amount of the $400.0 million outstanding of its 2013 Junior Notes for $196.4 million (which includes payment of accrued interest) with proceeds received from WEC Energy Group issuing commercial paper. Integrys recorded a $13.2 million loss related to the early settlement.
The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company
In November 2021, PGL issued $200.0 million of 2.20% Bonds, Series LLL due November 15, 2028, and used the net proceeds for general corporate purposes, including capital expenditures and the refinancing of short-term debt.
North Shore Gas Company
In November 2021, NSG issued $25.0 million of 2.20% Bonds, Series S due November 15, 2028, and used the net proceeds for general corporate purposes, including capital expenditures and the refinancing of short-term debt.
Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation
In November 2021, MERC issued $40.0 million of 2.07% Senior Notes due December 1, 2028, and used the net proceeds to repay intercompany short-term debt to its parent, Integrys, and for other general corporate purposes.
Maturities of Long-Term Debt Outstanding
The following table shows the long-term debt securities (excluding finance leases) maturing within one year of December 31, 2021:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Interest Rate | | Maturity Date (1) | | Principal Amount |
WEPCo Environmental Trust (secured, nonrecourse) | | 1.58% | | Semi-annually | | $ | 8.8 | |
Bluewater Gas Storage Senior Notes (unsecured) | | 3.76% | | Semi-annually | | 2.7 | |
We Power Subsidiaries Notes – PWGS (secured, nonrecourse) | | 4.91% | | Monthly | | 7.2 | |
We Power Subsidiaries Notes – ERGS (secured, nonrecourse) | | 5.209% | | Semi-annually | | 13.9 | |
We Power Subsidiaries Notes – ERGS (secured, nonrecourse) | | 4.673% | | Semi-annually | | 10.7 | |
We Power Subsidiaries Notes – PWGS (secured, nonrecourse) | | 6.00% | | Monthly | | 6.2 | |
WECI Wind Holding I Senior Notes (secured, nonrecourse) | | 2.75% | | Semi-annually | | 41.5 | |
Total | | | | | | $ | 91.0 | |
(1) Maturity dates listed as semi-annually and monthly are associated with debt that requires periodic principal payments.
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The following table shows the future maturities of our long-term debt outstanding (excluding obligations under finance leases) as of December 31, 2021:
| | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Payments |
2022 | | $ | 91.0 | |
2023 | | 793.8 | |
2024 | | 1,222.7 | |
2025 | | 865.9 | |
2026 | | 104.2 | |
Thereafter | | 10,575.0 | |
Total | | $ | 13,652.6 | |
Certain long-term debt obligations contain financial and other covenants related to payment of principal and interest when due, maintaining certain total funded debt to capitalization ratios, and various other obligations. Failure to comply with these covenants could result in an event of default, which could result in the acceleration of outstanding debt obligations.
Obligations Under Operating Leases
We have recorded right of use assets and lease liabilities associated with the following operating leases.
•Leases of office space, primarily related to several floors we are leasing in the Aon Center office building in Chicago, Illinois, though April 2029.
•Land we are leasing related to our Rothschild biomass plant through June 2051.
•Land we are leasing related to our Solar Now projects.
The operating leases generally require us to pay property taxes, insurance premiums, and operating and maintenance costs associated with the leased property. Many of our leases contain options to renew past the initial term, as set forth in the lease agreement.
Obligations Under Finance Leases
In accordance with the Regulated Operations - Leases Topic of the FASB ASC, the timing of lease expense recognized at our regulated entities resembles the expense recognition pattern of an operating lease, as the amortization of the right of use assets is modified from what would typically be recorded for a finance lease. We record the difference between the minimum lease payments and the sum of imputed interest and unadjusted amortization costs calculated under the finance lease accounting rules as a regulatory asset on our balance sheets.
Power Purchase Commitment
In 1997, WE entered into a 25-year PPA with LSP-Whitewater Limited Partnership. The contract, for 236.5 MW of firm capacity from a natural gas-fired cogeneration facility, includes zero minimum energy requirements. The PPA expires on May 31, 2022; however, in November 2021, WE entered into a tolling agreement with LSP-Whitewater Limited Partnership that commences on June 1, 2022. Concurrent with the execution of the tolling agreement, WE and WPS entered into an asset purchase agreement to acquire the natural gas-fired cogeneration facility for $72.7 million. The asset purchase agreement is subject to regulatory approval, which was requested from the PSCW in December 2021. We expect to receive approval from the PSCW by the end of 2022, and the sale is expected to close in January 2023. The tolling agreement extends until the earlier of the closing of the asset purchase or December 31, 2022. As a result, we are amortizing the leases through December 31, 2022.
These combined transactions resulted in a lease modification whereby we were required to reassess the lease classification and remeasure the right of use asset and corresponding lease liability. The lease classification did not change as a result of the modification. Due to the execution of the asset purchase agreement, it is now reasonably certain that we will exercise the purchase option at the end of the extended lease term. Therefore, we included the estimated purchase option and the lease payments resulting from the tolling agreement in our remeasurement of the right of use asset and corresponding lease liability.
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Our obligation under this finance lease as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, was $78.4 million and $12.1 million, respectively, and will decrease to zero over the remaining life of the lease.
Two Creeks Solar Park
Related to its investment in Two Creeks, WPS, along with an unaffiliated utility, entered into several land leases in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin that commenced in the third quarter of 2019. The leases with unaffiliated parties are for a total of approximately 600 acres of land. Each lease has an initial term of 30 years with two optional 10-year extensions. We expect the two optional extensions to be exercised, and, as a result, the land leases are being amortized over the 50-year extended term of the leases. The lease payments are being recovered through rates. After achieving commercial operation in November 2020, the lease liability was remeasured as a result of finalizing the total acres being leased.
Our total obligation under the finance leases for Two Creeks as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, was $9.8 million and $7.9 million, respectively, and will decrease to zero over the remaining lives of the leases.
Badger Hollow Solar Park I
Related to its investment in Badger Hollow I, WPS, along with an unaffiliated utility, entered into several land leases in Iowa County, Wisconsin that commenced in the third quarter of 2019. The leases are for a total of approximately 1,300 acres of land. Each lease has an initial construction term that ends upon achieving commercial operation, then automatically extends for 25 years with an option for an additional 25-year extension. We expect the optional extension to be exercised, and, as a result, the land leases are being amortized over the extended term of the leases. The lease payments will be recovered through rates. Upon achieving commercial operation in November 2021, the lease liability was remeasured as a result of finalizing the total acres being leased.
Our total obligation under the finance leases for Badger Hollow I as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, was $17.6 million and $20.3 million, respectively, and will decrease to zero over the remaining lives of the leases.
Badger Hollow Solar Park II
Related to its investment in Badger Hollow II, WE, along with an unaffiliated utility, entered into several land leases in Iowa County, Wisconsin that commenced in the second quarter of 2020. The leases are for a total of approximately 1,500 acres of land. Each lease has an initial construction term that ends upon achieving commercial operation, then automatically extends for 25 years with an option for an additional 25-year extension. We expect the optional extension to be exercised, and, as a result, the land leases are being amortized over the extended term of the leases. The lease payments will be recovered through rates.
Our total obligation under the finance leases for Badger Hollow II as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, was $23.6 million and $23.1 million, respectively, and will decrease to zero over the remaining lives of the leases.
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Amounts Recognized in the Financial Statements and Other Information
The components of lease expense and supplemental cash flow information related to our leases for the years ended December 31 are as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Finance lease expense | | | | | | |
Amortization of right of use assets (1) | | $ | 8.1 | | | $ | 6.3 | | | $ | 4.9 | |
Interest on lease liabilities (2) | | 1.6 | | | 2.5 | | | 3.3 | |
Operating lease expense (3) | | 3.4 | | | 5.4 | | | 5.5 | |
Short-term lease expense (3) | | 0.2 | | | 0.3 | | | 0.6 | |
Total lease expense | | $ | 13.3 | | | $ | 14.5 | | | $ | 14.3 | |
| | | | | | |
Other information | | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of lease liabilities | | | | | | |
Operating cash flows from finance leases | | $ | 1.6 | | | $ | 2.5 | | | $ | 3.3 | |
Operating cash flows from operating leases | | $ | 5.3 | | | $ | 6.7 | | | $ | 6.0 | |
Financing cash flows from finance leases | | $ | 8.1 | | | $ | 6.3 | | | $ | 4.9 | |
| | | | | | |
Non-cash activities: | | | | | | |
Right of use assets obtained in exchange for finance lease liabilities | | $ | 73.6 | | | $ | 22.8 | | | $ | 27.2 | |
Right of use assets obtained in exchange for operating lease liabilities | | $ | 0.5 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 49.0 | |
| | | | | | |
Weighted-average remaining lease term – finance leases | | 20.5 years | | 41.5 years | | 31.5 years |
Weighted-average remaining lease term – operating leases | | 12.5 years | | 13.0 years | | 12.9 years |
| | | | | | |
Weighted-average discount rate – finance lease (4) | | 2.4 | % | | 4.9 | % | | 6.7 | % |
Weighted average discount rate – operating leases (4) | | 3.4 | % | | 3.4 | % | | 4.4 | % |
(1) Amortization of right of use assets was included as a component of depreciation and amortization expense.
(2) Interest on lease liabilities was included as a component of interest expense.
(3) Operating and short-term lease expense were included as a component of operation and maintenance expense.
(4) Because our leases do not provide an implicit rate of return, we used the fully collateralized incremental borrowing rates based upon information available for similarly rated companies in determining the present value of lease payments.
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The following table summarizes our finance lease right of use assets, which were included in property, plant, and equipment on our balance sheets at December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | |
Power purchase commitment | | | | | |
Under finance leases | | $ | 214.4 | | | $ | 140.3 | | |
Accumulated amortization | | (137.7) | | | (132.3) | | |
Total power purchase commitment | | $ | 76.7 | | | $ | 8.0 | | |
| | | | | |
Two Creeks land leases | | | | | |
Under finance leases | | $ | 9.6 | | | $ | 7.7 | | |
Accumulated amortization | | (0.4) | | | (0.2) | | |
Total Two Creeks land leases | | $ | 9.2 | | | $ | 7.5 | | |
| | | | | |
Badger Hollow I land leases | | | | | |
Under finance leases | | $ | 16.6 | | | $ | 19.5 | | |
Accumulated amortization | | (0.9) | | | (0.6) | | |
Total Badger Hollow I land leases | | $ | 15.7 | | | $ | 18.9 | | |
| | | | | |
Badger Hollow II land leases | | | | | |
Under finance leases | | $ | 22.8 | | | $ | 22.8 | | |
Accumulated amortization | | (0.7) | | | (0.2) | | |
Total Badger Hollow II land leases | | $ | 22.1 | | | $ | 22.6 | | |
| | | | | |
Other, net | | $ | 0.3 | | | $ | — | | |
Total finance lease right of use assets, net | | $ | 124.0 | | | $ | 57.0 | | |
Right of use assets related to operating leases were $19.5 million and $20.7 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively, and were included in other long-term assets on our balance sheets.
Future minimum lease payments under our operating and finance leases and the present value of our net minimum lease payments as of December 31, 2021, were as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Total Operating Leases | | Power Purchase Commitment | | Two Creeks | | Badger Hollow I | | Badger Hollow II | | Other | | Total Finance Leases |
2022 | | $ | 4.7 | | | $ | 79.0 | | | $ | 0.2 | | | $ | 0.5 | | | $ | 0.3 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 80.0 | |
2023 | | 4.5 | | | — | | | 0.2 | | | 0.5 | | | 0.7 | | | — | | | 1.4 | |
2024 | | 4.3 | | | — | | | 0.2 | | | 0.5 | | | 0.7 | | | — | | | 1.4 | |
2025 | | 3.8 | | | — | | | 0.2 | | | 0.5 | | | 0.7 | | | — | | | 1.4 | |
2026 | | 3.9 | | | — | | | 0.3 | | | 0.5 | | | 0.7 | | | — | | | 1.5 | |
Thereafter | | 20.8 | | | — | | | 21.7 | | | 39.3 | | | 54.3 | | | 0.6 | | | 115.9 | |
Total minimum lease payments | | 42.0 | | | 79.0 | | | 22.8 | | | 41.8 | | | 57.4 | | | 0.6 | | | 201.6 | |
Less: Interest | | (9.2) | | | (0.6) | | | (13.0) | | | (24.2) | | | (33.8) | | | (0.3) | | | (71.9) | |
Present value of minimum lease payments | | 32.8 | | | 78.4 | | | 9.8 | | | 17.6 | | | 23.6 | | | 0.3 | | | 129.7 | |
Less: Short-term lease liabilities | | (3.7) | | | (78.4) | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | (78.4) | |
Long-term lease liabilities | | $ | 29.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 9.8 | | | $ | 17.6 | | | $ | 23.6 | | | $ | 0.3 | | | $ | 51.3 | |
Short-term and long-term lease liabilities related to operating leases were included in other current liabilities and other long-term liabilities on the balance sheets, respectively. Short-term and long-term lease liabilities related to our finance leases were included in current portion of long-term debt and long-term debt on the balance sheets, respectively.
As of February 24, 2022, we have not entered into any material leases that have not yet commenced.
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Income Tax Expense
The following table is a summary of income tax expense for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Current tax expense (benefit) | | $ | 93.9 | | | $ | 49.2 | | | $ | (37.9) | |
Deferred income taxes, net | | 111.0 | | | 182.2 | | | 167.7 | |
ITCs | | (4.6) | | | (3.5) | | | (4.8) | |
Total income tax expense | | $ | 200.3 | | | $ | 227.9 | | | $ | 125.0 | |
Statutory Rate Reconciliation
The provision for income taxes for each of the years ended December 31 differs from the amount of income tax determined by applying the applicable United States statutory federal income tax rate to income before income taxes as a result of the following:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
| | | | Effective | | | | Effective | | | | Effective |
(in millions) | | Amount | | Tax Rate | | Amount | | Tax Rate | | Amount | | Tax Rate |
Statutory federal income tax | | $ | 315.1 | | | 21.0 | % | | $ | 299.9 | | | 21.0 | % | | $ | 264.4 | | | 21.0 | % |
State income taxes net of federal tax benefit | | 96.1 | | | 6.4 | % | | 90.5 | | | 6.3 | % | | 80.4 | | | 6.4 | % |
Wind PTCs | | (81.3) | | | (5.4) | % | | (51.5) | | | (3.6) | % | | (34.1) | | | (2.7) | % |
Federal excess deferred tax amortization – Wisconsin unprotected (1) | | (77.9) | | | (5.2) | % | | (57.6) | | | (4.0) | % | | — | | | — | % |
Federal excess deferred tax amortization (2) | | (37.3) | | | (2.5) | % | | (36.7) | | | (2.6) | % | | (34.9) | | | (2.8) | % |
ITC restored | | (4.6) | | | (0.3) | % | | (3.5) | | | (0.2) | % | | (4.8) | | | (0.4) | % |
AFUDC – Equity | | (3.8) | | | (0.3) | % | | (4.4) | | | (0.3) | % | | (3.0) | | | (0.2) | % |
Excess tax benefits – stock options | | (3.2) | | | (0.2) | % | | (12.3) | | | (0.9) | % | | (15.8) | | | (1.3) | % |
Tax repairs (3) | | 4.0 | | | 0.3 | % | | 3.3 | | | 0.2 | % | | (122.8) | | | (9.8) | % |
Other, net | | (6.8) | | | (0.4) | % | | 0.2 | | | — | % | | (4.4) | | | (0.3) | % |
Total income tax expense | | $ | 200.3 | | | 13.4 | % | | $ | 227.9 | | | 15.9 | % | | $ | 125.0 | | | 9.9 | % |
(1) In accordance with the rate order received from the PSCW in December 2019, our Wisconsin utilities are amortizing these unprotected deferred tax benefits over periods ranging from two years to four years, to reduce near-term rate impacts to their customers. The decrease in income tax expense related to the amortization of the deferred tax benefits is offset by a decrease in revenue as the benefits are returned to customers, resulting in no impact on net income.
(2) The Tax Legislation required our regulated utilities to remeasure their deferred income taxes and we began to amortize the resulting excess protected deferred income taxes beginning in 2018 in accordance with normalization requirements. The decrease in income tax expense related to the amortization of the deferred tax benefits is offset by a decrease in revenue as the benefits are returned to customers, resulting in no impact on net income.
(3) In accordance with a settlement agreement with the PSCW, WE flowed through the tax benefit of its repair related deferred tax liabilities in 2018 and 2019, to maintain certain regulatory asset balances at their December 31, 2017 levels. The flow through treatment of the repair related deferred tax liabilities offset the negative income statement impact of holding the regulatory assets level, resulting in no impact to net income. In 2020, in accordance with the settlement agreement, WE started collecting the payback of the tax repairs benefit that was flowed through to customers. Customers will pay back all of the benefits over the next fifty years.
See Note 26, Regulatory Environment, for more information about the impact of the Tax Legislation and the Wisconsin rate orders.
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Deferred Income Tax Assets and Liabilities
The components of deferred income taxes as of December 31 were as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Deferred tax assets | | | | |
Tax gross up – regulatory items | | $ | 469.5 | | | $ | 497.6 | |
Future tax benefits | | 104.6 | | | 102.5 | |
Deferred revenues | | 97.8 | | | 104.2 | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Other | | 205.9 | | | 197.2 | |
Total deferred tax assets | | 877.8 | | | 901.5 | |
Valuation allowance | | (1.2) | | | (2.3) | |
Net deferred tax assets | | $ | 876.6 | | | $ | 899.2 | |
| | | | |
Deferred tax liabilities | | | | |
Property-related | | $ | 3,909.0 | | | $ | 3,721.0 | |
Investment in affiliates | | 648.6 | | | 647.2 | |
Deferred costs – plant retirements | | 223.9 | | | 255.4 | |
Employee benefits and compensation | | 170.6 | | | 148.2 | |
| | | | |
Other | | 233.0 | | | 187.2 | |
Total deferred tax liabilities | | 5,185.1 | | | 4,959.0 | |
Deferred tax liability, net | | $ | 4,308.5 | | | $ | 4,059.8 | |
Consistent with rate-making treatment, deferred taxes related to our regulated utilities in the table above are offset for temporary differences that have related regulatory assets and liabilities.
The components of net deferred tax assets associated with federal and state tax benefit carryforwards as of December 31, 2021 and 2020 are summarized in the tables below:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2021 (in millions) | | Gross Value | | Deferred Tax Effect | | Valuation Allowance | | Earliest Year of Expiration |
Future tax benefits as of December 31, 2021 | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Federal tax credit | | $ | — | | | $ | 91.5 | | | $ | — | | | 2041 |
State net operating loss | | 72.0 | | | 4.4 | | | (1.2) | | | 2030 |
Other state benefits | | — | | | 8.7 | | | — | | | 2023 |
Balance as of December 31, 2021 | | $ | 72.0 | | | $ | 104.6 | | | $ | (1.2) | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
2020 (in millions) | | Gross Value | | Deferred Tax Effect | | Valuation Allowance | | Earliest Year of Expiration |
Future tax benefits as of December 31, 2020 | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
Federal tax credit | | $ | — | | | $ | 89.1 | | | $ | — | | | 2040 |
State net operating loss | | 88.8 | | | 5.5 | | | (2.3) | | | 2030 |
Other state benefits | | — | | | 7.9 | | | — | | | 2023 |
Balance as of December 31, 2020 | | $ | 88.8 | | | $ | 102.5 | | | $ | (2.3) | | | |
Unrecognized Tax Benefits
A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of unrecognized tax benefits is as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Balance as of January 1 | | $ | 11.9 | | | $ | 17.9 | | | $ | 20.0 | |
Additions for tax positions of prior years | | — | | | 1.6 | | | 1.9 | |
Additions based on tax positions related to the current year | | 1.6 | | | 0.1 | | | 0.2 | |
Reductions for tax positions of prior years | | (6.7) | | | (7.7) | | | (4.2) | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
Balance as of December 31 | | $ | 6.8 | | | $ | 11.9 | | | $ | 17.9 | |
| | | | | | | | |
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The amount of unrecognized tax benefits as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, excludes deferred tax assets related to uncertainty in income taxes of $1.2 million and $1.9 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, the net amount of unrecognized tax benefits that, if recognized, would impact the effective tax rate for continuing operations was $5.7 million and $10.1 million, respectively.
Interest accrued related to unrecognized tax benefits is as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Balance as of January 1 | | $ | 0.5 | | | $ | 0.8 | | | $ | 0.7 | |
Interest expense (income) related to unrecognized tax benefits | | (0.4) | | | (0.3) | | | 0.1 | |
Balance as of December 31 | | $ | 0.1 | | | $ | 0.5 | | | $ | 0.8 | |
For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, and 2019, we recognized no penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits in our consolidated income statements. At December 31, 2021 and 2020, we had no amounts accrued for penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits.
Although analysis of our unrecognized tax benefits is ongoing, the potential estimated decrease in the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits within the next 12 months is approximately $2.1 million associated with statutes of limitations on certain tax years. We do not anticipate any significant increases in the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits within the next 12 months.
We file income tax returns in the United States federal jurisdiction and state tax returns based on income in our major state operating jurisdictions of Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota. We also file tax returns in other state and local jurisdictions with varying statutes of limitations. As of December 31, 2021, with a few exceptions, we were subject to examination by federal and state or local tax authorities for the 2017 through 2021 tax years in our major operating jurisdictions as follows:
| | | | | | | | |
Jurisdiction | | Years |
Federal | | 2018–2021 |
Illinois | | 2017–2021 |
Michigan | | 2017–2021 |
Minnesota | | 2017–2021 |
Wisconsin | | 2017–2021 |
The following tables summarize our financial assets and liabilities that were accounted for at fair value on a recurring basis, categorized by level within the fair value hierarchy:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2021 |
(in millions) | | Level 1 | | Level 2 | | Level 3 | | Total |
Derivative assets | | | | | | | | |
Natural gas contracts | | $ | 46.4 | | | $ | 18.2 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 64.6 | |
FTRs | | — | | | — | | | 2.4 | | | 2.4 | |
Coal contracts | | — | | | 53.0 | | | — | | | 53.0 | |
Total derivative assets | | $ | 46.4 | | | $ | 71.2 | | | $ | 2.4 | | | $ | 120.0 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Investments held in rabbi trust | | $ | 79.6 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 79.6 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Derivative liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Natural gas contracts | | $ | 8.4 | | | $ | 6.7 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 15.1 | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2020 |
(in millions) | | Level 1 | | Level 2 | | Level 3 | | Total |
Derivative assets | | | | | | | | |
Natural gas contracts | | $ | 11.7 | | | $ | 2.0 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 13.7 | |
FTRs | | — | | | — | | | 2.4 | | | 2.4 | |
Coal contracts | | — | | | 1.8 | | | — | | | 1.8 | |
Total derivative assets | | $ | 11.7 | | | $ | 3.8 | | | $ | 2.4 | | | $ | 17.9 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Investments held in rabbi trust | | $ | 79.6 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 79.6 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Derivative liabilities | | | | | | | | |
Natural gas contracts | | $ | 7.7 | | | $ | 6.4 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 14.1 | |
Coal contracts | | — | | | 1.2 | | | — | | | 1.2 | |
Interest rate swaps | | — | | | 6.8 | | | — | | | 6.8 | |
Total derivative liabilities | | $ | 7.7 | | | $ | 14.4 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 22.1 | |
The derivative assets and liabilities listed in the tables above include options, swaps, futures, physical commodity contracts, and other instruments used to manage market risks related to changes in commodity prices and interest rates. They also include FTRs, which are used to manage electric transmission congestion costs in the MISO Energy Markets.
We hold investments in the Integrys rabbi trust. These investments are restricted as they can only be withdrawn from the trust to fund participants' benefits under the Integrys deferred compensation plan and certain Integrys non-qualified pension plans. These investments are included in other long-term assets on our balance sheets. For the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, and 2019, the net unrealized gains included in earnings related to the investments held at the end of the period were $16.0 million, $6.3 million, and $18.7 million, respectively.
The following table summarizes the changes to derivatives classified as Level 3 in the fair value hierarchy at December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Balance at the beginning of the period | | $ | 2.4 | | | $ | 3.1 | | | $ | 7.4 | |
Purchases | | 6.1 | | | 7.6 | | | 12.8 | |
Settlements | | (6.1) | | | (8.3) | | | (17.1) | |
Balance at the end of the period | | $ | 2.4 | | | $ | 2.4 | | | $ | 3.1 | |
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
The following table shows the financial instruments included on our balance sheets that are not recorded at fair value at December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2021 | | 2020 |
(in millions) | | Carrying Amount | | Fair Value | | Carrying Amount | | Fair Value |
Preferred stock of subsidiary | | $ | 30.4 | | | $ | 30.3 | | | $ | 30.4 | | | $ | 32.3 | |
Long-term debt, including current portion (1) | | 13,563.4 | | | 14,819.4 | | | 12,450.5 | | | 14,343.2 | |
(1) The carrying amount of long-term debt excludes finance lease obligations of $129.7 million and $63.4 million at December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
The fair values of our long-term debt and preferred stock are categorized within Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy.
| | | | | | | | |
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None of our derivatives are designated as hedging instruments, with the exception of interest rate swaps, which were designated as cash flow hedges. Derivative assets and liabilities are included in the other current and other long-term line items on our balance sheets. The following table shows our derivative assets and derivative liabilities.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2021 | | December 31, 2020 |
(in millions) | | Derivative Assets | | Derivative Liabilities | | Derivative Assets | | Derivative Liabilities |
Current | | | | | | | | |
Natural gas contracts | | $ | 60.6 | | | $ | 14.0 | | | $ | 13.0 | | | $ | 12.9 | |
FTRs | | 2.4 | | | — | | | 2.4 | | | — | |
Coal contracts | | 44.0 | | | — | | | 1.6 | | | 0.8 | |
Interest rate swaps | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 6.8 | |
Total current | | 107.0 | | | 14.0 | | | 17.0 | | | 20.5 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Long-term | | | | | | | | |
Natural gas contracts | | 4.0 | | | 1.1 | | | 0.7 | | | 1.2 | |
Coal contracts | | 9.0 | | | — | | | 0.2 | | | 0.4 | |
Total long-term | | 13.0 | | | 1.1 | | | 0.9 | | | 1.6 | |
Total | | $ | 120.0 | | | $ | 15.1 | | | $ | 17.9 | | | $ | 22.1 | |
Realized gains (losses) on derivatives not designated as hedging instruments are primarily recorded in cost of sales on the income statements. Our estimated notional sales volumes and realized gains (losses) were as follows for the years ended:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2021 | | December 31, 2020 | | December 31, 2019 |
(in millions) | | Volumes | | Gains | | Volumes | | Gains (Losses) | | Volumes | | Gains (Losses) |
Natural gas contracts | | 197.6 Dth | | $ | 136.5 | | | 188.6 Dth | | $ | (54.1) | | | 183.9 Dth | | $ | (27.1) | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
FTRs | | 28.2 MWh | | 17.7 | | | 29.8 MWh | | 4.1 | | | 31.2 MWh | | 16.3 | |
Total | | | | $ | 154.2 | | | | | $ | (50.0) | | | | | $ | (10.8) | |
At December 31, 2021 and 2020, we had posted cash collateral of $13.9 million and $18.9 million, respectively. We had also received cash collateral of $13.2 million at December 31, 2021.
The following table shows derivative assets and derivative liabilities if derivative instruments by counterparty were presented net on our balance sheets:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2021 | | December 31, 2020 | |
(in millions) | | Derivative Assets | | Derivative Liabilities | | Derivative Assets | | Derivative Liabilities | |
Gross amount recognized on the balance sheet | | $ | 120.0 | | | $ | 15.1 | | | $ | 17.9 | | | $ | 22.1 | | |
Gross amount not offset on the balance sheet | | (15.2) | | (1) | (9.2) | | (2) | (6.9) | |
| (7.7) | | (3) |
Net amount | | $ | 104.8 | | | $ | 5.9 | | | $ | 11.0 | | | $ | 14.4 | | |
(1) Includes cash collateral received of $6.4 million.
(2) Includes cash collateral posted of $0.4 million.
(3) Includes cash collateral posted of $0.8 million.
Cash Flow Hedges
Until their expiration on November 15, 2021, we had two interest rate swaps with a combined notional value of $250.0 million to hedge the variable interest rate risk associated with our 2007 Junior Notes. The swaps provided a fixed interest rate of 4.9765% on $250.0 million of the $500.0 million of outstanding 2007 Junior Notes. As these swaps qualified for cash flow hedge accounting treatment, the related gains and losses were deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss and were amortized to interest expense as interest was accrued on the 2007 Junior Notes.
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We previously entered into forward interest rate swap agreements to mitigate the interest rate exposure associated with the issuance of long-term debt related to the acquisition of Integrys. These swap agreements were settled in 2015, and we continue to amortize amounts out of accumulated other comprehensive loss into interest expense over the periods in which the interest costs are recognized in earnings.
The table below shows the amounts related to these cash flow hedges recorded in other comprehensive income (loss) and in earnings, along with our total interest expense on the income statements, for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Derivative gain (loss) recognized in other comprehensive income / loss | | $ | 0.8 | | | $ | (5.9) | | | $ | (4.8) | |
Net derivative gain (loss) reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss to interest expense | | (1.3) | | | (2.1) | | | 1.1 | |
Total interest expense line item on the income statements | | 471.1 | | | 493.7 | | | 501.5 | |
We estimate that during the next twelve months $0.4 million will be reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive loss as a reduction to interest expense.
The following table shows our outstanding guarantees:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Total Amounts Committed at December 31, 2021 | | Expiration |
(in millions) | | | Less Than 1 Year | | 1 to 3 Years | | Over 3 Years |
Standby letters of credit (1) | | $ | 75.2 | | | $ | 2.5 | | | $ | 0.2 | | | $ | 72.5 | |
Surety bonds (2) | | 12.8 | | | 12.8 | | | — | | | — | |
Other guarantees (3) | | 9.4 | | | — | | | — | | | 9.4 | |
Total guarantees | | $ | 97.4 | | | $ | 15.3 | | | $ | 0.2 | | | $ | 81.9 | |
(1) At our request or the request of our subsidiaries, financial institutions have issued standby letters of credit for the benefit of third parties that have extended credit to our subsidiaries. These amounts are not reflected on our balance sheets.
(2) Primarily for workers compensation self-insurance programs and obtaining various licenses, permits, and rights-of-way. These amounts are not reflected on our balance sheets.
(3) Consists of $9.4 million related to workers compensation coverage for which a liability was recorded on our balance sheets.
Pension and Other Postretirement Employee Benefits
We and our subsidiaries have defined benefit pension plans that cover substantially all of our employees, as well as several unfunded non-qualified retirement plans. In addition, we and our subsidiaries offer multiple OPEB plans to employees. The benefits for a portion of these plans are funded through irrevocable trusts, as allowed for income tax purposes. We also offer medical, dental, and life insurance benefits to active employees and their dependents. We expense the costs of these benefits as incurred.
Generally, former Wisconsin Energy Corporation employees who started with the company after 1995 receive a benefit based on a percentage of their annual salary plus an interest credit, while employees who started before 1996 receive a benefit based upon years of service and final average salary. Wisconsin Energy Corporation management employees hired after December 31, 2014, and certain new represented employees hired after May 1, 2017, receive an annual company contribution to their 401(k) savings plan instead of being enrolled in the defined benefit plans.
For former Integrys employees, the defined benefit pension plans are closed to all new hires. In addition, the service accruals for the defined benefit pension plans were frozen for non-union employees as of January 1, 2013. These employees receive an annual company contribution to their 401(k) savings plan, which is calculated based on age, wages, and full years of vesting service as of December 31 each year.
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We use a year-end measurement date to measure the funded status of all of our pension and OPEB plans. Due to the regulated nature of our business, we have concluded that substantially all of the unrecognized costs resulting from the recognition of the funded status of our pension and OPEB plans qualify as a regulatory asset.
The following tables provide a reconciliation of the changes in our plans' benefit obligations and fair value of assets:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pension Benefits | | OPEB Benefits |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Change in benefit obligation | | | | | | | | |
Obligation at January 1 | | $ | 3,346.4 | | | $ | 3,123.7 | | | $ | 556.1 | | | $ | 558.6 | |
Service cost | | 54.3 | | | 50.1 | | | 15.7 | | | 15.2 | |
Interest cost | | 87.5 | | | 102.8 | | | 14.5 | | | 18.6 | |
Participant contributions | | — | | | — | | | 12.5 | | | 13.3 | |
Plan amendments | | — | | | — | | | (3.9) | | | (5.0) | |
Actuarial loss (gain) | | (101.3) | | | 311.6 | | | (20.3) | | | (1.4) | |
Benefit payments | | (250.3) | | | (241.8) | | | (47.5) | | | (46.1) | |
Federal subsidy on benefits paid | | N/A | | N/A | | 1.2 | | | 1.3 | |
Transfer | | — | | | — | | | 1.9 | | | 1.6 | |
Obligation at December 31 | | $ | 3,136.6 | | | $ | 3,346.4 | | | $ | 530.2 | | | $ | 556.1 | |
| | | | | | | | |
Change in fair value of plan assets | | | | | | | | |
Fair value at January 1 | | $ | 3,225.0 | | | $ | 3,007.0 | | | $ | 951.4 | | | $ | 879.6 | |
Actual return on plan assets | | 291.8 | | | 348.1 | | | 79.9 | | | 103.1 | |
Employer contributions | | 62.4 | | | 111.7 | | | 3.9 | | | 1.5 | |
Participant contributions | | — | | | — | | | 12.5 | | | 13.3 | |
Benefit payments | | (250.3) | | | (241.8) | | | (47.5) | | | (46.1) | |
Fair value at December 31 | | $ | 3,328.9 | | | $ | 3,225.0 | | | $ | 1,000.2 | | | $ | 951.4 | |
Funded status at December 31 | | $ | 192.3 | | | $ | (121.4) | | | $ | 470.0 | | | $ | 395.3 | |
In 2021 we had actuarial gains related to our pension benefit obligations of $101.3 million and actuarial losses in 2020 of $311.6 million, both of which were primarily driven by changes in our discount rates. The discount rate for our pension benefits was 2.96%, 2.67%, and 3.41%, in 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively.
The actuarial gains related to our OPEB benefit obligations were not significant for 2021 or 2020.
The amounts recognized on our balance sheets at December 31 related to the funded status of the benefit plans were as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pension Benefits | | OPEB Benefits |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Pension and OPEB assets | | $ | 389.0 | | | $ | 182.9 | | | $ | 492.3 | | | $ | 418.0 | |
Pension and OPEB obligations | | 196.7 | | | 304.3 | | | 22.3 | | | 22.7 | |
Total net (liabilities) assets | | $ | 192.3 | | | $ | (121.4) | | | $ | 470.0 | | | $ | 395.3 | |
The accumulated benefit obligation for all defined benefit pension plans was $3,010.5 million and $3,194.3 million as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, respectively.
The following table shows information for pension plans with an accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets. Amounts presented are as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Accumulated benefit obligation | | $ | 372.4 | | | $ | 1,555.5 | |
Fair value of plan assets | | 186.3 | | | 1,298.3 | |
| | | | | | | | |
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The following table shows information for pension plans with a projected benefit obligation in excess of plan assets. Amounts presented are as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Projected benefit obligation | | $ | 383.0 | | | $ | 2,034.1 | |
Fair value of plan assets | | 186.3 | | | 1,729.8 | |
The following table shows information for OPEB plans with an accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets. Amounts presented are as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Accumulated benefit obligation | | $ | 25.1 | | | $ | 25.7 | |
Fair value of plan assets | | 2.8 | | | 3.0 | |
The following table shows the amounts that had not yet been recognized in our net periodic benefit cost (credit) as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pension Benefits | | OPEB Benefits |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Pre-tax accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (1) | | | | | | | | |
Net actuarial loss (gain) | | $ | 7.5 | | | $ | 10.4 | | | $ | (1.4) | | | $ | (1.4) | |
Prior service credits | | — | | | — | | | (0.1) | | | (0.1) | |
Total | | $ | 7.5 | | | $ | 10.4 | | | $ | (1.5) | | | $ | (1.5) | |
| | | | | | | | |
Net regulatory assets (liabilities) (2) | | | | | | | | |
Net actuarial loss (gain) | | $ | 798.6 | | | $ | 1,101.2 | | | $ | (300.1) | | | $ | (288.7) | |
Prior service costs (credits) | | (0.5) | | | 1.1 | | | (60.3) | | | (78.6) | |
Total | | $ | 798.1 | | | $ | 1,102.3 | | | $ | (360.4) | | | $ | (367.3) | |
(1) Amounts related to the nonregulated entities are included in accumulated other comprehensive loss.
(2) Amounts related to the utilities and WBS are recorded as net regulatory assets or liabilities.
The components of net periodic benefit cost (credit) (including amounts capitalized to our balance sheets) for the years ended December 31 were as follows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pension Benefits | | OPEB Benefits |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Service cost | | $ | 54.3 | | | $ | 50.1 | | | $ | 47.0 | | | $ | 15.7 | | | $ | 15.2 | | | $ | 16.3 | |
Interest cost | | 87.5 | | | 102.8 | | | 120.4 | | | 14.5 | | | 18.6 | | | 25.7 | |
Expected return on plan assets | | (200.9) | | | (190.3) | | | (193.3) | | | (66.0) | | | (60.3) | | | (54.7) | |
Plan settlement | | 3.9 | | | 17.9 | | | 11.5 | | | — | | | — | | | — | |
Plan curtailment | | — | | | — | | | — | | | (6.4) | | | — | | | — | |
Amortization of prior service cost (credit) | | 1.6 | | | 1.6 | | | 2.2 | | | (15.9) | | | (15.0) | | | (15.4) | |
Amortization of net actuarial loss (gain) | | 109.4 | | | 102.6 | | | 77.3 | | | (24.4) | | | (22.4) | | | (6.6) | |
Net periodic benefit cost (credit) | | $ | 55.8 | | | $ | 84.7 | | | $ | 65.1 | | | $ | (82.5) | | | $ | (63.9) | | | $ | (34.7) | |
| | | | | | | | |
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The weighted-average assumptions used to determine the benefit obligations for the plans were as follows for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pension Benefits | | OPEB Benefits |
| | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Discount rate | | 2.96% | | 2.67% | | 2.92% | | 2.60% |
Rate of compensation increase | | 4.00% | | 4.00% | | N/A | | N/A |
Interest credit rate | | 3.73% | | 3.69% | | N/A | | N/A |
Assumed medical cost trend rate (Pre 65) | | N/A | | N/A | | 5.70% | | 5.85% |
Ultimate trend rate (Pre 65) | | N/A | | N/A | | 5.00% | | 5.00% |
Year ultimate trend rate is reached (Pre 65) | | N/A | | N/A | | 2028 | | 2028 |
Assumed medical cost trend rate (Post 65) | | N/A | | N/A | | 5.67% | | 5.80% |
Ultimate trend rate (Post 65) | | N/A | | N/A | | 5.00% | | 5.00% |
Year ultimate trend rate is reached (Post 65) | | N/A | | N/A | | 2028 | | 2028 |
The weighted-average assumptions used to determine the net periodic benefit cost for the plans were as follows for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Pension Benefits |
| | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Discount rate | | 2.71% | | 3.34% | | 4.21% |
Expected return on plan assets | | 6.88% | | 6.87% | | 7.12% |
Rate of compensation increase | | 4.00% | | 4.00% | | 3.66% |
Interest credit rate | | 3.71% | | 3.70% | | 3.72% |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | OPEB Benefits |
| | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Discount rate | | 2.66% | | 3.39% | | 4.27% |
Expected return on plan assets | | 7.00% | | 7.00% | | 7.25% |
Assumed medical cost trend rate (Pre 65) | | 5.85% | | 6.00% | | 6.25% |
Ultimate trend rate (Pre 65) | | 5.00% | | 5.00% | | 5.00% |
Year ultimate trend rate is reached (Pre 65) | | 2028 | | 2028 | | 2024 |
Assumed medical cost trend rate (Post 65) | | 5.80% | | 5.91% | | 6.01% |
Ultimate trend rate (Post 65) | | 5.00% | | 5.00% | | 5.00% |
Year ultimate trend rate is reached (Post 65) | | 2028 | | 2028 | | 2028 |
We consult with our investment advisors on an annual basis to help us forecast expected long-term returns on plan assets by reviewing historical returns as well as calculating expected total trust returns using the weighted-average of long-term market returns for each of the major target asset categories utilized in the fund. For 2022, the expected return on assets assumption is 6.88% for the pension plans and 7.00% for the OPEB plans.
Plan Assets
Current pension trust assets and amounts which are expected to be contributed to the trusts in the future are expected to be adequate to meet pension payment obligations to current and future retirees.
The Investment Trust Policy Committee oversees investment matters related to all of our funded benefit plans. The Committee works with external actuaries and investment consultants on an on-going basis to establish and monitor investment strategies and target asset allocations. Forecasted cash flows for plan liabilities are regularly updated based on annual valuation results. Target allocations are determined utilizing projected benefit payment cash flows and risk analyses of appropriate investments. They are intended to reduce risk, provide long-term financial stability for the plans and maintain funded levels which meet long-term plan obligations while preserving sufficient liquidity for near-term benefit payments.
The legacy Wisconsin Energy Corporation pension trust target asset allocations are 35% equity investments, 55% fixed income investments, and 10% private equity and real estate investments. The legacy Integrys pension trust target asset allocations are 45% equity investments, 45% fixed income investments, and 10% private equity and real estate investments. The legacy Wisconsin
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Energy Corporation OPEB trust target asset allocations are 50% equity investments and 50% fixed income investments. The two largest legacy OPEB trusts for Integrys have the same target asset allocations of 45% equity investments and 55% fixed income investments. Equity securities include investments in large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies. Fixed income securities include corporate bonds of companies from diversified industries, mortgage and other asset backed securities, commercial paper, and United States Treasuries.
Pension and OPEB plan investments are recorded at fair value. See Note 1(r), Fair Value Measurements, for more information regarding the fair value hierarchy and the classification of fair value measurements based on the types of inputs used.
The following tables provide the fair values of our investments by asset class:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2021 |
| | Pension Plan Assets | | OPEB Assets |
(in millions) | | Level 1 | | Level 2 | | Level 3 | | Total | | Level 1 | | Level 2 | | Level 3 | | Total |
Asset Class | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equity securities: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
United States equity | | $ | 417.1 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 417.1 | | | $ | 135.4 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 135.4 | |
International equity | | 313.7 | | | — | | | — | | | 313.7 | | | 109.1 | | | — | | | — | | | 109.1 | |
Fixed income securities: (1) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
United States bonds | | — | | | 1,068.7 | | | — | | | 1,068.7 | | | 165.0 | | | 192.3 | | | — | | | 357.3 | |
International bonds | | — | | | 118.5 | | | — | | | 118.5 | | | — | | | 15.6 | | | — | | | 15.6 | |
| | 730.8 | | | 1,187.2 | | | — | | | 1,918.0 | | | 409.5 | | | 207.9 | | | — | | | 617.4 | |
Investments measured at net asset value | | | | | | | | 1,410.9 | | | | | | | | | 382.8 | |
Total | | $ | 730.8 | | | $ | 1,187.2 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 3,328.9 | | | $ | 409.5 | | | $ | 207.9 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 1,000.2 | |
(1) This category represents investment grade bonds of United States and foreign issuers denominated in United States dollars from diverse industries.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | December 31, 2020 |
| | Pension Plan Assets | | OPEB Assets |
(in millions) | | Level 1 | | Level 2 | | Level 3 | | Total | | Level 1 | | Level 2 | | Level 3 | | Total |
Asset Class | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equity securities: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
United States equity | | $ | 439.2 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 439.2 | | | $ | 141.4 | | | $ | — | | | $ | — | | | $ | 141.4 | |
International equity | | 345.1 | | | — | | | — | | | 345.1 | | | 120.9 | | | — | | | — | | | 120.9 | |
Fixed income securities: (1) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
United States bonds | | — | | | 1,056.4 | | | — | | | 1,056.4 | | | 143.0 | | | 179.9 | | | — | | | 322.9 | |
International bonds | | — | | | 114.3 | | | — | | | 114.3 | | | — | | | 12.0 | | | — | | | 12.0 | |
| | 784.3 | | | 1,170.7 | | | — | | | 1,955.0 | | | 405.3 | | | 191.9 | | | — | | | 597.2 | |
Investments measured at net asset value | | | | | | | | 1,270.0 | | | | | | | | | 354.2 | |
Total | | $ | 784.3 | | | $ | 1,170.7 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 3,225.0 | | | $ | 405.3 | | | $ | 191.9 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 951.4 | |
(1) This category represents investment grade bonds of United States and foreign issuers denominated in United States dollars from diverse industries.
Cash Flows
We expect to contribute $11.2 million to the pension plans and $2.5 million to the OPEB plans in 2022, dependent upon various factors affecting us, including our liquidity position and possible tax law changes.
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The following table shows the payments, reflecting expected future service, that we expect to make for pension and OPEB over the next 10 years:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | Pension Benefits | | OPEB Benefits | |
2022 | | $ | 231.6 | | | $ | 35.0 | | |
2023 | | 228.8 | | | 35.1 | | |
2024 | | 222.8 | | | 34.9 | | |
2025 | | 216.7 | | | 34.7 | | |
2026 | | 219.9 | | | 34.6 | | |
2027-2031 | | 946.2 | | | 170.4 | | |
Savings Plans
We sponsor 401(k) savings plans which allow employees to contribute a portion of their pre-tax and/or after-tax income in accordance with plan-specified guidelines. A percentage of employee contributions are matched by us through a contribution into the employee's savings plan account, up to certain limits. The 401(k) savings plans include an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. Certain employees receive an employer retirement contribution, in which amounts are contributed to the employee's savings plan account based on the employee's wages, age, and years of service. Total costs incurred under all of these plans were $51.8 million, $49.7 million, and $50.9 million in 2021, 2020, and 2019, respectively.
We own approximately 60% of ATC, a for-profit, transmission-only company regulated by the FERC for cost of service and certain state regulatory commissions for routing and siting of transmission projects. We also own approximately 75% of ATC Holdco, a separate entity formed in December 2016 to invest in transmission-related projects outside of ATC's traditional footprint. ATC's corporate manager has an eleven-member board of directors, and ATC Holdco's corporate manager has a four-member board of directors. We have one representative on each board. Each member of the board has only one vote. The following tables provide a reconciliation of the changes in our investments in ATC and ATC Holdco:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2021 |
(in millions) | | ATC | | ATC Holdco | | Total |
Balance at January 1 | | $ | 1,733.5 | | | $ | 30.8 | | | $ | 1,764.3 | |
Add: Earnings (loss) from equity method investment | | 166.4 | | | (8.3) | | | 158.1 | |
| | | | | | |
Less: Distributions | | 133.0 | | | — | | | 133.0 | |
| | | | | | |
Balance at December 31 | | $ | 1,766.9 | | | $ | 22.5 | | | $ | 1,789.4 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2020 |
(in millions) | | ATC | | ATC Holdco | | Total |
Balance at January 1 | | $ | 1,684.7 | | | $ | 36.1 | | | $ | 1,720.8 | |
Add: Earnings from equity method investment | | 174.3 | | | 1.5 | | | 175.8 | |
Add: Capital contributions | | 21.2 | | | — | | | 21.2 | |
Less: Distributions | | 146.7 | | | — | | | 146.7 | |
Less: Return of capital | | — | | | 6.8 | | | 6.8 | |
Balance at December 31 | | $ | 1,733.5 | | | $ | 30.8 | | | $ | 1,764.3 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | 2019 |
(in millions) | | ATC | | ATC Holdco | | Total |
Balance at January 1 | | $ | 1,625.3 | | | $ | 40.0 | | | $ | 1,665.3 | |
Add: Earnings (loss) from equity method investment | | 132.8 | | | (5.2) | | | 127.6 | |
Add: Capital contributions | | 51.3 | | | 1.3 | | | 52.6 | |
Less: Distributions | | 124.7 | | | — | | | 124.7 | |
| | | | | | |
Balance at December 31 | | $ | 1,684.7 | | | $ | 36.1 | | | $ | 1,720.8 | |
In November 2019 and May 2020, the FERC issued orders that addressed complaints related to ATC's allowed ROE. Due to the various outstanding petitions filed related to these orders, our financials continue to include a $39.1 million liability for potential
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future refunds that ATC may be required to provide, reducing our equity earnings from ATC. This liability reflects a 10.52% ROE for all periods covered by the complaints.
We pay ATC for network transmission and other related services it provides. In addition, we provide a variety of operational, maintenance, and project management work for ATC, which is reimbursed by ATC. We are also required to initially fund the construction of transmission infrastructure upgrades needed for new generation projects. ATC owns these transmission assets and reimburses us for these costs when the new generation is placed in service.
The following table summarizes our significant related party transactions with ATC during the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Charges to ATC for services and construction | | $ | 22.9 | | | $ | 27.5 | | | $ | 25.9 | |
Charges from ATC for network transmission services | | 361.0 | | | 350.5 | | | 348.1 | |
Net refund from ATC related to FERC ROE orders | | 7.3 | | | 10.7 | | | — | |
As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, our balance sheets included the following receivables and payables for services provided to or received from ATC:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Accounts receivable for services provided to ATC | | $ | 2.0 | | | $ | 3.7 | |
Accounts payable for services received from ATC | | 30.2 | | | 29.3 | |
Amounts due from ATC for transmission infrastructure upgrades (1) | | 13.0 | | | 4.6 | |
(1) The transmission infrastructure upgrades were primarily related to WE's and WPS's construction of their new solar projects, Badger Hollow II and Badger Hollow I, respectively.
Summarized financial data for ATC is included in the tables below:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31 |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Income statement data | | | | | | |
Operating revenues | | $ | 754.8 | | | $ | 758.1 | | | $ | 744.4 | |
Operating expenses | | 376.2 | | | 372.5 | | | 373.5 | |
Other expense, net | | 113.9 | | | 110.8 | | | 110.5 | |
Net income | | $ | 264.7 | | | $ | 274.8 | | | $ | 260.4 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | December 31, 2021 | | December 31, 2020 | | |
Balance sheet data | | | | | | |
Current assets | | $ | 89.8 | | | $ | 92.7 | | | |
Noncurrent assets | | 5,628.1 | | | 5,400.6 | | | |
Total assets | | $ | 5,717.9 | | | $ | 5,493.3 | | | |
| | | | | | |
Current liabilities | | $ | 436.9 | | | $ | 310.8 | | | |
Long-term debt | | 2,513.0 | | | 2,512.2 | | | |
Other noncurrent liabilities | | 422.0 | | | 378.2 | | | |
Members' equity | | 2,346.0 | | | 2,292.1 | | | |
Total liabilities and members' equity | | $ | 5,717.9 | | | $ | 5,493.3 | | | |
We use net income attributed to common shareholders to measure segment profitability and to allocate resources to our businesses. At December 31, 2021, we reported six segments, which are described below.
•The Wisconsin segment includes the electric and natural gas utility operations of WE, WPS, WG, and UMERC.
•The Illinois segment includes the natural gas utility operations of PGL and NSG.
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•The other states segment includes the natural gas utility and non-utility operations of MERC and MGU.
•The electric transmission segment includes our approximate 60% ownership interest in ATC, a for-profit, transmission-only company regulated by the FERC for cost of service and certain state regulatory commissions for routing and siting of transmission projects, and our approximate 75% ownership interest in ATC Holdco, which was formed to invest in transmission-related projects outside of ATC's traditional footprint.
•The non-utility energy infrastructure segment includes:
◦We Power, which owns and leases generating facilities to WE,
◦Bluewater, which owns underground natural gas storage facilities in Michigan that provide approximately one-third of the current storage needs for our Wisconsin natural gas utilities, and
◦WECI, which holds our ownership interests in the following wind generating facilities:
▪90% ownership interest in Bishop Hill III, located in Henry County, Illinois,
▪80% ownership interest in Coyote Ridge, located in Brookings County, South Dakota,
▪90% ownership interest in Upstream, located in Antelope County, Nebraska,
▪90% ownership interest in Blooming Grove, located in McLean County, Illinois,
▪85% ownership interest in Tatanka Ridge, located in Deuel County, South Dakota, and
▪90% ownership interest in Jayhawk, located in Bourbon and Crawford counties, Kansas.
See Note 2, Acquisitions, for more information on recent WECI acquisitions.
•The corporate and other segment includes the operations of the WEC Energy Group holding company, the Integrys holding company, the PELLC holding company, Wispark, Wisvest, WECC, WBS, and also included the operations of PDL prior to the sale of its remaining solar facilities in the fourth quarter of 2020. See Note 3, Dispositions, for more information on the sale of these solar facilities.
All of our operations and assets are located within the United States. The following tables show summarized financial information related to our reportable segments for the years ended December 31, 2021, 2020, and 2019.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Utility Operations | | | | | | | | | | |
2021 (in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Electric Transmission | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | Reconciling Eliminations | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
External revenues | | $ | 6,037.0 | | | $ | 1,672.8 | | | $ | 519.0 | | | $ | 8,228.8 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 86.7 | | | $ | 0.5 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 8,316.0 | |
Intersegment revenues | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 452.8 | | | — | | | (452.8) | | | — | |
Other operation and maintenance | | 1,455.2 | | | 433.5 | | | 90.4 | | | 1,979.1 | | | — | | | 43.1 | | | (7.5) | | | (9.2) | | | 2,005.5 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | 726.9 | | | 218.1 | | | 38.1 | | | 983.1 | | | — | | | 125.3 | | | 25.9 | | | (60.0) | | | 1,074.3 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equity in earnings of transmission affiliates | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 158.1 | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 158.1 | |
Interest expense | | 555.6 | | | 66.6 | | | 6.2 | | | 628.4 | | | 19.4 | | | 71.0 | | | 92.8 | | | (340.5) | | | 471.1 | |
Loss on debt extinguishment | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 36.3 | | | — | | | 36.3 | |
Income tax expense (benefit) | | 119.9 | | | 79.3 | | | 11.5 | | | 210.7 | | | 32.3 | | | 3.1 | | | (45.8) | | | — | | | 200.3 | |
Net income (loss) | | 707.7 | | | 223.0 | | | 35.8 | | | 966.5 | | | 106.3 | | | 276.2 | | | (50.5) | | | — | | | 1,298.5 | |
Net income (loss) attributed to common shareholders | | 706.5 | | | 223.0 | | | 35.8 | | | 965.3 | | | 106.3 | | | 279.2 | | | (50.5) | | | — | | | 1,300.3 | |
Capital expenditures and asset acquisitions | | 1,389.7 | | | 533.7 | | | 95.9 | | | 2,019.3 | | | — | | | 335.3 | | | 18.1 | | | — | | | 2,372.7 | |
Total assets (1) | | 25,687.9 | | | 7,853.4 | | | 1,506.1 | | | 35,047.4 | | | 1,792.7 | | | 4,627.7 | | | 785.3 | | | (3,264.6) | | | 38,988.5 | |
(1) Total assets at December 31, 2021 reflect an elimination of $1,729.9 million for all lease activity between We Power and WE.
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| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Utility Operations | | | | | | | | | | |
2020 (in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Electric Transmission | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | Reconciling Eliminations | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
External revenues | | $ | 5,473.5 | | | $ | 1,321.9 | | | $ | 384.1 | | | $ | 7,179.5 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 60.0 | | | $ | 2.2 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 7,241.7 | |
Intersegment revenues | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 448.5 | | | — | | | (448.5) | | | — | |
Other operation and maintenance | | 1,476.7 | | | 435.4 | | | 87.0 | | | 1,999.1 | | | — | | | 24.9 | | | 17.4 | | | (9.2) | | | 2,032.2 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | 674.5 | | | 196.7 | | | 33.5 | | | 904.7 | | | — | | | 98.9 | | | 25.1 | | | (52.8) | | | 975.9 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equity in earnings of transmission affiliates | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 175.8 | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 175.8 | |
Interest expense | | 561.3 | | | 63.5 | | | 10.2 | | | 635.0 | | | 19.4 | | | 60.8 | | | 124.0 | | | (345.5) | | | 493.7 | |
Loss on debt extinguishment | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 38.4 | | | — | | | 38.4 | |
Income tax expense (benefit) | | 132.7 | | | 66.1 | | | 13.1 | | | 211.9 | | | 43.7 | | | 44.7 | | | (72.4) | | | — | | | 227.9 | |
Net income (loss) | | 691.6 | | | 203.5 | | | 39.0 | | | 934.1 | | | 112.6 | | | 261.1 | | | (106.4) | | | — | | | 1,201.4 | |
Net income (loss) attributed to common shareholders | | 690.4 | | | 203.5 | | | 39.0 | | | 932.9 | | | 112.6 | | | 260.8 | | | (106.4) | | | — | | | 1,199.9 | |
Capital expenditures and asset acquisitions | | 1,382.4 | | | 652.7 | | | 144.3 | | | 2,179.4 | | | — | | | 661.8 | | | 33.1 | | | — | | | 2,874.3 | |
Total assets (1) | | 24,599.2 | | | 7,471.8 | | | 1,336.2 | | | 33,407.2 | | | 1,764.7 | | | 4,455.2 | | | 762.2 | | | (3,361.2) | | | 37,028.1 | |
(1) Total assets at December 31, 2020 reflect an elimination of $1,824.5 million for all lease activity between We Power and WE.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Utility Operations | | | | | | | | | | |
2019 (in millions) | | Wisconsin | | Illinois | | Other States | | Total Utility Operations | | Electric Transmission | | Non-Utility Energy Infrastructure | | Corporate and Other | | Reconciling Eliminations | | WEC Energy Group Consolidated |
External revenues | | $ | 5,647.1 | | | $ | 1,357.1 | | | $ | 426.0 | | | $ | 7,430.2 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 88.5 | | | $ | 4.4 | | | $ | — | | | $ | 7,523.1 | |
Intersegment revenues | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 407.4 | | | — | | | (407.4) | | | — | |
Other operation and maintenance | | 1,591.3 | | | 461.1 | | | 98.5 | | | 2,150.9 | | | — | | | 19.7 | | | 14.0 | | | 0.2 | | | 2,184.8 | |
Depreciation and amortization | | 617.0 | | | 181.3 | | | 27.5 | | | 825.8 | | | — | | | 92.0 | | | 24.3 | | | (15.8) | | | 926.3 | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Equity in earnings of transmission affiliates | | — | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 127.6 | | | — | | | — | | | — | | | 127.6 | |
Interest expense | | 572.0 | | | 59.0 | | | 8.5 | | | 639.5 | | | 13.1 | | | 62.1 | | | 140.9 | | | (354.1) | | | 501.5 | |
Income tax expense (benefit) | | 35.2 | | | 60.2 | | | 13.6 | | | 109.0 | | | 27.1 | | | 59.9 | | | (71.0) | | | — | | | 125.0 | |
Net income (loss) | | 651.1 | | | 170.3 | | | 43.2 | | | 864.6 | | | 87.4 | | | 245.5 | | | (62.8) | | | — | | | 1,134.7 | |
Net income (loss) attributed to common shareholders | | 649.9 | | | 170.3 | | | 43.2 | | | 863.4 | | | 87.4 | | | 246.0 | | | (62.8) | | | — | | | 1,134.0 | |
Capital expenditures and asset acquisitions | | 1,378.6 | | | 624.9 | | | 109.1 | | | 2,112.6 | | | — | | | 389.9 | | | 26.5 | | | — | | | 2,529.0 | |
Total assets (1) | | 23,934.8 | | | 6,932.5 | | | 1,237.8 | | | 32,105.1 | | | 1,723.1 | | | 3,654.1 | | | 814.0 | | | (3,344.5) | | | 34,951.8 | |
(1) Total assets at December 31, 2019 reflect an elimination of $1,896.7 million for all lease activity between We Power and WE.
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The primary beneficiary of a VIE must consolidate the entity's assets and liabilities. In addition, certain disclosures are required for significant interest holders in VIEs.
We assess our relationships with potential VIEs, such as our coal suppliers, natural gas suppliers, coal transporters, natural gas transporters, and other counterparties related to PPAs, investments, and joint ventures. In making this assessment, we consider, along with other factors, the potential that our contracts or other arrangements provide subordinated financial support, the obligation to absorb the entity's losses, the right to receive residual returns of the entity, and the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact the entity's economic performance.
WEPCo Environmental Trust Finance I, LLC
In November 2020, the PSCW issued a financing order approving the securitization of $100 million of undepreciated environmental control costs related to WE's retired Pleasant Prairie power plant, the carrying costs accrued on the $100 million during the securitization process, and the related financing fees. The financing order also authorized WE to form WEPCo Environmental Trust, a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity, for the sole purpose of issuing ETBs to recover the costs approved in the financing order. WEPCo Environmental Trust is a wholly-owned subsidiary of WE.
In May 2021, WEPCo Environmental Trust issued ETBs and used the proceeds to acquire environmental control property from WE. The environmental control property is recorded as a regulatory asset on our balance sheets and includes the right to impose, collect, and receive a non-bypassable environmental control charge from WE's retail electric distribution customers until the ETBs are paid in full and all financing costs have been recovered. The ETBs are secured by the environmental control property. Cash collections from the environmental control charge, and funds on deposit in trust accounts, are the sole source of funds to satisfy the debt obligation. The bondholders have no recourse to WE or any of WE's affiliates. See Note 14, Long-Term Debt, for more information on the ETBs.
WE acts as the servicer of the environmental control property on behalf of WEPCo Environmental Trust and is responsible for metering, calculating, billing, and collecting the environmental control charge. As necessary, WE is authorized to implement periodic adjustments of the environmental control charge. The adjustments are designed to ensure the timely payment of principal, interest, and other ongoing financing costs. WE remits all collections of the environmental control charge to an indenture trustee of WEPCo Environmental Trust.
WEPCo Environmental Trust is a VIE primarily because its equity capitalization is insufficient to support its operations. As described above, WE has the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact WEPCo Environmental Trust's economic performance. Therefore, WE is considered the primary beneficiary of WEPCo Environmental Trust, and consolidation is required.
The following table summarizes the impact of WEPCo Environmental Trust on our balance sheet.
| | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | December 31, 2021 | | |
Assets | | | | |
Other current assets (restricted cash) | | $ | 2.4 | | | |
Regulatory assets | | 100.7 | | | |
Other long-term assets (restricted cash) | | 0.6 | | | |
| | | | |
Liabilities | | | | |
Current portion of long-term debt | | 8.8 | | | |
Other current liabilities (accrued interest) | | 0.1 | | | |
Long-term debt | | 102.7 | | | |
Investment in Transmission Affiliates
We own approximately 60% of ATC, a for-profit, electric transmission company regulated by the FERC and certain state regulatory commissions. We have determined that ATC is a VIE but consolidation is not required since we are not ATC's primary beneficiary. As a result of our limited voting rights, we do not have the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact ATC's economic performance. Therefore, we account for ATC as an equity method investment. At December 31, 2021 and 2020, our equity
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investment in ATC was $1,766.9 million and $1,733.5 million, respectively, which approximates our maximum exposure to loss as a result of our involvement with ATC.
We also own approximately 75% of ATC Holdco, a separate entity formed in December 2016 to invest in transmission-related projects outside of ATC's traditional footprint. We have determined that ATC Holdco is a VIE but consolidation is not required since we are not ATC Holdco's primary beneficiary. As a result of our limited voting rights, we do not have the power to direct the activities that most significantly impact ATC Holdco's economic performance. Therefore, we account for ATC Holdco as an equity method investment. At December 31, 2021 and 2020, our equity investment in ATC Holdco was $22.5 million and $30.8 million, respectively, which approximates our maximum exposure to loss as a result of our involvement with ATC Holdco.
See Note 21, Investment in Transmission Affiliates, for more information, including any significant assets and liabilities related to ATC and ATC Holdco recorded on our balance sheets.
Power Purchase Commitment
WE has a PPA with LSP-Whitewater Limited Partnership that represents a variable interest. This agreement is for 236.5 MWs of firm capacity from a natural gas-fired cogeneration facility, and we account for it as a finance lease. The agreement expires on May 31, 2022 and includes no minimum energy requirements over the remaining term. We have examined the risks of the entity, including operations, maintenance, dispatch, financing, fuel costs, and other factors, and have determined that we are not the primary beneficiary of the entity. We do not hold an equity or debt interest in the entity, and there is no residual guarantee associated with the PPA.
In November 2021, WE entered into a tolling agreement with LSP-Whitewater Limited Partnership that commences on June 1, 2022 upon the expiration of the PPA. Concurrent with the execution of the tolling agreement, WE and WPS also entered into an agreement to purchase the natural gas-fired cogeneration facility for $72.7 million. This purchase agreement is subject to regulatory approval by the PSCW, which is expected by the end of 2022. The tolling agreement extends until the earlier of the closing of the asset purchase or December 31, 2022. Since the terms of the tolling agreement are substantially similar to the terms of the PPA, we have determined that we are still not the primary beneficiary of the entity, and we will continue to account for the PPA and tolling agreement as a finance lease. See Note 15, Leases, for more information.
We have $6.4 million of required capacity payments over the remaining term of the PPA and tolling agreement. We believe that the required capacity payments under the agreements will continue to be recoverable in rates, and our maximum exposure to loss is limited to these capacity payments.
We and our subsidiaries have significant commitments and contingencies arising from our operations, including those related to unconditional purchase obligations, environmental matters, and enforcement and litigation matters.
Unconditional Purchase Obligations
Our electric utilities have obligations to distribute and sell electricity to their customers, and our natural gas utilities have obligations to distribute and sell natural gas to their customers. The utilities expect to recover costs related to these obligations in future customer rates. In order to meet these obligations, we routinely enter into long-term purchase and sale commitments for various quantities and lengths of time.
The wind generation facilities that are part of our non-utility energy infrastructure segment have obligations to distribute and sell electricity through long-term offtake agreements with their customers for all of the energy produced. In order to support these sales obligations, these companies enter into easements and other service agreements associated with the wind generating facilities.
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The following table shows our minimum future commitments related to these purchase obligations as of December 31, 2021, including those of our subsidiaries.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | Payments Due By Period |
(in millions) | | Date Contracts Extend Through | | Total Amounts Committed | | 2022 | | 2023 | | 2024 | | 2025 | | 2026 | | Later Years |
Electric utility: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Nuclear | | 2033 | | $ | 7,342.8 | | | $ | 531.2 | | | $ | 563.0 | | | $ | 596.8 | | | $ | 632.6 | | | $ | 677.9 | | | $ | 4,341.3 | |
Coal supply and transportation | | 2025 | | 821.8 | | | 260.9 | | | 213.3 | | | 180.0 | | | 167.6 | | | — | | | — | |
Purchased power | | 2051 | | 316.5 | | | 65.5 | | | 60.7 | | | 53.2 | | | 46.9 | | | 43.8 | | | 46.4 | |
Natural gas utility: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Supply and transportation | | 2048 | | 1,704.4 | | | 349.4 | | | 264.7 | | | 201.0 | | | 128.9 | | | 109.2 | | | 651.2 | |
Non-utility energy infrastructure: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Purchased power | | 2051 | | 396.3 | | | 20.6 | | | 22.5 | | | 20.6 | | | 21.0 | | | 21.4 | | | 290.2 | |
Natural gas storage and transportation | | 2048 | | 6.9 | | | 5.1 | | | 0.8 | | | — | | | — | | | 0.1 | | | 0.9 | |
Total | | | | $ | 10,588.7 | | | $ | 1,232.7 | | | $ | 1,125.0 | | | $ | 1,051.6 | | | $ | 997.0 | | | $ | 852.4 | | | $ | 5,330.0 | |
Environmental Matters
Consistent with other companies in the energy industry, we face significant ongoing environmental compliance and remediation obligations related to current and past operations. Specific environmental issues affecting us include, but are not limited to, current and future regulation of air emissions such as SO2, NOx, fine particulates, mercury, and GHGs; water intake and discharges; management of coal combustion products such as fly ash; and remediation of impacted properties, including former manufactured gas plant sites.
We have continued to pursue a proactive strategy to manage our environmental compliance obligations, including:
•the development of additional sources of renewable electric energy supply;
•the addition of improvements for water quality matters such as treatment technologies to meet regulatory discharge limits and improvements to our cooling water intake systems;
•the addition of emission control equipment to existing facilities to comply with ambient air quality standards and federal clean air rules;
•the protection of wetlands and waterways, biodiversity including threatened and endangered species, and cultural resources associated with utility construction projects;
•the retirement of older coal-fired power plants and conversion to modern, efficient, natural gas generation, super-critical pulverized coal generation, and/or replacement with renewable generation;
•the beneficial use of ash and other products from coal-fired and biomass generating units;
•the remediation of former manufactured gas plant sites;
•the reduction of methane emissions across our natural gas distribution system by upgrading infrastructure; and
•the reporting of GHG emissions to comply with federal clean air rules.
Air Quality
National Ambient Air Quality Standards
After completing its review of the 2008 ozone standard, the EPA released a final rule in October 2015, creating a more stringent standard than the 2008 NAAQS. The 2015 ozone standard lowered the 8-hour limit for ground-level ozone. In December 2020, the EPA completed its 5-year review of the ozone standard and issued a final decision to retain, without any changes, the existing 2015 standard. Under Executive Order 13990, the Biden Administration ordered that all agencies review existing regulations, orders, guidance documents, policies, and similar actions promulgated, issued, or adopted between January 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021. In October 2021, the EPA announced that it will reconsider the December 2020 decision to retain the 2015 ozone standards with no changes and that it is targeting the end of 2023 to complete this reconsideration.
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The EPA issued final nonattainment area designations for the 2015 ozone standard in April 2018. The following counties within our Wisconsin service territories were designated as partial nonattainment: Door, Kenosha, Sheboygan, Manitowoc, and Northern Milwaukee/Ozaukee. This re-designation was challenged in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in Clean Wisconsin et al. v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. A decision was issued in July 2020 remanding the rule to the EPA for further evaluation. As a result of the July 2020 remand, in June 2021, the EPA published its final action to revise the boundaries for 13 counties associated with six nonattainment areas, including several in Illinois and Wisconsin. Under the new designations, all of Milwaukee and Ozaukee counties are now listed as nonattainment and portions of Racine, Waukesha, and Washington counties have been added to the nonattainment area. Additionally, the Chicago, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin nonattainment area now includes an expanded portion of Kenosha county, and the partial nonattainment areas of Sheboygan, Door, and Manitowoc counties have also been expanded. Preliminary 2019-2021 monitoring data indicates that the Milwaukee, Sheboygan, and Chicago nonattainment areas will likely be adjusted to "moderate" nonattainment for the 2015 standard.
In February 2021, the WDNR proposed draft revisions to the Wisconsin Administrative Code to adopt the 2015 ozone standard and incorporate by reference the federal air pollution monitoring requirements related to the NAAQS. The Natural Resources Board adopted the rule as proposed during their June 2021 meeting and the rule is now in legislative review. We believe that we are well positioned to meet the requirements associated with the 2015 ozone standard and do not expect to incur significant costs to comply with associated state or federal rules.
Particulate Matter
In addition to the 2015 ozone standard, in December 2020, the EPA completed its 5-year review of the 2012 standard for particulate matter, including fine particulate matter. The EPA determined that no revisions were necessary to the current standard. This determination was also subject to review under Executive Order 13990 and in June 2021, the EPA announced it would reconsider the December 2020 decision. Under the Biden Administration's policy review, the EPA concluded that the scientific evidence and information from the December 2020 determination supports revising the level of the annual standard for the particulate matter NAAQS to below the current level of 12 micrograms per cubic meter, while retaining the 24-hour standard. A proposed rule-making is expected in summer 2022, and a final rule is expected in spring 2023. All counties within our service territories are in attainment with the current 2012 standards. If the EPA lowers the standard to 10 or 11 micrograms per cubic meter, our service territories should remain in attainment. If the EPA lowers it below 10 micrograms per cubic meter, there could be some non-attainment areas that may affect permitting of some smaller ancillary equipment located at our facilities.
Climate Change
The ACE rule, effective since September 2019, was vacated by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in January 2021. The ACE rule replaced the Clean Power Plan and provided existing coal-fired generating units with standards for achieving GHG emission reductions. In a memorandum issued to the EPA regional administrators in February 2021, the EPA stated that the D.C. Circuit Court decision meant that no existing rule regulates GHG emissions from electric generating units. The EPA is currently reviewing its options for such regulations and has signaled that a draft rule may be released in 2022 at the earliest. In October 2021, the Supreme Court agreed to review the D.C. Circuit Court's ruling vacating the EPA's ACE rule. The Supreme Court is expected to review a number of issues regarding the scope of the EPA's regulatory authority to utilize Section 111(d) of the CAA to address CO2 emissions. Arguments are expected to take place in early 2022 with a decision expected by the summer of 2022.
In January 2021, the EPA finalized a rule to revise the New Source Performance Standards for GHG emissions from new, modified, and reconstructed fossil-fueled power plants. The rule became effective in March 2021; however, it was vacated by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in April 2021. The EPA has signaled that a rule replacement is expected by June 2022. We continue to move forward on the ESG Progress Plan, which is heavily focused on reducing GHG emissions.
Our ESG Progress Plan includes the retirement of older, fossil-fueled generation, to be replaced with zero-carbon-emitting renewables and clean natural gas-fueled generation. We have already retired more than 1,800 MW of coal-fired generation since the beginning of 2018. Through our ESG Progress Plan, we expect to retire approximately 1,600 MW of additional fossil-fueled generation by 2025, which includes the planned retirements in 2023-2024 of OCPP Units 5-8 and the jointly-owned Columbia Units 1-2. In May 2021, we announced goals to achieve reductions in carbon emissions from our electric generation fleet by 60% by 2025 and by 80% by 2030, both from a 2005 baseline. We expect to achieve these goals by making operating refinements, retiring less efficient generating units, and executing our capital plan. Over the longer term, the target for our generation fleet is net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050.
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We also continue to reduce methane emissions by improving our natural gas distribution system. We set a target across our natural gas distribution operations to achieve net-zero methane emissions by 2030. We plan to achieve our net-zero goal through an effort that includes both continuous operational improvements and equipment upgrades, as well as the use of RNG throughout our utility systems.
We are required to report our CO2 equivalent emissions from the electric generating facilities we operate under the EPA Greenhouse Gases Reporting Program. Based upon our preliminary analysis of the data, we estimate that we will report CO2 equivalent emissions of approximately 22.0 million metric tonnes to the EPA for 2021. The level of CO2 and other GHG emissions varies from year to year and is dependent on the level of electric generation and mix of fuel sources, which is determined primarily by demand, the availability of the generating units, the unit cost of fuel consumed, and how our units are dispatched by MISO.
We are also required to report CO2 equivalent emissions related to the natural gas that our natural gas utilities distribute and sell. Based upon our preliminary analysis of the data, we estimate that we will report CO2 equivalent emissions of approximately 23.6 million metric tonnes to the EPA for 2021.
Water Quality
Clean Water Act Cooling Water Intake Structure Rule
In August 2014, the EPA issued a final regulation under Section 316(b) of the Clean Water Act that requires the location, design, construction, and capacity of cooling water intake structures at existing power plants to reflect the BTA for minimizing adverse environmental impacts. The federal rule became effective in October 2014 and applies to all of our existing generating facilities with cooling water intake structures, except for the ERGS units, which were permitted under the rules governing new facilities. In 2016, the WDNR initiated a state rulemaking process to incorporate the federal Section 316(b) requirements into the Wisconsin Administrative Code. This new state rule, NR 111, became effective in June 2020, and the WDNR will apply it when establishing BTA requirements for cooling water intake structures at existing facilities. These BTA requirements are incorporated into Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits for WE and WPS facilities.
We have received BTA determinations for OC 5 through OC 8 and VAPP. Although we currently believe that existing technology at the PWGS satisfies the BTA requirements, a final determination will not be made until the discharge permit is renewed for this facility, which is expected to be in the second quarter of 2022. We have received interim BTA determinations for Weston Units 2, 3, and 4. A final BTA decision for the Weston facility is expected during its next permit renewal in late 2023.
As a result of past capital investments completed to address Section 316(b) compliance at WE and WPS, we believe our fleet overall is well positioned to continue to meet this regulation and do not expect to incur significant additional compliance costs.
Steam Electric Effluent Limitation Guidelines
The EPA's final 2015 ELG rule took effect in January 2016 and was modified in 2020 to revise the treatment technology requirements related to BATW and wet FGD wastewaters at existing facilities. This rule created new requirements for several types of power plant wastewaters. The two new requirements that affect WE and WPS relate to discharge limits for BATW and wet FGD wastewater. Our power plant facilities already have advanced wastewater treatment technologies installed that meet many of the discharge limits established by this rule. There will, however, need to be facility modifications to meet water permit requirements for the BATW systems at Weston Unit 3 (to be completed by December 2023) and OC 7 and OC 8 (completed and placed in-service in mid-2021). Wastewater treatment system modifications also will be required for wet FGD discharges and site wastewater from the OCPP and ERGS units. Based on engineering cost estimates, we expect that compliance with the ELG rule will require approximately $110 million in capital investment. In December 2021, the PSCW Division of Energy Regulation and Analysis issued a Certificate of Authority approving the ERGS FGD wastewater treatment system modification. The BATW modifications do not require PSCW approval prior to construction. All of these ELG required projects are either in-service or are on track for completion by the Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit deadlines.
In July 2021, the EPA announced that it intends to initiate rulemaking to revise the ELG Rule as modified in 2020. The EPA has stated that the ELG Rule will continue to be implemented and enforced while the agency pursues this rulemaking process. The EPA plans to propose a revised rule in the fall of 2022.
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Waters of the United States
In December 2021, the EPA and the United States Army Corps of Engineers together released a proposed rule to repeal the April 2020 Navigable Waters Protection Rule that defined WOTUS. The purpose of this proposed rule will be to restore regulations defining WOTUS that were in place prior to 2015 and to update certain provisions to be consistent with relevant Supreme Court decisions. The pre-2015 approach involves applying factors established through case law and agency precedents to determine whether a wetland or surface drainage feature is subject to federal jurisdiction. In January 2022, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in a case to evaluate the proper test for determining whether wetlands are WOTUS. At this point, our projects requiring federal permits are moving ahead, but we are monitoring to better understand potential future impacts.
Land Quality
Manufactured Gas Plant Remediation
We have identified sites at which our utilities or a predecessor company owned or operated a manufactured gas plant or stored manufactured gas. We have also identified other sites that may have been impacted by historical manufactured gas plant activities. Our natural gas utilities are responsible for the environmental remediation of these sites, some of which are in the EPA Superfund Alternative Approach Program. We are also working with various state jurisdictions in our investigation and remediation planning. These sites are at various stages of investigation, monitoring, remediation, and closure.
In addition, we are coordinating the investigation and cleanup of some of these sites subject to the jurisdiction of the EPA under what is called a "multisite" program. This program involves prioritizing the work to be done at the sites, preparation and approval of documents common to all of the sites, and use of a consistent approach in selecting remedies. At this time, we cannot estimate future remediation costs associated with these sites beyond those described below.
The future costs for detailed site investigation, future remediation, and monitoring are dependent upon several variables including, among other things, the extent of remediation, changes in technology, and changes in regulation. Historically, our regulators have allowed us to recover incurred costs, net of insurance recoveries and recoveries from potentially responsible parties, associated with the remediation of manufactured gas plant sites. Accordingly, we have established regulatory assets for costs associated with these sites.
We have established the following regulatory assets and reserves for manufactured gas plant sites as of December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 |
Regulatory assets | | $ | 630.9 | | | $ | 638.2 | |
Reserves for future environmental remediation | | 532.6 | | | 532.9 | |
Renewables, Efficiency, and Conservation
Wisconsin Legislation
In 2005, Wisconsin enacted Act 141, which established a goal that 10% of all electricity consumed in Wisconsin be generated by renewable resources annually. WE and WPS have achieved their required renewable energy percentages of 8.27% and 9.74%, respectively, by constructing various wind parks, solar parks, a biomass facility, and by also relying on renewable energy purchases. WE and WPS continue to review their renewable energy portfolios and acquire cost-effective renewables as needed to meet their requirements on an ongoing basis. The PSCW administers the renewable program related to Act 141, and each utility funds the program based on 1.2% of its annual retail operating revenues.
Michigan Legislation
In December 2016, Michigan enacted Act 342, which required 12.5% of the state's electric energy to come from renewables for 2019 and 2020, and energy optimization (efficiency) targets up to 1% annually. The renewable requirement increased to 15.0% for 2021 and beyond. UMERC was in compliance with its requirements under this statute as of December 31, 2021. The legislation continues to allow recovery of costs incurred to meet the standards and provides for ongoing review and revision to assure the measures taken are cost-effective.
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Enforcement and Litigation Matters
We and our subsidiaries are involved in legal and administrative proceedings before various courts and agencies with respect to matters arising in the ordinary course of business. Although we are unable to predict the outcome of these matters, management believes that appropriate reserves have been established and that final settlement of these actions will not have a material impact on our financial condition or results of operations.
Consent Decrees
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation – Weston and Pulliam Power Plants
In November 2009, the EPA issued an NOV to WPS, which alleged violations of the CAA's New Source Review requirements relating to certain projects completed at the Weston and Pulliam power plants from 1994 to 2009. WPS entered into a Consent Decree with the EPA resolving this NOV. This Consent Decree was entered by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin in March 2013.
With the retirement of Pulliam Units 7 and 8 in October 2018, WPS completed the mitigation projects required by the Consent Decree and received a completeness letter from the EPA in October 2018. See Note 6, Regulatory Assets and Liabilities, for more information about the retirement. We are working with the EPA on a closeout process for the Consent Decree.
Joint Ownership Power Plants – Columbia and Edgewater
In December 2009, the EPA issued an NOV to Wisconsin Power and Light Company, the operator of the Columbia and Edgewater plants, and the other joint owners of these plants, including Madison Gas and Electric Company, WE (former co-owner of an Edgewater unit), and WPS. The NOV alleged violations of the CAA's New Source Review requirements related to certain projects completed at those plants. WPS, along with Wisconsin Power and Light Company, Madison Gas and Electric Company, and WE, entered into a Consent Decree with the EPA resolving this NOV. This Consent Decree was entered by the United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in June 2013. As a result of the continued implementation of the Consent Decree related to the jointly owned Columbia and Edgewater plants, the Edgewater 4 generating unit was retired in September 2018. See Note 6, Regulatory Assets and Liabilities, for more information about the retirement. Wisconsin Power and Light Company has started the process to close out this Consent Decree.
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | Year Ended December 31 |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Cash paid for interest, net of amount capitalized | | $ | 473.8 | | | $ | 492.9 | | | $ | 485.9 | |
Cash paid (received) for income taxes, net | | 33.8 | | | 27.9 | | | (24.9) | |
Significant non-cash investing and financing transactions: | | | | | | |
Accounts payable related to construction costs | | 127.8 | | | 153.1 | | | 159.9 | |
Increase in receivable related to insurance proceeds | | 41.7 | | | 2.7 | | | — | |
Non-cash capital contributions from noncontrolling interest | | 1.5 | | | — | | | 21.0 | |
The statements of cash flows include our activity related to cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash. Our restricted cash primarily consists of the cash held in the Integrys rabbi trust, which is used to fund participants' benefits under the Integrys deferred compensation plan and certain Integrys non-qualified pension plans. All assets held within the rabbi trust are restricted as they can only be withdrawn from the trust to make qualifying benefit payments. Our restricted cash also consists of cash on deposit in financial institutions that is restricted to satisfy the requirements of certain debt agreements at WECI Wind Holding I and WEPCo Environmental Trust. The restricted cash we received when WECI acquired ownership interests in certain wind generation projects is included in our restricted cash as well. This cash is restricted as it can only be used to pay for any remaining costs associated with the construction of the wind generation facilities. See Note 2, Acquisitions, for more information on the acquisitions of these wind generation projects.
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The following table reconciles the cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash amounts reported within the balance sheets at December 31 to the total of these amounts shown on the statements of cash flows:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Cash and cash equivalents | | $ | 16.3 | | | $ | 24.8 | | | $ | 37.5 | |
Restricted cash included in other current assets | | 19.6 | | | — | | | — | |
Restricted cash included in other long term assets | | 51.6 | | | 47.8 | | | 44.8 | |
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash | | $ | 87.5 | | | $ | 72.6 | | | $ | 82.3 | |
Recovery of Natural Gas Costs
Due to the cold temperatures, wind, snow, and ice throughout the central part of the country during February 2021, the cost of gas purchased for our natural gas utility customers was temporarily driven significantly higher than our normal winter weather expectations. All of our utilities have regulatory mechanisms in place for recovering all prudently incurred gas costs.
On March 23, 2021, WE and WG requested approval from the PSCW to recover approximately $54 million and $24 million, respectively, of natural gas costs in excess of the benchmark set in their GCRMs. On March 30, 2021, the PSCW approved the requests and both WE and WG recovered these excess costs over a period of three months, beginning in April 2021. In March 2021, WPS also filed its revised natural gas rate sheets with the PSCW reflecting approximately $28 million of natural gas costs in excess of the benchmark set in its GCRM. WPS recovered these excess costs over a period of three months, beginning in April 2021.
PGL and NSG incurred approximately $131 million and $10 million, respectively, of natural gas costs in February 2021 in excess of the amounts included in their rates. These costs are being recovered over a period of 12 months, which started on April 1, 2021. PGL's and NSG's natural gas costs will be reviewed for prudency by the ICC as part of their annual natural gas cost reconciliation, which we expect to file with the ICC in April 2022. The ICC could order the refund of any costs determined to be imprudent as part of the reconciliation.
In February 2021, MERC incurred approximately $75 million of natural gas costs in excess of the benchmark set in its GCRM. In July 2021, MERC and four other Minnesota utilities filed a joint proposal with the MPUC to recover their respective excess natural gas costs. Under the proposal, MERC will recover $10 million of these costs through its annual natural gas true-up process over a period of 12 months, and the remaining $65 million over 27 months, both beginning in September 2021. In August 2021, the MPUC issued a written order approving this proposal; however, recovery of these costs and the issue of prudence has been referred to a contested-case proceeding. As a result of the proceeding, the MPUC could disallow recovery or order the refund of any costs determined to be imprudent. A decision regarding this review is expected in August 2022.
Natural gas costs incurred at MGU and UMERC in excess of the amount included in their respective rates were not significant.
Coronavirus Disease – 2019
The global outbreak of COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization and the CDC. COVID-19 has spread globally, including throughout the United States and, in turn, our service territories. Each of the states in which our regulated utilities operate declared a public health emergency and issued shelter-in-place orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the shelter-in-place orders have since expired or been lifted. The PSCW, the ICC, the MPUC, and the MPSC all issued written orders requiring certain actions to ensure that essential utility services were available to customers in their respective jurisdictions. A summary of these orders is included below.
In March 2020, the PSCW issued two orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The first order required all public utilities in the state of Wisconsin, including WE, WPS, and WG, to temporarily suspend disconnections, the assessment of late fees, and deposit requirements for all customer classes. In addition, it required utilities to reconnect customers that were previously disconnected, offer deferred payment arrangements to all customers, and streamline the application process for customers applying for utility service.
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In the second order issued in March 2020, the PSCW authorized Wisconsin utilities to defer expenditures and certain foregone revenues resulting from compliance with the first order, and expenditures as otherwise incurred to ensure safe, reliable, and affordable access to utility services during the declared public health emergency. The PSCW affirmed that this authorization for deferral included the incremental increase in uncollectible expense above what was being recovered in rates. As WE, WPS, and WG already have a cost recovery mechanism in place to recover uncollectible expense for residential customers, this deferral only impacted the recovery of uncollectible expense for their commercial and industrial customers. See Note 5, Credit Losses, for information regarding changes to our allowance for credit losses. On December 16, 2021, the PSCW approved a motion to end all COVID-related deferrals as of December 31, 2021. The total amount deferred at our Wisconsin utilities related to the COVID-19 pandemic was not significant as of December 31, 2021. The PSCW will review the recoverability and examine the prudency of any deferred amounts in future rate proceedings.
In June 2020, the PSCW issued a written order providing a timeline for the lifting of the temporary provisions required in the first March 2020 order. Utilities were allowed to disconnect commercial and industrial customers and require deposits for new service as of July 25, 2020 and July 31, 2020, respectively. After August 15, 2020, utilities were no longer required to offer deferred payment arrangements to all customers. Additionally, utilities were authorized to reinstate late fees except for the period between the first order and this supplemental order. Our Wisconsin utilities resumed charging late payment fees in late August 2020. Late payment fees were not charged on outstanding balances that were billed between the first order and late August 2020.
Subsequent to the June 2020 order, the PSCW extended the moratorium on disconnections of residential customers until November 1, 2020. In accordance with Wisconsin regulations, utilities are generally not allowed to disconnect residential customers for non-payment during the winter moratorium, which began on November 1, 2020 and ended on April 15, 2021. Utilities were allowed to continue assessing late payment fees during the winter moratorium. On April 5, 2021, the PSCW issued a written order indicating that it would not extend the moratorium on disconnections further; therefore, utilities could begin disconnecting residential customers for non-payment after April 15, 2021. Utilities are required to offer a deferred payment arrangement to low-income residential customers prior to disconnecting service. The order also allowed our Wisconsin utilities to resume charging late payment fees on the full balance of all outstanding arrears, regardless of the associated dates the service was provided, after April 15, 2021.
In March 2020, the ICC issued an order to all Illinois utilities, including PGL and NSG, requiring, among other things, a moratorium on disconnections of utility service and a suspension of late fees and penalties during the declared public health emergency. These provisions applied to all utility customer classes. Illinois utilities were also required to temporarily enact more flexible credit and collections procedures.
In June 2020, the ICC issued a written order approving a settlement agreement negotiated by Illinois utilities, ICC staff, and certain intervenors. The key terms of the settlement agreement included the following:
•The moratorium on disconnections and the suspension of late fees and penalties were extended until July 26, 2020.
•Customers disconnected after June 18, 2019 could be reconnected without being assessed a reconnection fee if reconnection was requested prior to August 25, 2020.
•Flexible deferred payment arrangements were required to be offered to residential and commercial and industrial customers for an extended period of time and with reduced down payment requirements.
•Deposit requirements were waived until August 25, 2020 for all residential customers, and were waived for an additional four months for residential customers that verbally expressed financial hardship.
•PGL and NSG were required to establish a bill payment assistance program with approximately $12.0 million and $1.2 million, respectively, available for eligible residential customers to provide relief from high arrearages.
In addition to the above, the settlement agreement approved in June 2020 authorized PGL and NSG to implement a SPC rider to recover incremental direct costs resulting from COVID-19, foregone late fees and reconnection charges, and the costs associated with their bill payment assistance programs incurred between March 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. PGL and NSG began recovering costs under the SPC rider on October 1, 2020. Amounts deferred under the SPC rider are being recovered over 36 months and will be subject to review and reconciliation by the ICC. As of December 31, 2021, PGL's and NSG's regulatory assets related to the COVID-19 pandemic were $22.9 million, collectively.
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Subsequent to the approval of the June 2020 settlement agreement, and at the request of the ICC, PGL and NSG agreed to extend the moratorium on disconnections for qualified low-income residential customers and residential customers expressing financial hardship through March 31, 2021. The annual winter moratorium in Illinois that generally prohibits PGL and NSG from disconnecting residential customers for non-payment began on December 1, 2020 and ended on March 31, 2021.
In March 2021, the ICC issued a written order approving a second settlement agreement negotiated by Illinois utilities, ICC staff, and certain intervenors. The key terms of this new settlement agreement were as follows:
•Utilities could start sending disconnection notices, on a staggered basis, as of April 1, 2021. Disconnections were done on a staggered schedule based on customer arrears and income levels (e.g. low income versus non-low income customers). Utilities were not allowed to disconnect customers for non-payment prior to June 30, 2021 if the customer's household income was below 300% of the federal poverty level and the customer was on a deferred payment plan.
•Utilities were required to continue offering flexible deferred payment arrangements with reduced down payment requirements to residential customers through June 30, 2021.
•Reconnection fees were waived for eligible low income customers through June 30, 2021. In addition, utilities will continue to exempt eligible low income customers from late payment fees and deposits.
•Each utility was required to continue, or renew, its bill payment assistance program through 2021. In addition to the $12.0 million PGL initially funded, PGL was required to fund an additional $6.0 million to its bill payment assistance program. No additional funding was required for NSG due to the amount still available for assistance from its initial funding. During April 2021, PGL's bill payment assistance program ended as all $18.0 million of funds were exhausted. NSG's bill payment assistance program ended in August 2021 when its funds were exhausted.
•Costs related to the provisions in the settlement agreement, including costs related to the bill payment assistance programs, were recoverable through the SPC rider.
In May 2020, the MPUC issued a written order authorizing Minnesota utilities, including MERC, to track and defer COVID-19 related expenses and certain foregone revenues. The MPUC will review the recoverability and examine the prudency of any deferred amounts in future rate proceedings. As of December 31, 2021, amounts deferred at MERC related to the COVID-19 pandemic were not significant.
In June 2020, the MPUC verbally ordered Minnesota utilities to temporarily suspend disconnections and waive reconnection fees, service deposits, late fees, interest, and penalties for all residential customers. In addition, utilities were required to immediately reconnect residential customers that were previously disconnected. In August 2020, the MPUC issued a written order affirming these temporary provisions. Prior to the June 2020 verbal order issued by the MPUC, MERC had voluntarily taken actions to ensure its customers continued to receive utility services during the pandemic. These actions included, but were not limited to, temporarily suspending disconnections and waiving late payment fees for residential and small commercial and industrial customers that entered into payment plans.
In March 2021, the MPUC issued an order requiring Minnesota utilities to file a transition plan to resume collections and disconnections upon the earlier of an Executive Secretary finding the transition plan was complete, or 90 days following the expiration of Minnesota's declared peacetime emergency. MERC filed its transition plan in April 2021, and it was subsequently deemed complete by the Executive Secretary. In accordance with the transition plan, MERC resumed disconnections on August 2, 2021. MERC will not disconnect residential customers with past due balances if the customer has a pending application or has been deemed eligible for a financial assistance program. In addition, MERC will continue to offer flexible deferred payment arrangements to residential customers. For customers who enter, or are complying with, a payment arrangement, MERC will not impose any service deposits, down payments, interest, late payment fees, or reconnections fees through April 30, 2022.
In April 2020, the MPSC issued a written order requiring Michigan utilities, including MGU and UMERC, to put certain minimum protections in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. The minimum protections required by the order included the suspension of disconnections, late payment fees, deposits, and reconnection fees for certain vulnerable customers. In addition, utilities were required to extend access to and enhance the flexibility of payment plans to customers financially impacted by COVID-19.
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As required in the MPSC order, MGU and UMERC filed responses with the MPSC in April 2020 affirming the actions being taken to protect customers. These actions provided protections to more customers than required by the MPSC order, and included suspending disconnections for all residential customers, waiving deposit requirements for new service, suspending the assessment of late fees for customers that entered into payment plans, and enhancing payment plan options for all customers.
The April 2020 MPSC order also authorized all Michigan utilities to defer, for potential future recovery, uncollectible expense incurred on or after March 24, 2020 that exceeded the amounts being recovered in rates. In July 2020, the MPSC issued an order denying Michigan utilities' ability to defer additional COVID-19 related expenses and certain foregone revenues. The MPSC indicated that utilities could still seek recovery of these costs and foregone revenues by filing additional information on the specifics of their request. MGU and UMERC filed comments with the MPSC in November 2020 indicating they had not experienced any material additional COVID-19 related expenses or foregone revenues, but will continue to monitor them and will notify the MPSC if they become material. At December 31, 2021, our Michigan utilities had not recorded any deferrals related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In June 2021, MGU and UMERC worked with MPSC staff to develop a transition plan to resume collections and disconnections, while continuing to assist customers in managing their arrears balances. In accordance with the agreed upon transition plan, MGU and UMERC resumed pre-pandemic collection activities and residential service disconnections on August 2, 2021. Flexible deferred payment arrangements will continue to be available to customers.
Wisconsin Electric Power Company, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, and Wisconsin Gas LLC
2022 Rates
In March 2021, WE, WPS, and WG filed an application with the PSCW for the approval of certain accounting treatments that will allow them to maintain their current electric, natural gas, and steam base rates through 2022 and forego filing a rate case for one year. In connection with the request, the three utilities also entered into an agreement, dated March 23, 2021, with various stakeholders. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, the stakeholders fully supported the application. In September 2021, the PSCW issued written orders approving the application.
The final orders reflect the following:
•WE, WPS, and WG will amortize, in 2022, certain previously deferred balances to offset approximately half of their forecasted revenue deficiencies.
•WG will defer interest and depreciation expense associated with capital investments since its last rate case that otherwise would have been added to rate base in a 2022 test-year rate case.
•WE, WPS, and WG will defer any increases in tax expense due to changes in tax law that occur in 2021 and/or 2022.
•WE, WPS, and WG will maintain their earnings sharing mechanisms for 2022, with modification. The earnings sharing mechanisms were modified to authorize the utility to retain 100% of the first 15 basis points of earnings above its currently authorized ROE. This modification expires on December 31, 2022. The earnings sharing mechanisms otherwise remains as previously authorized.
•WE, WPS, and WG will file a full 2023-2024 test-year rate case no later than May 1, 2022.
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2020 and 2021 Rates
In March 2019, WE, WPS, and WG filed applications with the PSCW to increase their retail electric, natural gas, and steam rates, as applicable, effective January 1, 2020. In August 2019, all three utilities filed applications with the PSCW for approval of settlement agreements entered into with certain intervenors to resolve several outstanding issues in each utility's respective rate case. In December 2019, the PSCW issued written orders that approved the settlement agreements without material modification and addressed the remaining outstanding issues that were not included in the settlement agreements. The new rates were effective January 1, 2020. The final orders reflected the following:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | WE | | WPS | | WG |
2020 Effective rate increase (decrease) | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Electric (1) (2) | | $ | 15.3 | million | / | 0.5% | | $ | 15.8 | million | / | 1.6% | | N/A |
Gas (3) | | $ | 10.4 | million | / | 2.8% | | $ | 4.3 | million | / | 1.4% | | $ | (1.5) | million | / | (0.2)% |
Steam | | $ | 1.9 | million | / | 8.6% | | N/A | | N/A |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
ROE | | 10.0% | | 10.0% | | 10.2% |
| | | | | | | | | | | | |
Common equity component average on a financial basis | | 52.5% | | 52.5% | | 52.5% |
(1) Amounts are net of certain deferred tax benefits from the Tax Legislation that were utilized to reduce near-term rate impact. The WE and WPS rate orders reflected the majority of the unprotected deferred tax benefits from the Tax Legislation being amortized over two years. For WE, approximately $65 million of tax benefits were amortized in each of 2020 and 2021. For WPS, approximately $11 million of tax benefits were amortized in 2020 and approximately $39 million were amortized in 2021. The unprotected deferred tax benefits related to the unrecovered balances of certain of WE's retired plants and its SSR regulatory asset were used to reduce the related regulatory asset. Unprotected deferred tax benefits by their nature are eligible to be returned to customers in a manner and timeline determined to be appropriate by our regulators.
(2) The WPS rate order was net of $21 million of refunds related to its 2018 earnings sharing mechanism. These refunds were made to customers evenly over two years, with half returned in 2020 and the remainder returned in 2021.
(3) The WE amount includes certain deferred tax expense from the Tax Legislation, and the WPS and WG amounts are net of certain deferred tax benefits from the Tax Legislation that were utilized to reduce near-term rate impact. The rate orders for all three gas utilities reflected all of the unprotected deferred tax expense and benefits from the Tax Legislation being amortized evenly over four years. For WE, approximately $5 million of previously deferred tax expense will be amortized each year. For WPS and WG, approximately $5 million and $3 million, respectively, of previously deferred tax benefits will be amortized each year. Unprotected deferred tax expense and benefits by their nature are eligible to be recovered from or returned to customers in a manner and timeline determined to be appropriate by our regulators.
In accordance with its rate order, WE filed an application with the PSCW in July 2020 requesting a financing order to securitize $100 million of Pleasant Prairie power plant's book value, plus the carrying costs accrued on the $100 million during the securitization process and the related financing fees. In November 2020, the PSCW issued a written order approving the application. The financing order also authorized WE to form a bankruptcy-remote special purpose entity, WEPCo Environmental Trust, for the sole purpose of issuing ETBs to recover the approved costs. In May 2021, WEPCo Environmental Trust issued $118.8 million of 1.578% ETBs due December 15, 2035. See Note 14, Long-Term Debt, for more information regarding the issuance of the ETBs. See Note 23, Variable Interest Entities, for more information regarding WEPCo Environmental Trust.
The WPS rate order allows WPS to collect the previously deferred revenue requirement for ReACT™ costs above the authorized $275.0 million level. The total cost of the ReACT™ project was $342 million. This regulatory asset is being collected from customers over eight years.
The PSCW approved all three Wisconsin utilities continuing to have an earnings sharing mechanism through 2021. The earnings sharing mechanism was modified from its previous structure to one that was consistent with other Wisconsin investor-owned utilities. Under this earnings sharing mechanism, if the utility earned above its authorized ROE: (i) the utility retained 100.0% of earnings for the first 25 basis points above the authorized ROE; (ii) 50.0% of the next 50 basis points were required to be refunded to customers; and (iii) 100.0% of any remaining excess earnings were required to be refunded to customers. In addition, the rate orders also required WE, WPS, and WG to maintain residential and small commercial electric and natural gas customer fixed charges at previously authorized rates and to maintain the status quo for WE's and WPS's electric market-based rate programs for large industrial customers through 2021.
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The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company and North Shore Gas Company
Third-Party Transaction Fee Adjustment Rider
In accordance with the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act that was signed into law in Illinois, effective September 15, 2021, utilities are prohibited from charging customers a fee when they elect to pay for service with a credit card. Utilities are now required to incur these expenses. On October 27, 2021, PGL and NSG filed requests with the ICC for approval of a TPTFA rider, which will allow for the recovery of these third-party transaction fee expenses that are now being incurred. The ICC approved the TPTFA rider for PGL on December 16, 2021, and it became effective on December 27, 2021. PGL began recovering costs under the rider on February 1, 2022. Amounts deferred under the rider will be recovered over a period of 12 months and will be subject to an annual reconciliation whereby costs will be reviewed by the ICC for accuracy and prudency. On January 3, 2022, NSG filed a motion with the ICC to withdraw its request for the TPTFA rider, which was subsequently accepted by the ICC. NSG recovers costs related to these third-party transaction fees through its recently established base rates.
North Shore Gas Company 2021 Rate Order
In October 2020, NSG filed a request with the ICC to increase its natural gas rates. In September 2021, the ICC issued a written order authorizing a rate increase of $4.1 million (4.5%). The rate increase reflects a 9.67% ROE and a common equity component average of 51.58%. The natural gas rate increase is primarily driven by NSG's ongoing significant investment in its distribution system since its last rate review that resulted in revised base rates effective January 28, 2015. The new rates were effective September 15, 2021.
Qualifying Infrastructure Plant Rider
In July 2013, Illinois Public Act 98-0057, The Natural Gas Consumer, Safety & Reliability Act, became law. This law provides natural gas utilities with a cost recovery mechanism that allows collection, through a surcharge on customer bills, of prudently incurred costs to upgrade Illinois natural gas infrastructure. In January 2014, the ICC approved a QIP rider for PGL, which is in effect through 2023.
PGL's QIP rider is subject to an annual reconciliation whereby costs are reviewed for accuracy and prudency. In March 2021, PGL filed its 2020 reconciliation with the ICC, which, along with the 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016 reconciliations, are still pending. In July 2019, the ICC approved a settlement of the 2015 reconciliation, which included a rate base reduction of $7.0 million and a $7.3 million refund to ratepayers.
As of December 31, 2021, there can be no assurance that all costs incurred under PGL's QIP rider during the open reconciliation years will be deemed recoverable by the ICC.
Minnesota Energy Resources Corporation
2018 Rate Order
In October 2017, MERC initiated a rate proceeding with the MPUC. In December 2018, the MPUC issued a final written order for MERC. The order authorized a retail natural gas rate increase of $3.1 million (1.26%). The rates reflect a 9.7% ROE and a common equity component average of 50.9%. The final rates were implemented on July 1, 2019. The final approved rate increase was lower than the interim rates collected from customers during 2018 and through June 30, 2019. Therefore, MERC refunded $8.2 million to its customers during the second half of 2019.
The final order addressed the various impacts of the Tax Legislation, including the remeasurement of deferred tax balances. All of the impacts from the Tax Legislation have been included in base rates. The order also approved MERC's continued use of its decoupling mechanism for residential customers. Effective January 1, 2019, MERC's small commercial and industrial customers are no longer included in the decoupling mechanism.
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Michigan Gas Utilities Corporation
2021 Rate Order
In February 2020, MGU provided notification to the MPSC of its intent to file an application requesting an increase to MGU's natural gas rates to be effective January 1, 2021. However, MGU decided that it would delay its filing of the rate case as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
In May 2020, MGU filed an application with the MPSC requesting approval to defer $5.0 million of depreciation and interest expense during 2021 related to capital investments made by MGU since its last rate case. In July 2020, the MPSC issued a written order approving MGU's request. The deferral of these costs helped to mitigate the impacts from delaying the filing of the rate case.
In March 2021, MGU filed its request with the MPSC to increase its natural gas rates. In July 2021, MGU filed with the MPSC, a settlement agreement it reached with certain intervenors, which the MPSC approved in a written order in September 2021. The order authorizes a rate increase of $9.3 million (6.35%) and reflects a 9.85% ROE and a common equity component average of 51.5%. The natural gas rate increase was primarily driven by MGU's significant investment in capital infrastructure since its last rate review that resulted in revised base rates effective January 1, 2016. The order also allows MGU to implement a rider for its Main Replacement Program that will support recovery of planned capital investment related to pipeline replacements to maintain system safety and reliability between 2023 and 2027, without having to file a rate case. We expect approximately $31.7 million of costs to be recovered through this rider. All costs recovered through the rider are subject to a prudence review by the MPSC. The new rates became effective January 1, 2022.
Total other income, net was as follows for the years ended December 31:
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
(in millions) | | 2021 | | 2020 | | 2019 |
Non-service components of net periodic benefit costs | | $ | 72.2 | | | $ | 41.2 | | | $ | 36.2 | |
AFUDC – Equity | | 18.0 | | | 20.9 | | | 14.4 | |
Gains from investments held in rabbi trust | | 18.6 | | | 12.7 | | | 21.2 | |
Earnings from equity method investments (1) | | 19.9 | | | 2.4 | | | 3.5 | |
Other, net | | 4.5 | | | 2.3 | | | 26.9 | |
Other income, net | | $ | 133.2 | | | $ | 79.5 | | | $ | 102.2 | |
(1) Amount does not include equity earnings of transmission affiliates as those earnings are shown as a separate line item on the income statements.
Simplifying the Accounting for Income Taxes
In December 2019, the FASB issued ASU 2019-12, Simplifying the Accounting for Income Taxes. The new standard removes certain exceptions for performing intraperiod allocation and calculating income taxes in interim periods and also adds guidance to reduce complexity in certain areas, including recognizing deferred taxes for tax goodwill and allocating taxes to members of a consolidated group. The guidance was effective for annual and interim periods beginning after December 15, 2020. The adoption of ASU 2019-12, effective January 1, 2021, did not have a significant impact on our financial statements and related disclosures.
Reference Rate Reform
In March 2020, the FASB issued ASU No. 2020-04, Reference Rate Reform (Topic 848): Facilitation of the Effects of Reference Rate Reform on Financial Reporting, which provides optional expedients and exceptions for applying GAAP to contracts, hedging relationships, and other transactions affected by reference rate reform if certain criteria are met. The amendments apply only to contracts, hedging relationships, and other transactions that reference LIBOR or another reference rate expected to be discontinued because of reference rate reform. The amendments are effective for all entities as of March 12, 2020 through December 31, 2022. We are currently evaluating the impact this guidance may have on our financial statements and related disclosures.
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Government Assistance
In November 2021, the FASB issued ASU No. 2021-10, Government Assistance (Topic 832). The amendments in this update increase the transparency surrounding government assistance by requiring disclosure of 1) the types of assistance received, 2) an entity’s accounting for the assistance, and 3) the effect of the assistance on the entity’s financial statements. The update is effective for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2021. We plan to adopt this pronouncement for our fiscal year ending on December 31, 2022, and we are currently evaluating the impact this guidance may have on our financial statements and related disclosures.
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